FAQs by parents

Daycare and creche facilities for kids- yay or nay?

Daycare and creche facilities for kids- yay or nay?

Various studies have shown that children benefit greatly from going to a childcare centre and this holds for babies and toddlers from 6 months to 4 years of age. Here are some advantages of daycare centres:

Kids learn to Socialise

This is the place where children start meeting new people, they learn the manners of talking to people and start making new friends.

Kids start learning

This is the first place where children start receiving formal education, they start learning new things through various fun activities, keeping the process fun and interesting.

Immunity Development

Childcare centres are the places where children get out of their homes which is a safer environment and interact with different children. More the child gets exposed to rowdy environmental, more their body starts becoming immune to it. 

Follow a proper schedule

 A routine and proper schedule is very important in one's life and children start getting into proper schedule ones they start going to daycare centres. The various activities planned for them in the daycare centres also happen according to a proper schedule and hence they start learning the importance of time and start valuing it more. 

Smoother Transition to Formal Schooling 

Kids who start going to daycare centres may find it easier to adjust to the formal schooling atmosphere. This is because by the time they are ready to go to a kindergarten they may already be aware of being with same age group children, follow a schedule and other such things that may make the transition easier for them.

Childcare centres are a great boon but everything may have some pros and cons and the following are some of the cons or disadvantages of a childcare centre:

1) You may have to shed extra money for an extended stay at a daycare centre.

2) If the immunity of the child is too low, they may get sick very frequently. Sometimes the childcare centres might not allow sick children, and that might disturb the whole schedule of the family.

3) Daycare centres follow a routine and sometimes your kid may not adjust well to it and it may create problems for you too.

4) It might be very difficult to decide which daycare centre is best for your child.


Bambinos is a place where we take care of the overall development of your child's development and growth at every stage of their childhood. We provide the best daycare facilities and best care for your child.







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Bambinos Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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