Parenting 101

10 Tips to improve public speaking skills in children

10 Tips to improve public speaking skills in children

Impressive public speaking has the power to charm the audience be it globally or anywhere else, and history has identified outstanding speakers from around the world. This is one reason why starting to coach children in public speaking early is important. While, several people are fearful of public speaking, children may be able to conquer this fear if they are revealed to it untimely. Here are some proven ways to improve public speaking skills in children.

Ways to enhance public speaking:

1. Participate in public speaking classes/group

Joining a public speaking class where a group of children of the same age are also involved helps to polish speaking skills because every elocutionist requires viewers. This way, a child becomes more assertive and positive in front of an audience. 

2. Allow children to watch cartoon in English

Televisions these days are equipped with the option of switching language of one’s choice for any show or program. As kids like watching cartoons, let them watch it in English. This way, they can surely enhance communication skills by understanding basic English sentences. Apart from this, they also learn new words and improve vocabulary.

3. Motivate kids to talk in English at home

Parents have a significant role in defining their children’s communication skills. It’s important to nurture a positive environment at home. Parents can ask them to describe their day in as much detail as possible. This will encourage them to reply back in the same manner. By having English conversations at home, their confidence will improve overall. 

4. Encourage kids to listen English songs

Music is an amazing way to uplift the mood. Just like watching English T.V shows , encouraging kids to hear English songs is another easy and fun manner to improve the language. The songs have a recurring sequence, thus it is effortless to remember. Listening to such songs will help them pick up the correct pronunciation of many words and elevate their vocabulary.  

5. Play interactive games

On the weekends, it’s best to spend maximum quality time with kids. Parents can do so by playing interactive speaking games like ‘charades’. All you got to do is create chits on fascinating topics and have your kid choose a chit and speak about it spontaneously for a minute and then visa versa. This is a super fun and productive way of devoting time with kids.

6. Give importance to the child’s opinion

Communication commands children to demonstrate their opinions and thoughts. The talk can be as basic as - which restaurant should we go to or whether they think dogs or cats are friendlier. Invite the child’s opinions on currently trending topics. Reveal them how statements that start with “In my opinion” or “I feel” can one-up their conversation style. 

7. Promote better encouragement

Encouraging kids to exhibit themselves effortlessly promotes them to speak up more often. Refrain from giving them too much feedback on grammar and pronunciation. It’s preferable to begin by emphasizing their strong points rather than shaky ones as this doesn’t discourage the child.

8. Inculcate reading habit 

One of the few things that parents can do is to incorporate reading habit in their kids. They can do so by buying  books that appeal kids the most. It could also be some all- time classic  kids novels or motivational storybooks with morals and life-lessons. For teenagers, they can read one or two pages of newspaper and magazines every day. This way they are updated about the current affairs and later discuss about their view points with parents. 

Reading bedtime stories is another great way of evolving the language. With every new page, coloured with visuals, simple sentences and new words will help enhance vocabulary. Hence, sit with kids and take out time for reading.  

9. Ask open ended questions 

When answers can be a an array of things and not just “yes” or “no”, it’s known as open ended questions. such questions help kids learn to ponder hard and state logical reasoning.

10. Avail technology for practice

In the digital era, technology is  a dynamic means in public speaking. Teachers here at Bambinos support kids to make video presentations or involve in virtual speaking events. This not only gives a chance  of introspection but helps them get ready for the advanced world.



Promoting public speaking abilities in kids is an asset to their future victory. Contributing an optimistic environment, motivating steady practice, giving valuable feedback and right guidance can add to the evolvement of bold and persuasive speakers and making students successful in both academic and professional forum. 

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Article Author

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Sarah Ali

Sarah Ali is a passionate teacher and Lifelong learner. She takes pleasure into guiding students to find their voice and express themselves confidently. Her teaching approach revolves around fostering a positive and inclusive classroom environment where students can thrive. By instilling a love for learning, she aims to nurture their curiosity, critical thinking skills, and passion for expressing themselves effectively.

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