Parenting 101

How to Encourage Your Child to Write from the Heart

How to Encourage Your Child to Write from the Heart

For communication writing is the tool that provides people with the capability to share their ideas, feelings, and inspirations. However, writing can prove very beneficial for children as helping in the exercising of imagination and self-empathy. Nevertheless, encouraging the child to write as genuinely as possible might be quite a complex task. 

The following are some of the works that can assist you in enticing your child to write from his or her soul, write genuinely, and enjoy writing. 

1. A lot can be done to ensure that a favorable writing environment is put in place.

In the case of children, favorable conditions are significant for writing with genuine feelings. Ensure the kid is in a comfortable room without many interferences; a place where the child will be able to pen down his/her thoughts. Make sure that the area is equipped with different kinds of writing instruments with suitable notebooks, different pens, and inspiring books. 

Let children write anything of their choice to foster creativity so that they can write more. This makes them feel like the writing projects being assigned to them are purely their own, hence coming out with heartfelt writing. 

2. Encourage Daily Journaling:

Recording a few words of one’s choice every day is another great technique for children’s true and sincere writing. Suggest your child maintain at least one diary where they can put down what they go through, what they think, and what they feel. This way the child has a chance to freely write all the thoughts and feelings he or she has without worrying about a grade she or he’ll get. 

Writing from down below the heart can be encouraged by practicing the following ideas and topics with children. It is possible to suggest something like “What brought you joy today?” or “Tell about a place that makes you feel protected and relaxed. ” 

3. Share Your Writing:

It is a fact that children agree with the particular behavior of parents as well as other grown-ups. Be engaged in the following ways; It is also important to share your writing with your child such as journals, letters, or short stories. Showing your child how you write your thoughts and feelings can inspire them to jot down his/her thoughts and feelings. 

Sharing details about your writing with children also assists them learn that writing something close to their heart is a lifelong and complex process. 

4. Use Storytelling Techniques:

When it comes to writing and especially when writing from the heart, children are always receptive to storytelling. Ensure that your child understands the basics of creating stories such as creating character, setting, and plot. Advise them to write issues that they have faced or issues that they know touch people’s hearts. 

For instance, if your child writes a story about a brave character, then encourage him or her to ponder on the time he or she felt brave. The link between one’s experiences and the narrator helps children to write with more understanding and in a much more believable way. 

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5. Encourage Reading:

Frequent exposure to different books from different writers and of different genres compels children to write with more of their natural selves. Suggested for you are books with a good, passionate writing style that you should give to your child. Read these books with your child and base the discussion on the authors’ understanding of feelings and events. 

Teaching children how to write from ‘the heart’ might just involve getting them to write like famous writers. Mention a book they read and then tell them that you want them to write a short story or a poem in that particular book’s tone. 

Apart from being beneficial to the training of writing, it also fulfills the need to discover personal voice among them. 

6. Provide Positive Feedback:

This means that positive reinforcement has to be employed when teaching kids how to write with one’s heart. Encourage your child and appreciate some points of the writing that you liked or found to be sensitive. Any corrective feedback should be softened, and the feedback should not dwell on the ideas they have presented but rather on how the students could expound on them better. 

To foster heartfelt writing in kids there should be a provision of a platform that with give all the kids' attention and make them feel important. That is why, if children expect that their thoughts and feelings will be appreciated, and that they will be willing to write as they feel.

7. Encourage Collaborative Writing:

Group writing can also compel your child to write from within themselves. Encourage your child to write a story or a poem together with you. Writing can thus be made less of a daunting task given that this can be done in collaboration with friends and hence it can be fun. 

When your child is writing in cooperation with others, explain the thought processes and feelings in each other’s ideas to your child and demonstrate the importance of emotional writing. 

8. Celebrate Their Work:

Praise your child for the writing they do no matter the level of the class. Let them write for displays at home, to family and friends, or even create a writing portfolio. This encourages them mostly because celebrating the work they do inspires them to write from the heart more. 


To nurture the ability of your child to write emotionally, you need to promote a specific atmosphere and encourage him or her in the right way. That is why using these strategies, you can facilitate your child’s writing and at the same time, strengthen emotional intelligence and emotional expression. Of course, remember that no rule says writing has to be drudgery and that it should be a fun, interesting project through which your child can freely express themselves.

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Article Author

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Bushra Nathani

Bushra comes with more than 3 years of Phonics experience. Positive, dedicated professional with the passion of dealing with kindergarten kids defines Bushra. She uses creative tricks and tactics to make classroom interesting and joyful. Her aim is to develop great communicative and vocabulary skills in her students by focusing on their reading and speaking skills with proper pronunciation.Bushra comes with more than 3 years of Phonics experience. Positive, dedicated professional with the passion of dealing with kindergarten kids defines Bushra. She uses creative tricks and tactics to make classroom interesting and joyful. Her aim is to develop great communicative and vocabulary skills in her students by focusing on their reading and speaking skills with proper pronunciation.

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