Parenting 101

30 Positive Thoughts for the Day to Inspire your Kids to go to School

30 Positive Thoughts for the Day to Inspire your Kids to go to School


Why Children Need Constant Inspiration to go to School

One of the major concerns of parents is to help their children understand and experience the joy of learning collectively at school. It may become a daunting task for some parents as some little ones become cranky and are not as inclined as their counterparts to go to school. Every child is unique. Each needs a different way to be inspired and guided. We at Bambinos are delighted to share some helpful input through thoughts on how to continue inspiring kids to go to school, especially in the initial years of school life. This blog, we’ll talk about 30 positive thoughts for the day to inspire your kids to go to school:

“What we learn with pleasure we never forget.”– Alfred Mercier

1. Inspiration: Enjoyable learning experiences enhance retention and understanding, thereby highlighting the link between pleasure, engagement and effective learning. 

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”– Nelson Mandela

2. Inspiration: It is with education, that society and its people advance, evolve and better themselves. Education is an ongoing process and it has to begin on the best note, so that children not only enjoy their journey of learning for life, but also become instruments of change in society.

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” W.B. Yeats

3. Inspiration: Schools do not just satisfy the curiosity of children, they learn that acquiring knowledge is necessary, and is something that goes on forever; love for learning is best ignited at school.

"Education is the key to unlocking your limitless potential." - Oprah Winfrey

4. Inspiration: School is the place where the limitless potential of a child is tapped and given supportive strong wings to soar.

"The art of conversation is the dance of ideas, gracefully choreographed by curiosity.”- Unknown

5. Inspiration: School is a wonderland where curiosity is the key that unlocks innumerable doors to the world of wisdom.

“Education is the bridge between dreams and reality. Take every step with determination and joy.”- Unknown

6. Inspiration: It is at school that children learn to dream and turn those into reality. They are taught and trained to enjoy the journey as much as they will the destination. 

"In the classroom, you're not just learning subjects – you're building the foundation for your dreams." - Michelle Obama

7. Inspiration: At school, little minds are introduced to different subjects gradually. It is here that they dare to dream and work on them which forms the foundation. Every lesson contributes in the realisation of their dream future, personal and professional.

"School is the workshop where your talents are crafted into strengths." - Steve Jobs

8. Inspiration: School is routine; and routine, discipline. Each day at school is a sunrise, casting its light on minds, bringing out their hidden talents that are honed and turned into strengths to help them find their niche in society.

"In the symposium of learning, questions are the sparks that kindle the fire of enlightenment.”- Unknown

9. Inspiration: School is the learning ground where questions are answered and the love for learning begins. It is at school that children under the guidance of their teachers and in the company of their peers broaden their horizons of thoughts and continue to push their boundaries.

“Dream big, study hard, and let your education inspire you to make a positive impact on the world.”- Sudha Murthy

10. Inspiration: Students become trailblazers in their own fields because of the education they receive, the hard work they put in, the big dreams they weave, and how passionately they chase those dreams.

"Words are the brushstrokes painting the canvas of understanding.”- Unknown

11. Inspiration: When the talents of students are recognised, and they learn the use of colours as well as the brushstrokes required to paint the canvas of their lives, true artists are born.

"School is not just about acquiring facts; it's about nurturing the skills that make you unstoppable." - Michelle Phan

12. Inspiration: Information is not the only benefit reaped at schools, children learn how to hone and hold their skills. This unstoppable habit many a times becomes their profession.

"Education is the passport to the future, and each day at school is a stamp on that passport." - Angela Merkel

13. Inspiration: School is a whirlwind of wisdom, helping students spiral towards enlightened understanding through a systematic joyful journey of learning.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” - Dr. Seuss 

14. Inspiration: Books are a storehouse of knowledge: the more you take from them, the more informed you become. Literally speaking, you get to know about ideas and perspectives, and metaphorically you experience different cultures and broaden your understanding. You are enriched through literature, as well as worldly experiences. 

“School provides a conducive environment for children to bloom.” - Unknown

15. Inspiration: Schools provide a structured learning pattern, social interactions, a supportive atmosphere that includes a well thought curriculum and skilled educators: all these create a foundation for academic growth as well as social skills. 

