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AI in Education: The Advantages and Disadvantages

AI in Education: The Advantages and Disadvantages

The future is already here. It is without a doubt that teachers and students are increasingly finding Artificial Intelligence in education as popular. These educators use AI as education tools to support them in making lesson plans or tallying students’ scores however learners can have their projects, assignments and research papers done for them by AI. While one can argue that Artificial Intelligence in 2024 is becoming part of our daily lives now, there are still some pros and cons about the technology that need further attention and are up for discussion. This blog will guide you in identifying each of these pros and cons, including what role you should play to ensure that there is moderation when using AI in education. Finally, we shall weigh the benefits as well its drawbacks to establish whether teachers should make use of them or not within their teaching method.

Advantages of AI in the education sector

Integrating AI technology into education is booming in this contemporary world. We have AI to help us out and to make our daily lives easier. It only takes a well-worded task for you to get whatever you want done within seconds, nothing more. This is just one of the numerous Pros of AI, let’s talk about others!

1. Improved Student Engagement and Motivation

AI algorithms providing personalized learning exercises or instant feedback and communication via AI natural language processing are some ways that can make learning more exciting when using AI applications in teaching. Moreover, gamified learning aided by AI can improve the already enjoyable, engaging and rewarding mode of teaching. Educators who use these tools might be guided towards interactive teaching techniques leading to higher class participation levels resulting in better learning objectives.

2. Enhancing Student Performance

Another important advantage of artificial intelligence in education is that it can enhance students’ performance by giving them more feedback. AI-powered systems can evaluate the progress of students, offer them targeted feedback and identify areas where they need improvement. Additionally, AI can monitor students’ behaviour patterns, assess their attention levels and determine whether they need further help with some subjects or granular aspects or particular skills. It could be expected that nearly instantaneous AI-powered feedback plus improved learning experiences will put student ability to new heights.

3. Cost-Effective Learning

Further still, using AI in Education has the potential from an institutional point of view to reduce the cost of education considerably. There are multiple tasks done by administration, teachers, and IT that can be automated with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). For instance, with the aid of AI daily activities such as grading, scheduling, data management and even tutoring may be conducted. Consequently, educational institutions that employ AI can save money on budget expenses since they need fewer on-site resources for efficient operation thus increasing cost-effectiveness in learning institutions.

4. Continuous Evaluation and Improvement in the long run

The final entry on our Pros of AI list is continuous evaluation and improvement. AI-backed EdTech tools can easily collect, analyze, and provide teachers with reporting data for students’ learning outcomes and conduct patterns. AI can offer insights such as predicting future performance, suggesting personalized interventions, identifying at-risk students early in time and refining teaching methods through predictive analytics.

This helpful information offers an opportunity for teachers to conduct a more thorough assessment concerning their student’s strengths and weaknesses within the classroom. Furthermore, it gives them the chance to upgrade their teaching strategies for better learning experiences.

Cons of Artificial Intelligence in Education

For everything to be balanced in this world, one must have Pros and Cons and so does AI. What are some of the cons that we can consider as challenges in AI? Let us proceed with identifying them further below.

1. Threat to Teacher’s Job Security

Teacher’s job security is the first on the list. Although this has not begun happening, it may be a worry that evolving and adopting AI could affect the necessity for some professions in teaching. If AI keeps automating more parts of education, there might be less need for teachers, meaning better productivity and lost jobs.

2. De-humanized Learning Experience

Dehumanization of the learning experience is among the largest drawbacks of AI in education. In this case, students might not benefit from humanly nuanced approaches that are utilized by teachers when they teach using artificial intelligence algorithms producing content and maintaining the pace at which lessons flow. In addition, these algorithms can reinforce stereotypes hence failing to provide a comprehensive curriculum that addresses each student’s individual needs.

3. Costly to Implement for Teachers 

One other disadvantage that can result from having AI in education is that it is expensive to implement especially for teachers. Not all schools have money set aside specifically for buying AI tools or systems for their schools and colleges. Besides, implementing AI technology in most schools nowadays would be too costly now however later it will become cheaper with time as suggested by many experts who have done extensive research on this aspect? As such, if a teacher has to meet such costs then maintaining these materials becomes problematic and expensive too because there are no funds available to do so under most circumstances within educational institutions today.

4. Dependence on Technology

As schools become increasingly reliant on AI-powered solutions, there is a risk that teachers and students may become too reliant on technology. In the long run, this dependence could result in the neglect of important traditional teaching methods and the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Read more: With AI Taking Over Technology Learning English Remains a Key step

Human Intervention: The Roles of Teachers

As a result of AI, how students learn and teachers teach has gradually changed. However, just like any other innovation, there are pros and cons to incorporating AI into classrooms, human intervention will be necessary when there are too many problems in class. Now the the question is, what important role should teachers be taking to ensure that AI usage among students is still moderate?

  • Teachers may co-teach with their AI counterparts where the AI system may teach or instruct while giving feedback or tutoring in real-time but leaving the teacher to offer guidance towards interpretation or deeper engagement with the material
  • The role of mentors, motivators and learning facilitators among teachers is vital. Teachers introduce humanity, empathy, social-emotional skills as well as creativity and critical thinking which cannot be generated by AI
  • The teacher-AI partnership seeks to leverage technology while preserving the irreplaceable human aspects of teaching.

Teachers have the power to set rules and boundaries in class, even if it seems simple. Here’s a strict rule against using the internet for any face-to-face class activities, just let your students think freely and creatively based on their previous lessons.

Given these artificial intelligence pros and cons, it is of crucial importance for EdTech companies and educational systems to work together to strike a balance while approaching AI in education. As part of this initiative, teachers ought to know how best they can apply AI tools in instruction without losing sight of their primary role as instructors.

Time to Weigh in! Does using Artificial Intelligence in Education have more Pros or Cons?

We are almost through with this argument and for the teacher as an individual, can we say that he should not use AI for teaching purposes? Absolutely not. The world we live in has changed; we must recognize that artificial intelligence is likely to have more benefits than drawbacks so you should expect it to be embraced not only by learners but also every other sector. Let us only learn how to use it sparingly and create an example whereby our students will never fully depend on AIs. It is all about confidence in your expertise, trust in your skills, and better judgment.


The place of AI in education is dynamic, which implies that it AI and education can go hand-in hand and can offer a lot to teachers if they so wish. Educators must therefore seize the moment and utilize AI in the classrooms to achieve better student performance besides promoting equity. Despite this fact, we still need to incorporate the use of AI-based EdTech tools in their teaching strategies.

Thanks to AI, teachers won’t have to spend so much time creating thought-provoking questions for quizzes or tests. It means that once an instructor uploads his or her lesson slides in point format, the system will generate all questions by itself through analysis of these slides. In summary, this tool finds its way into any subject matter a teacher has captured within PowerPoint slides and stimulates questions instantly.

Nothing can replace the emotions and compassion a human teacher has toward their students yet. - Anonymous

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Kanishka Chawla

Kanishka Chawla is a Award-winning Educator ⭐️ Inspirational Speaker ✨ Holistic Well-being Advocate. With over a decade of experience in personal development and empowerment, Kanishka Chawla is a highly respected figure in the field. As an accomplished Author, Life Coach, and Internationally Certified NLP Trainer, she has dedicated her career to helping individuals unlock their full potential and lead fulfilling lives. She has inspired individuals to overcome obstacles, tap into their true potential, and lead more fulfilling lives through her teachings and inspirational talks.

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