Parenting 101

Role of Parents in Child's Development

Role of Parents in Child's Development

Explore the key role parents play in their kid's development with visions from Bambinos.Live. Discover the effective ways in which parental participation shapes a child’s development, from cognitive to emotional, and acquire treasured strategies for promoting a positive environment at home.

Parenting isn't stagnant, but a continuously evolving process in which you have a very important role to play in child development. Right from early childhood care to education, a good parent is required to take care of it all. As a parent, your primary responsibility is to help develop the cognitive skills of the child even before they start schooling. 

One of the most essential parenting tips to follow is to provide them with the freedom and excellence to grow at home. As the saying goes ‘charity begins at home’, many experts also believe that learning begins at home. 

Before your child is exposed to the outer world of school education, they receive their basic learnings and manners from the parents. Parents have a huge role to play in shaping the habits, emotional characteristics, and personality of the child. So we, at Bambinos.Live, suggest the more you're involved in your child's life, the more you're giving them the space to grow not only socially but academically as well. 

Which Areas Do Parents Contribute to Early Childhood Care?

Early childhood care and education go hand-in-hand especially when the parent is taking care of the child. Your child is going to be present at the school or daycare for only a few hours. They spend a huge part of their day in the home, so as parents you need to take a look at them. Here are three major areas through which you can contribute to the development of your child:

Be Their Role Model

Your child will learn a lot from you- from daily habits to discipline. Indirectly, you will be their role model, so make sure to be a good one. It is one of the many important parenting tips to teach your kids about taking accountability for their actions and developing values. 

Many kids are quick learners, so they will pick up on your mannerisms and daily habits and try to include them in their lives too. If you want a healthy child development process, make sure to have an active involvement in understanding how your kids are picking up your behaviors. At the same time, you should not only support them to build their mental but also emotional quotient. 

Help With Schoolwork

A lot of kids often feel neglected when their parents are not involved or do not help them with their schoolwork. This can lead to a negative feeling towards the parents and may also hamper their development process. Therefore, it is always a good idea to help the kids with their education. 

While you're assisting the kids with their schoolwork, you must remember that every child's learning capacity will be different. Therefore, dedicate some time to them to help them understand the lessons, revise the topics, and also complete the homework. Allowing your child to maintain a healthy balance in learning and playing while rewarding them for their progress can have a positive impact on them. 

Establish a Learning Environment at Home

One of the best ways to foster child development right from home is to create a learning environment for all. While you're encouraging the kids to learn at home, it is also important to build an inclusive environment wherein you are emotionally present for your kids. 

To support the early education of the kids, reassure them that you're there. Help them understand that even when things fail, you will be supporting them. Creating a loving environment where the kids are accepted openly will allow your children to be active. It will allow them to take risks and be curious. After all, curiosity can play an important role in the overall learning procedure. 

Role of Parents in Early Childhood Education

Education is the key to development. While your kids receive the necessary support in the school, parents must do their due diligence as well. As a parent, you will be the primary source for providing education and nurturing to the child. Therefore, make sure to do it in the right manner. Some of the key ways through which you can influence early childhood care and education for your kids are as follows:

Prepare a Routine

Always prepare a routine for your kids, it helps them learn the importance of discipline. When you prepare a routine, focus on study time, homework completion, and revision scale. This can be one of the key ways to help the kids learn the importance of taking responsibility. 

Offer a Supportive Environment 

In the initial stages, your child is going to need a lot of support, so make sure to foster a supportive environment for the kids. Since you're focusing on establishing healthy early childhood habits, create a calm and quiet study space for them. Allow them an area where they can study with full focus without being disturbed. Moreover, do not forget to appreciate them for their hard work and be genuinely interested in their academic achievements. 

Teach Behavior and Discipline 

Child development isn't something that will happen overnight, but it is an ongoing process. You need to teach healthy behavior and discipline to the kids right from a very young age. Always teach your kids the importance of values like responsibility, respect, and perseverance. If you want your kids to grow healthily, you must communicate your expectations and also set boundaries on homework completion and what their behavior should be like in the classroom. 

Communicate with Teachers

Always communicate with the teachers of your kids. If the school hosts parent-teacher meetings, make sure to be an active part of it. It is also a good idea to stay in touch with your child's teachers via phone or email. Also, it is advisable to take active participation in the school activities. Once you have enrolled your kids in the school, make sure to discuss the child's strengths, weaknesses, and pace of learning. 

Keep a Check on Their Academic Progress

To keep a check on your child's development, it is advisable to track their early childhood care and education development too. Whether it's the test results or homework, make sure to keep an eye on it. If you're in touch with the teachers, it is advisable to ask them about their academic progress as well. Discuss with your kids about the areas they will need help in and identify what are their strengths and areas of improvement. You should also celebrate the academic achievement of your kids- no matter how small or big they are. 


As parents, you will have a huge role to play in your child's life. You are the driving force of your child's life, right from overall long-term well-being to academic achievements and more. You need to craft a supportive and loving environment to foster a proper space for child development. Crafting a unique learning environment can help in the holistic development of the kids. It is also encouraged to stay in touch with the school to improve the learning schedule for the kids. 


Q1. Why is parent education important?

Ans:. Parent education is important for child development because it helps to strengthen their relationship and foster healthier and better communication. 

Q2. What is the role of a parent in a child's education?

Ans:. A parent is the child's first instructor, guide, and teacher who plays a crucial role in shaping the personality, habits, character, and emotional development of the kids. 

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Article Author

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Anchal Sinha

Anchal Sinha is a highly motivated lady with an MBA in Finance and Marketing and has worked for three years in this field. After becoming a mother and carrying out the responsibilities of motherhood, she left her career. Thereafter, she planned to be a gratified writer and acquired three years of content writing experience till now. She also worked as a teacher in a school and a retail trainer at ICA Edu Skills Pvt Ltd. Taking forward this experience, she started working as a phonics educator at Bambinos Live. She put in all the efforts to engage kids in her classes. Seeing kids enjoying her class and participating in activities motivates her to work with full vigour. This made her competent to work in altering environments. She puts her 100% into whatever she makes up her mind to pursue. With these potentials, she desires to flourish in anything and everything.

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