Learning with Bambinos

Teaching Kids About Mindfulness and Self-Awareness through the Bhagavad Gita

Teaching Kids About Mindfulness and Self-Awareness through the Bhagavad Gita

The current society is a society full of cut throat competition, where everyone is running to reach the top rung of the ladder. The kids even, are not oblivious of this stress and pressure. The education system, parents, peer; everyone is adding on to this pressure which is leading to mental issues in kids of today’s generation. To cope with this mental pressure, its important for the kids to be resilient, self-aware, and mentally strong. Mindfulness and self-awareness must be on the list of skills that should be definitely imbibed in a kid. There is a plethora of ways which can be used to imbibe these skills in the kids, the first and foremost being a thorough understanding of Bhagavad Gita. Introducing mindfulness and self-awareness to children can set the foundation for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Mindfulness: A Brief Idea

Mindfulness can be defined as one’s ability to be aware of one’s surrounding, i.e. to be fully present at the moment and to be fully aware of whatever is happening around. It also encompasses the ability to react in a controlled manner, i.e. it is important to neither over react nor being overwhelmed by the changes occurring in the ambient conditions. Let me be a little clearer with the help of this simple example. There are two friends who were studying hard for their exams and have devoted long hours for preparations. They even skipped friend’s birthday, family meets etc in the last two  months as it was the time for dry run too. Unfortunately, the results turned out to be negative for both of them. Both of them were obviously devastated, but their reactions were different. 

First one was saddened but he was able to recognise his feelings, validate them and control them. Initially, he felt heartbroken but slowly worked through it and came out of the negativity. He understood that there were some things needed to be improved and worked upon. He turned his feelings into a positive one, that is motivation. Second one on the other hand broke down under that feeling of defeat and despair, and fell into depression. Few days later, he was a news in the local channel and newspaper. So, both of them went through the same phase in life but their reactions were poles apart. It’s a no brainer that what reaction will we want from our children out of these two.

So, when we are behind our kids’ physical health, feeding them variety of multivitamin gummies, shakes, powders, supplements along with food, enrolling them in classes like Tae-kwon-do, karate, skating, badminton etc, it’s high time that we pay the same attention to their mental health too. Imbibing mindfulness and self-awareness in children can set the foundation for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Understanding the Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Indian scripture is filled with timeless wisdom and can be imperative in teaching kids self-awareness and mindfulnes The Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu scripture with 700-verse  and is a part of the epic Mahabharata. Bhagvad Gita is actually in the form of a conversation between Prince Arjuna and Lord Krishna. In  the battle of Kurukshetra, which was fought between Kauravas and Pandavas who were first cousins, Lord Krishna served as the  charioteer and spiritual guide of Prince Arjuna. When Prince Arjuna on the very first day of battle saw that opponents included his Guru, his Great grandfather, his cousins and other relatives; he became sad and denied to fight against them. That is when, Lord Krishna preached him about his duties and what all should be the principles that are to be followed by a human being. The dialogue covers a wide range of topics, including duty, righteousness, and the nature of reality, offering profound insights that are relevant even today.

These teachings of the Bhagavad Gita can be incredibly effective in spiritual education for kids, when they are taught in a simplified and interesting way. Understanding Bhagavad Gita will help them in understanding complex concepts through stories and discussions which are specifically  tailored according to their level of comprehension. The teachers at Bambinos are well equipped and trained for the Bhagavad Gita Classes and having such teachers is actually the icing on the cake, as they say, teachers are who shape the learning and the learner.

Using Bhagvad Gita to introduce Mindfulness in kids

a gist of how Bhagavad Gita can be effective in our goal of  instilling mindfulness and self -awareness in kids is present here:

1. Bhagavad Gita Reference: - "You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work."

This verse  of Bhagavad Gita teaches the importance of focusing on our actions without worrying about the results, promoting presence and engagement in the current task. It emphasises that we should live in the present moment only.

2. Bhagavad Gita Reference: - "It is better to do one's own duty imperfectly than to do another's duty perfectly."

This verse  of Bhagavad Gita teaches children to recognize and embrace their roles and responsibilities, fostering a sense of purpose and self-understanding.

3. Bhagavad Gita Reference: - "A disciplined person, enjoying sense objects with senses that are under control and free from attachment and aversion, attains tranquility."

This verse  of Bhagavad Gita teaches children that it is very important to recognise and manage their emotions. Understanding that it's okay to experience different feelings but important to not let them control us, is very crucial in today’s world.

4. Bhagavad Gita Reference: - "The soul is neither born, and nor does it die."

This verse  of Bhagavad Gita teaches the children that who they are, goes beyond external labels and appearances, promoting inner confidence and self-worth.

So, now when it’s an established fact that Bhagavad Gita classes for teaching kids about mindfulness and self- awareness can work wonders, it is important to understand some more points that will ensure that the effects of the classes are long lasting:

- The concepts or the teachings should be simplified and broken down into simple, relatable lessons using stories and examples that children can understand.

- Interactive ways should be used like using storytelling to convey the messages of the Bhagavad Gita, making it engaging and memorable.

- The mindfulness activities should be integrated into daily routines, such as mindful eating or breathing exercises.

- Opportunities should be created for children to reflect on their thoughts and actions. For the purpose, journaling or group discussions can be encouraged.

- The last but the most important thing is to demonstrate mindfulness and self-awareness in your behavior, as children learn a lot by observing adults.


So, conclusively we ca say that teaching kids about mindfulness and self-awareness through the Bhagavad Gita provides them with profound and enduring lessons that can guide them throughout their lives. These teachings can be incorporated through engaging activities and discussions, and we at Bambinos can be your companion in this journey. We can help children develop a strong inner foundation, leading to enhanced well-being and personal growth.

Shape Your Kid's Future with Bambinos Classes | World’s first Bhagavad Gita course for Kids | Click here to Book a Free Class Limited time offer.

Article Author

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Srijita Banerjee

Srijita Banerjee is a freelance writer and an enthusiastic educator who loves connecting with children and helps them out to Groom Well. Srijita imbibes profound love for English and is a torch bearer. Strong believer and highly optimistic. Hardwork and dedication drives Srijita to work relentlessly towards best.

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