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Think Outside the Box: Level up Your Creativity with Online Courses in Creative Thinking

Think Outside the Box: Level up Your Creativity with Online Courses in Creative Thinking

Have you played a very well-known puzzle, the nine dots puzzle?

This puzzle consists of nine dots arranged in the shape of a ‘square’ or as we refer to here ‘a box’, where the puzzle was to connect all the dots with four lines without lifting the pen from the paper, where 99% of people would just think within the boundaries, but the solution required us to move out of the boundaries of the box to solve it. From here the phrase ‘OUT OF THE BOX THINKING’ was derived and came into the limelight as it shows how significant this life skill was.

‘A’ for Apple, ‘B’ for Ball, and ‘C’ for Cat, the days of textbook studies have become a concept of the past. In the new modern age era, from children to adults, everyone needs to spice up their thoughts, ideas, and way of looking at things. In these constantly changing times, the habit of thinking out of a certain box has to be made habituated to the child right from the age of 5 years.

Every child is uniquely gifted with creativity, but exposure, guidance, and hand-holding to enhance their thoughts, ideas, and presentation skills with the right vocabulary makes them the CREATIVE GENIUS to explore their full potential. Online creative thinking courses are building a wonderful foundation for the kid.

The present and future are of those who can be innovative, and creative but not of those who are constrained in a box.

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Does The Phrase ‘Think Outside The Box Mean’?
  2. What Are The Benefits Of ‘Creative Thinking’ Or ‘Thinking Out Of The Box’?
  3. A Few Ways To Teach Your Child To Develop Creative Thinking Skills
  4. What Skills Are Included In ‘Creative Thinking Course’ That Is Offered In Bambinos?

What Does The Phrase ‘Think Outside The Box Mean’?

It is an idiom, that refers to thinking and coming up with solutions innovatively and differently from others. It is also a metaphor that says being open without any preconceived notions while looking at any problem or idea.

This skill and type of thinking is required to be sharp and see things from different perspectives to come up with innovations and solutions for many problems. On top of all, to make use of the mind and brain that is gifted to us as humans. These skills help us sharpen our axe and stretch our minds


  1. In the century of AI, IQ and hard skills are easily available at the click of a button. The ‘THINKING OUT OF THE BOX’ quality by making them enroll for an online creative thinking course will make them ‘STAND OUT IN THE CROWD’ by being in the top 1%.
  2. These creative thinking and critical thinking skills are known as soft skills, which makes us unique where no AI can replicate our inherent qualities.
  3. Creativity allows children to imagine beyond what the world has seen or thought of, it ignites imagination leading to new inventions and innovations.
  4. Innovators and creators are the need of the hour in every field from business, arts, space, science, research, and every other sector you name.
  5. They say that even the greatest of human beings have just used 3% of the human brain capacity and there is an ocean of opportunities for creativity that only comes with having a habit of creative thinking right from childhood.
  6. Learning this skill from an online course for creative thinking helps them to get a lot of exposure to different types of genres in writing as well as speaking along with thinking, some of them are:
  • Creating and narrating stories
  • Describing the smell, sounds, touch, taste, and visual sights of each and everything.
  • Persuade and not coerce
  • Brain teasers
  • Formal and informal writing
  • Write their own books
  • Speak on any given topic, for any given time by learning various techniques and beautification tools.
  • Analysing and creating skills
  • Think before leaping
  • Knowing where, what and how to speak and present themselves

How can my child enhance his creative thinking skills? My child is struggling with understanding, and how to navigate to reach thinking out of the box.

We have got your back, you have landed at the right space, BELOW ARE A FEW WAYS TO TEACH YOUR CHILD DEVELOP CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS:


Asking them questions makes them think beyond by being an explorer rather than get constrained within a set of rules. This helps them to imagine many possibilities of life by evening sitting at home.


Encouraging them to ask questions and give answers to them patiently will help them be into research, see what more is possible, think with different perspectives, and even let them know to have their own unique perspective.


To inculcate the habit, read books along with them, bedtime stories, real-life stories, fantasy, morals, whichever attracts them, this expands their thought process, teaches the nuances of life, understand how things work and moreover expands their vocabulary and thinking bank.


Once they are aware of more stories, start having conversations with them on why the character in the story behaved in this manner, what if he did something else, give them thought-provoking situations to imagine and come with a different climax for the story or movie that they have seen. This will make the kid a thinker. Make this gameplay like a fun family time.


Make them experience different things in sports and games, and let them explore rather than do the same routine things. Ask them to write, think, imagine, paint, sing, dance, introduce them to everything, but let them decide what interests them, what makes them happy. Being able to choose helps them to be a decision maker which in turn helps them to be creative.


They say that making the kid do 1 different activity every Sunday, which means 54 activities in a year, would be the best exposure to give a child. Right from filling water bottles, gardening, cleaning shoes to cooking. Giving them small works and letting them observe and experience every single work, helps them be a confident person which is a get way to creativity.


Enrolling them in online creative thinking and writing courses helps them to interact with various children of different countries, cities, and cultures which helps them to think in numerous ways and have exposure right from your home.


Let them explore new things from sports to skills, don’t scare them by saying you will get hurt, you cannot do it, or that is not possible, this stops their creativity. Let them decide what they can do and what they cannot, let them take calculated risks.


Never stop their questioning mind, and don’t get irritated, if you don’t know the answer tell them to study it and explain it to you. Curiosity is the first step towards invention.


Divert them to read and find the answers, enquire and respond, and let them see the world with their eyes.


Enrolling them in online classes with creative thinking and writing courses helps them to engage in constructive learning and continuous feedback that will mold them as individuals to be confident and future-ready. Bambinos is offering YOUNG CREATIVE WRITERS AND YOUNG COMMUNICATOR PROGRAMME which makes the child get over all development.


Think, imagine, creative! Just imagine a world without imagination, I think it would be very boring or lifeless. Imagination and creativity make wonders possible, take expert guidance from online creative thinking courses to activate the much-needed life skills for your child which help them perform well in their overall academics.

What Skills Are Included In ‘Creative Thinking Course’ That Is Offered In Bambinos?

Below are examples of creative thinking skills that help the child to be future-ready by enrolling in our YOUNG COMMUNICATORS PROGRAMME online course :

  1. Problem-solving abilities
  2. Analyzing things
  3. Open to the constant changing world
  4. Growth mindset
  5. Looking at failure as opening a door for new opportunities
  6. Experimenting and research abilities
  7. Active and in-depth listener
  8. Observation and awareness
  9. Developing focus
  10. Keen by being a go-getter
  11. Encourage curiosity and
  12. Guide them to be a researcher

Each child is dealt with separately by analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, dotting a learning plan for them as per the goals needed for the child, making their foundation strong along challenging them to expand and stretch their minds.

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Article Author

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Priya Garuda

Priya is a passionate and trained teacher with experience in helping students improve their communication skills and confidence, by making them able to express themselves clearly, effectively, and persuasively in any given situation. Keeping the kid's nature and goals in mind, assist them to explore their creativity and deliver effectively and fluently. She believes in promoting each student's individuality as well as nurturing their interests which are carefully groomed with lots of patience & encouragement.

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