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8 Math Division Tricks: Making Division Fun & Accessible

8 Math Division Tricks: Making Division Fun & Accessible

Crack the secrets to effortless division with these 8 fun and effective math tricks! Discover simple techniques with Bambinos.Live that makes division easy and enjoyable for students of all ages. Perfect for teachers, parents, and learners looking to master division with confidence.


Division often happens to be one of the most difficult concepts for kids to learn. Although it's easy and fun to adopt, several kids often struggle with it. Teachers and parents are often on the lookout for division tricks that are fun and easy. 

After all, who wouldn't want to learn difficult things in an easy manner? Since Math is difficult already, it is important to have a proper understanding of it. Adopting the right tips and techniques can however be of great help. This article is your complete guide to making division techniques for kids fun and easy. 

8 Math Division Tricks for Fun and Ease

The division made easy is no longer a distant concept but a reality. It has become extremely important in today's time for students to learn different concepts easily. Here are some of the top-division tricks you may want to consider in the long run:

1. The Halving Trick for Even Numbers

It is quite easy to learn the division tricks for even numbers. All you need to do is teach the kids to do the even number in half. For example, you can ask the kids to divide any even number by 2. The simplest concept here is that if there is an even digit at the end of the number it can be divided into two equal parts. 

However, at the same time, it is important to teach them the basic concepts of what an even number is. For example, any number that is divisible by 2 is an even number. It is important to keep the concept clear from the very beginning to avoid any problems in learning later. 

2. Multiplication Facts for Division Shortcuts

If you want to teach division shortcuts to your kids, try teaching them multiplication shortcuts. This is one of the easiest and fun division techniques for kids. This method is completely dependent on helping the kids understand that division is the inverse of multiplication for the kids. 

Thus, if the kids are well aware of multiplication, and know their tables by heart, they can easily reverse it. This will provide them the answer to their division requirements. For example, if the kids know the multiplication of 8 completely, they can easily reverse any problem that may come with it. 

3. The Doubling and Halving Trick

The Doubling and Halving division tricks may seem a little complicated in the initial stages, but it is completely worth it. When kids see larger numbers, it is very common for them to become confused and understand how to use that approach. Therefore, a lot of kids become intimidated and don't want to solve the problem.

However, the Doubling and Halving Trick can go a long way in helping them learn. In this case, all they need to do is double one number and half the other. One of the main reasons this works is because the overall value doesn't change. However, the numbers change which makes it easier to perform calculations. Using this technique, the kids can learn division easily and promptly. 

4. Reciprocals and Inverse Option

As soon as the kids understand the concept of reciprocals and inverse, division becomes easier for the kids. This is one of those Math division tricks that simplifies the entire process. The reciprocals and inversion division method is crucial to be learnt when the kids are dealing with fractions and complex numbers. 

The reciprocal of a number will be simply divisible by one. Therefore, simply by using one method, division can be turned into multiplication and vice versa. As a result, the kids will be able to use it to improve their learning. This process is extremely essential, especially when the kids are learning fractions. It is advisable to teach kids the same in the initial stages only. 

Read more: How to Teach Division to Kids in 11 Easy Steps

5. Cross-Division Method

The cross-division method is often referred to as a simplification method. It is very similar to the reciprocal method but with a slight difference. One of the best parts of using the cross-division method is that it simplifies bigger numbers into smaller ones. Therefore, even the most complex problems become easier. 

The cross-division method comes in handy when the divisor and dividend have a common factor. All you need to do is simplify the numbers first. Once the complex numbers are simplified, division becomes easier. Therefore, the individuals can deal with making division fun. 

6. Skip Counting to Find Quotients

The method of skipping counting to find quotients is only applicable when one is well-versed with multiplication and tables. Skipping counting for finding quotients is however a visual method of solving complex multiplication problems and making division fun. 

In the case of this method, one needs to keep counting the divisor until they reach the dividend. Since it is a visual method, it can be done using fingers. Apart from that, depending on the comfort level of your kids, you can also adopt drawings and counters for adopting this approach. It is easy and fun to learn. 

7. The 10s, 100s Trick

One of the simplest division tricks is to divide the numbers by 10s, 100s and 1000s. It leads to the placement of a decimal on the number depending on the number of zeroes it has. It is a very straightforward process, in which the decimal point needs to be placed. 

This is one of the easiest division methods to adopt without even having to be bogged down by the numbers. No matter how complex numbers are, as long as they can be divided by zero, things can become easy. You don't have to get into complex calculations for this method. 

8. Chunking Method

The chunking method is an easy division trick. In this case, the larger numbers are broken down into smaller numbers. Therefore, division becomes more of a manageable case in this. The chunking method involves breaking down the bigger numbers into smaller ones depending on the process. 

In the case of the chunking method, the larger number constantly needs to be subtracted by the dividend unless 0 or a remainder is met. This method is slightly complex. However, it is one of the easiest methods to adopt the learning process. The chunking method may be time consuming, which is why it is important for the kids to stay focused on it. Adopting a step-wise approach can however be of great help in resolving the problem. 

Final Thoughts

Math division tricks can be extremely difficult in some cases. Therefore, it is important to adopt the right approach. Parents should consider easy division techniques for kids in the initial stages. This would play an important role for them to understand the procedure. Furthermore, kids can also learn a lot of new things by adopting these methods. Thus, it is crucial to understand the process and eventually make division easy. 


1. How should parents introduce division to their kids?

Parents should consider making division fun and easy for kids by adopting creative ways. Fraction flowers and egg carton flowers can be extremely engaging ways to introduce division. 

2. How to do easy division tricks?

For first-time learners, division can seem to be slightly difficult. Therefore, it is extremely important to adopt easy and fun ways to understand the approach. Start with smaller numbers before moving to the advanced ones. 

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Article Author

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Anchal Sinha

Anchal Sinha is a highly motivated lady with an MBA in Finance and Marketing and has worked for three years in this field. After becoming a mother and carrying out the responsibilities of motherhood, she left her career. Thereafter, she planned to be a gratified writer and acquired three years of content writing experience till now. She also worked as a teacher in a school and a retail trainer at ICA Edu Skills Pvt Ltd. Taking forward this experience, she started working as a phonics educator at Bambinos Live. She put in all the efforts to engage kids in her classes. Seeing kids enjoying her class and participating in activities motivates her to work with full vigour. This made her competent to work in altering environments. She puts her 100% into whatever she makes up her mind to pursue. With these potentials, she desires to flourish in anything and everything.

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