"School is the canvas where you paint the picture of your aspirations." - Albert Einstein

16. Inspiration: The role of education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of children by offering diverse subjects and activities. This exposure at school helps them to explore their interests and talents. Additionally, the learning environment encourages students to introspect and set their targets that ultimately helps them shape their future.

“Little children grow their wings at school in order to soar high in the flight of life.”- Unknown 

17. Inspiration: Schools are the nurturing ground which forms the foundation for personal and intellectual growth of children. They develop essential skills, knowledge, and values, preparing them for success and achievement as they pave their way through the challenges of life.

“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.”- Brian Herbert

18. Inspiration: There are three aspects in the process of learning. Firstly, there is an innate capacity with which everyone is born. Secondly, this innate capacity can be further honed by practice. Thirdly, if the child willingly engages in the learning process, which is a choice they make, their capacity to learn is further enhanced. Willingness to learn definitely strengthens and speeds up the pace of learning and broadens the capacity to learn as well.

"Your education is an investment in a brighter tomorrow." - Bill Gates

19. Inspiration: The time, effort and resources invested in the education of children, lead to a better and more promising future. Education has the power to transform lives in a big way.

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”- B.B. King

20. Inspiration: Knowledge once acquired, becomes an integral part of a child. No external force can destroy or diminish the acquired wisdom. Education in other words is for life which helps in day-to-day challenges.

“Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference.”- Claire Fagin

21. Inspiration: Schools equip children with knowledge and train their minds to dip into their reservoir of awareness and bring the change they want to see in society.

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”- John Dewey

22. Inspiration: Education is immersive and intrinsic in nature. Students sail through the different phases of their lives and their understanding, thoughts and actions are shaped in the process. 

“Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.”-Nora Ephron

23. Inspiration: Schools are like miniature societies. They prepare students for real life challenges and opportunities that lie in their present and future. Schools act as stages for children to develop their skills, deepen their insights and acquire understanding on how to deal with people and handle situations in their adulthood. They are adventurers, discovering treasures of knowledge and skills.

“Develop a passion for learning.  If you do, you will never cease to grow.”Anthony J. D’Angelo

24. Inspiration: Children should be enthusiastic about acquiring knowledge and skills. This ensures continuous and consistent growth throughout their lives. Curiosity and engagement while learning helps them adapt to new challenges and embrace new opportunities for their development.

“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.”– Confucius 

25. Inspiration: Education brings with it confidence. This confidence gives birth to hope for a bright future which in turn makes children work for it. And when everyone works hard for their personal development, it also brings forth the establishment of a peaceful and hopeful community.

 “Children learn what they live.”- John Taylor Gatto 

26. Inspiration: Schools provide a conducive environment and experiences that shape the development and behaviour of children. This is in addition to the knowledge they amass. They learn how to treat others and imbibe values. Thus, the nurturing and positive environment influences the overall development of children.

 “Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”- Martin Luther King

27. Inspiration: Schools provide space for learning, and students are astrogators exploring knowledge. It is in this environment that the purpose of education is fulfilled, that is, children gain knowledge of subjects, learn social skills, imbibe virtues as well as ethics, and a sense of responsibility.

 “Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.”- Malala Yousafzai 

28. Inspiration: Schools are hubs of inspiration, where students learn to read and write. They learn to use these skills to contribute to society. Every individual has the power to use education to their own advantage, as well as the advantage of society at large. The right mentorship leaves a positive impact on students, bringing out the best in them.

"Knowledge is a gift that keeps on giving, and school is where you unwrap it." - B.B. King 

29. Inspiration: Education is a gift that children receive from schools, and the learning process is like unwrapping the gift. Education is so precious as it opens up opportunities for personal and societal growth.  

 “Knowledge is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Attend school with a heart ready to learn.”- Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

30. Inspiration: The mindset of children transforms the learning process manifold. Education is a valuable possession that is treasured by every single child. It enriches their lives, shaping personal growth and contributing to their success. Receptive minds receive more.

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Article Author

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Yasmeen Jamil

Teaching is both her passion and profession, a fulfilling journey she has embraced for over three decades. Her love for this work stems from being an educator who truly connects with the essence of children, particularly those under her guidance. She firmly believes that work should intertwine seamlessly with play, imparting both enjoyment and educational rewards to children. Her goal is to consistently engage with students, ensuring they experience the joy of learning and cultivate a lifelong enthusiasm for being eager learners.

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