Parenting 101

Why do you need to focus on child fitness?

Why do you need to focus on child fitness?

As parents, you are always thinking about your child’s overall growth and fitness- both physical and mental. Doctors also recommend that participating in fitness activities helps in developing the muscles and bones of the body. You must be wondering what is the right time to start your child’s fitness, well honestly, fitness has no age bars. Fitness does not mean going to the gym and lifting heavy weights, it can be any activity which keeps your body fit and active.

Fitness activities would vary as per a person’s age. Here are some age-appropriate activities to build your child’s fitness.

Freehand exercise and yoga

For children aged three to five, it is recommended to keep them physically active throughout the day. This can be achieved through an hours’ practice of freehand exercise regularly. This improved their bone health and keep them at a healthy weight. Most preschools have a session on exercise and yoga conducted daily. Not only does this help in keeping your child fit, but also develops an interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, yoga is known to keep your body flexible and aids mental calm. There is a lot of toddler program which cater to child fitness and conduct classes online.


As they grow, kids may lose interest in a closed environment of organized sports. Hence, they need proper exposure to the outdoor world also. Cycling is one such activity which happens outdoor and focuses on increasing strength.  


Swimming is a very healthy and fun way to encourage your child’s fitness. It’s completely safe to introduce your kids to aqua fitness activities at an early age. With adequate safety, these classes usually start with lessons on blowing bubbles and water exploration before starting the actual lessons on swimming. This fun water activity will excite your children and they would love to remain fit this way.


Participating in games and sports ensure healthy overall development. They would have achieved enough stamina by practising freehand exercise staying indoors, but to provide them with an adrenaline rush, you need to involve them into sports fitness. Different sports like basketball, football, baseball, etc., engage the body muscles and bones. They facilitate healthy growth and provide all the energy to the kids. Moreover, this engagement during childhood might also encourage your child to take up sports as a career.

Runs and marathons

Another healthy way to encourage your child’s fitness is by participating in runs and marathons. After considerable exposure to physical activities, you need to involve them in diverse athletic events. Runs and marathons would be one of the first athletic toddler programs for your kids. And don’t worry, with proper training and hydration, these distance running races are absolutely safe for your children.

If you wish to start your child’s fitness, Bambinos provides various fitness activities classes online to cater to such needs. Enrol your child to one of the classes and start his fitness journey.

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Bambinos Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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