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Shiv Shadaksar Stotra: A Sonic Journey to The Heart of Lord Shiva

Shiv Shadaksar Stotra: A Sonic Journey to The Heart of Lord Shiva

The Shiv Shadaksar Stotra is often seen as one of the most powerful Lord Shiva Mantras. It is addressed by the six letters, Om Namah Shivaya, which is why it is often referred to via Shad Akashara or 6 letters. This powerful Shiva Mantra is often found in the Rudrayamala Tantra text, which is a huge part of Bhairava Agama canon. 

In the syllable form, the mantra goes like Aum-Na-mah-Shiva-ya. It is said that anyone who chants the Shiv Shadaksar Stotra in front of Lord Shiva with complete devotion, they will get faith and concentration in their lives. As a result, they will be able to achieve Happiness and Moksha. 

Let's learn more about this powerful Shiva Mantra.

What is the Meaning of Omkaram Bindu Samyuktam?

Omkaram Bindu Samyuktam is also a powerful Hindu Shiv Mantra which means that I bow down to Om. This is often seen as a reflection of how much value is given to Om in the Hindu culture. This is one of the most important mantras in Hinduism. 

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Chanting this mantra expresses your devotion and dedication to the universal sound, which is often symbolized by Om. Omkaram is often known as the shabda Brahman which is often seen as the universal sound. 

Benefits of Shiv Shadaksar Stotra 

Chanting the Shiv Shadaksar Stotra can play an important role in various aspects of life. Some of the key benefits of regularly chanting the Shiv Shadaksar Stotra are as follows:

Spiritual Growth

Shiv Mantra chants are said to bring about a lot of spiritual growth. When devotees recite this mantra, they get to grow spiritually which eventually plays an important role in the long run. It helps to establish deep spiritual principles. 

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It is said that chanting the Shiv Shadaksar Stotra can in becoming self-aware and inspires introspection. The practitioners of this chant are said to become spiritually aware of their surroundings, develop important values such as compassion, humility and more. Establishing such principles can play an important role in the longer run to attain higher consciousness. 

Mental Peace

Whenever you're feeling mentally disturbed, it is advisable to chant this mantra. The mantra has a rhythmic balance, which eventually plays an important role in creating a calming atmosphere which helps to reduce any type of stress that you may be experiencing in your daily life. 

Changing this mantra is said to encourage mindfulness, which is further crucial for mental peace. It creates a sense of tranquility, which helps to establish a connection that is greater than oneself. Furthermore, it plays an important role in fostering a higher sense of consciousness. 


A lot of believers who chant Shiv Shadaksar Stotra say that changing this helps to receive spiritual protection. This helps them stay away from any negative energies and influences. By changing this mantra, the devotees invoke Lord Shiva which further safeguards them against a wide range of risks. 

Read more: Chanting for Inner Peace: Unlocking the Power of the Purnamadah Shanti Mantra

The vibration created through chanting can play an important role in avoiding any potential negative energies. Furthermore, it creates an inner strength, which helps to observe good things around you. This is crucial for establishing a sense of protection and good atmosphere. This helps to boost courage and confidence in the individuals, as they feel they're under divine protection. 

Improves Focus

Chanting the Shiva Mantra can play an important role in improving focus and helping you get things done easily. This is crucial for spiritual and daily practices. Furthermore, chanting the Shiv Shadaksar Stotra is also one of the key ways to enhance your knowledge about the daily world. This is indeed very beneficial for the individual endeavors that you take up in life. 

Final Thoughts

The Shiv Shadaksar Stotra is one of the most powerful Lord Shiva Mantras. It is important that you chant it regularly to achieve peace and prosperity in your daily life. If you are facing any problems in your life or difficulties, you may consider chanting this mantra for achieving divinity in your life.

Parents looking forward to teaching the Shiv Mantra to their kids, it is advisable to enroll them in Bhagavad Gita classes by Bambinos.live. During these live classes, the kids will be taught about the importance of changing these mantras and how to do it. This eventually plays an important role in enhancing the impact, ensuring that the kids learn from a very young age. 


Q1. What are the benefits of Shiv Shadaksar Stotra?

The Shiva Stotra plays an important role in helping a person become calm and peaceful. It helps one attain peace and stay focused in every task that they do. 

Q2. How many times should we chant Lord Shiva Mantra?

You must chant Lord Shiva Mantra at least 108 times a day. This is usually applicable for the Maha Mrityunjay Mantra. However, for other mantras, you can chant it daily to fulfill your wishes and seek divinity in Lord Shiva. 

Shape Your Kid's Future with Bambinos Classes | World’s first Bhagavad Gita course for Kids | Click here to Book a Free Class Limited time offer.

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Anchal Sinha

Anchal Sinha is a highly motivated lady with an MBA in Finance and Marketing and has worked for three years in this field. After becoming a mother and carrying out the responsibilities of motherhood, she left her career. Thereafter, she planned to be a gratified writer and acquired three years of content writing experience till now. She also worked as a teacher in a school and a retail trainer at ICA Edu Skills Pvt Ltd. Taking forward this experience, she started working as a phonics educator at Bambinos Live. She put in all the efforts to engage kids in her classes. Seeing kids enjoying her class and participating in activities motivates her to work with full vigour. This made her competent to work in altering environments. She puts her 100% into whatever she makes up her mind to pursue. With these potentials, she desires to flourish in anything and everything.

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