Parenting 101

How to Teach Subtraction to Kids: 10 Best Methods

How to Teach Subtraction to Kids: 10 Best Methods

Maths is an essential subject which is used in our daily life as well. There are different basic properties like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and so on to start teaching the kids. Today we are going to discuss the basics of subtraction. 

What is Subtraction?

Subtraction is the process to take away a number of quantities from the total number of quantities to get what is left out. It is known as the opposite of addition as the number decreases in subtraction unlike addition. 

To teach kids the concept of subtraction, use different types of real objects, toys or counters to make it easy for them to understand. Explaining to them how to find out the number of objects left when some objects are taken away would be easier. For example, taking away five apples from seven apples will leave them with two apples will be more relatable and engaging for them.

When Should Your Child Learn Subtraction?

Subtraction should be taught to the kids in preschool after they are well versed with different concepts of numbers and can solve addition sums properly. Start with simple ones and gradually moving to the more advanced ones will help the kids.

Symbol Of Subtraction

We use different symbols to represent different operations in math. For subtraction, we use the minus sign or “-” between the two numbers to represent that we are going to perform subtraction.

For example, in the expression “6 – 1 = 5”, the symbol “-” connects the two numbers and tells us that we have to perform the subtraction between the two numbers.

What Is Formula of Subtraction?

Subtraction is achieved using the formula:

  • Minuend is the number from which the other number is subtracted.
  • Subtrahend is the number which is to be subtracted from the minuend.
  • Difference is the final result after subtracting the subtrahend from the minuend.

Therefore, the subtraction formula: Minuend – Subtrahend = Difference

For Example: 8 - 5 = 3

Few important ways to teach them easily are

1. Use manipulatives like counter, blocks or fingers

2. Use real life objects like fruits, stationary etc

3. Using number line strategy

4. Using flash cards for visual representations

5. Interactive games technique

6. Colourful printable worksheets 

10 best methods to teach kids subtraction:

1. Teaching subtraction according to child’s age

The kid's mind is fragile and needs some time to grasp the complicated problems. So always start with simple sums with the help of live examples which helps them to understand easily. For example - If we take away 3 flowers from 8 flowers, how many flowers are left? The child can look at the flowers and easily count to give the answer. Therefore, no pre4ssure should be given and instead we should help the kid to follow step by step methods.

2. Subtraction math strategies: building number sense

Recognizing the numbers is very important and the first step to learn subtraction.

  • Back counting from 10 to 1 should be practiced with the kids which helps them to build number sense and subtract easily.
  • One more / one less - this concept should be made clear for easy calculation.

3. Learning mathematical vocabulary

The kids should introduce the different mathematical terms and vocabulary. These words help them to solve the sums efficiently with confidence and deepen their concepts.

4. Transition to abstract numbers

After the child feels comfortable subtracting with realistic objects and visual concepts, we can slowly direct them towards abstract numbers. It includes bigger numbers and counting backwards technique. It might seem a little difficult with time but with regular practice and clear concepts, they can master it easily. Children can also take the help of their palms when required to subtract.

5. Explain subtraction to a child with coursebooks

Coursebooks always are a precious and helpful guide to teach children efficiently about the concept. They include lesson plans, engaging games and worksheets. All the concepts are detail oriented and helpful for the parents in teaching the mathematical concepts.

6. Teach subtraction using number lines

Number lines are the easiest way to teach the kids subtraction within the limit of 20.

Number lines help kids master subtraction within 20.

So, how to teach simple subtraction with this method? Here is how it works:

  • Draw and separate a line with 20 equal segments. Number them from 1 to 20.
  • Explain that your kid can subtract by counting backward on the number line.

Let’s take 8 – 5 = 3 as an example. Find 8 on the number line. Then, jump five times back: 8 → 7 → 6 → 5 → 4 → 3. Consequently, 8 – 5 = 3.

7. Learning subtraction via memorizing subtraction facts

Learning the subtraction facts helps the kids to give prompt answers to the basic subtraction sums without solving them. With practice they can calculate two-digit and three-digit calculations without effort. Repetition of facts should be done regularly to memorize it.

8. Subtraction math strategies: visualize and strategize

Visualizing numbers and solving the subtraction sums through it, is one of the efficient techniques. Once the kid masters this technique, they can solve the sums quickly and efficiently. This technique is helpful as real manipulatives are not required.

9. Using real-world scenarios

Engaging children in actual-world situations and problems can be a notably effective technique for teaching subtraction. Real-life examples bring mathematical principles to life, making them extra relatable and less complicated to understand. 

These situations might be easy ones like taking away number of mangoes and how many left after that. This technique prepares them for future with more complicated sums.

10. Kids to master the subtraction facts via games

Consistently practicing maths is the key to achieve better results. the parents can practice the subtraction sums with kids with the help of different games and techniques.

Alpha Math offers a game-based learning experience with a unique four-step approach to mastering every concept in math. Schedule a Free Class Now

Article Author

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Madhur Churiwala

Madhur Churiwala is an accomplished English and communicative skills educator with 15 years of experience. She holds a degree of B. ED in English. She started her career as a Fashion Designer but her passion for teaching and interacting with children turned her into a highly skilled educator. Initially she taught in school and then moved onto online teaching platform where she showcased her skills in education. Her way of teaching in fun and playful environment always inspires children to develop a love for learning. Over the years she has developed her passion for writing. As an author, Madhur brings her dedicated educational background to her blogs offering the valuable insights for educators, parents and students alike.

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