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How to Overcome Reading Difficulties in Kids

How to Overcome Reading Difficulties in Kids

Children face reading problems for various reasons. Before understanding how to overcome reading difficulties in kids, we need to look at reasons why children face issues in reading. 

Reading problems faced by children:

Difficulty in Comprehension

Poor comprehension skills can be detrimental for the students. This can be a sign that the student has some cognitive challenge. With reading comprehension activities, this difficulty can be overcome.

Mixed Difficulties

Sometimes, it may also happen that the children do not have a single problem, but a mix of different problems. Some of their challenges may include decoding, dyslexia, comprehension, and even more. These can prevent the kids from learning at a stable pace. 

In the young ages, it is very common for them to undergo mixed difficulties. In this regard, the students are likely to get their words mixed or confused in the meaning of specific terms. 


Under certain circumstances, it is possible that the kids may not be able to catch up to your speed which can further make reading difficult for them. If the reading speed of the student does not improve with the grade, it can be a sign that the cognitive development of the kid is slow. As a result, they may not be able to keep up with the cognitively demanding tasks. 

How to Improve Reading Skills for Kids? 

When the kids are learning to read, it is important to focus on the basic elements that will help to improve their vocabulary. Getting reading help for kindergarten kids can be extremely beneficial, especially regarding their long-term growth.

Here are some tips to follow for improving reading skills:

Activate Thinking and Reading Strategies

If you want to improve the comprehension capabilities of your children, you must work on improving their thinking skills. It is advisable to read a particular subject with your kids and ask them to recall their understanding of the subject. 

One of the best reading strategies to trigger thinking in kids is to ask them to look at mind maps, images, or titles to let them skim through the concepts. Provide the flexibility to the kids to go through each of the concepts carefully. Visual imagery can play an important role in fostering creativity in kids. 

Build Vocabulary of Your Kids

As your kids are growing, they will be learning a lot of new things around them. Therefore, encourage them to learn more.

The more you work on building the vocabulary of your kids, the easier it is for them to read well. You should teach some important English terms to your kids or provide them with a glossary. It is also important to provide them an insight into the learning concepts so that their thinking can be simplified. 

Read more: English Vocabulary Building Tips and Strategies for kids

Visual Imagery and Audiobook

When your kid is learning to read, you should offer them visual imageries and audiobooks. The visual and listening skills through these can help to build the learning capabilities of the children. It can also be one of the important ways to build the motor skills of the students. 

Encourage your kids to draw a picture of what they understood from the text. Make sure that you're not making it too heavy in the first go itself. Start with smaller words and encourage them to go through each of them and then make the drawings. You can also make them listen to an audio and ask them to draw what they understand from it. In order to improve the reading skills of students, it is advisable to ask the kids to draw as they listen to specific topics. This can also help you get an understanding of what they're learning. 

Memorize Sight Words

Memorizing sight words is crucial to improving reading skills as you can often encounter them in written text. Quickly recognizing sight words boosts their comprehension and reading fluency.

The more fluent your kid is in English, the faster they're likely to read. Using flashcards and environmental cues to memorize sight words can be one of the best ways to boost learning in kids. 

Reciprocal Teaching

Parents have often ignored the importance of reciprocal teaching. Reciprocal teaching is often said to be one of the best ways to improve reading strategies in kids. It provides a simpler manner for the kids to help them understand the concept of texts they've gone through. 

When you're practicing reciprocal teaching for the kids, it is advisable to assign different roles. Various roles such as questioner, clarifier, predictor, and summarizer can be assigned to the kids or vice versa for a better and clearer understanding. It also plays an important role in initiating the discussions with the kids. Moreover, assigning leadership roles to the kids can also foster their overall growth.

Read more: From Vocabulary to Fluency | Expert Advice on Nurturing English Speaking Skills in Kids at Home 


Q. As a parent, can I help to improve the reading capabilities of my kid?

Ans:. Yes, you can. Apart from the daily schooling needs, students need the support of their parents in their education. 

Q. Should I use flashcards to help my kids read?

Ans:. Yes, in fact, flashcards can be a great way to improve the reading capabilities of your kid and enhance their learning knowledge. 

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Anchal Sinha

Anchal Sinha is a highly motivated lady with an MBA in Finance and Marketing and has worked for three years in this field. After becoming a mother and carrying out the responsibilities of motherhood, she left her career. Thereafter, she planned to be a gratified writer and acquired three years of content writing experience till now. She also worked as a teacher in a school and a retail trainer at ICA Edu Skills Pvt Ltd. Taking forward this experience, she started working as a phonics educator at Bambinos Live. She put in all the efforts to engage kids in her classes. Seeing kids enjoying her class and participating in activities motivates her to work with full vigour. This made her competent to work in altering environments. She puts her 100% into whatever she makes up her mind to pursue. With these potentials, she desires to flourish in anything and everything.

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