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Water Pollution Essay: Causes, Effects and Solutions

Water Pollution Essay: Causes, Effects and Solutions

Learn about the causes, effects, and solutions of water pollution in this comprehensive essay from Bambinos.Live. Explore how pollutants impact ecosystems, human health, and the environment, and discover practical solutions to reduce and prevent water contamination.


Owing to human activities, the natural elements of our Earth have always been prone to damage. One such major element that is damaged due to human activities is water pollution. With each passing day, water pollution has become a major concern among individuals considering the negative impact. 

It is important to identify the environmental effects of water pollution now. This will help to avoid the risk. Not taking measures to fix the issue will only make it worse. Water is one of the most valuable resources on Earth. Despite a large number of water bodies being present, only a few of them are accessible. 

Let's closely analyze water pollution, its causes, effects and solutions.

What is Water Pollution?

The contamination of water bodies due to numerous man-made and natural effects is known as water pollution. When huge water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds and oceans get damaged, it leads to water pollution. The agricultural and industrial activities usually have a negative impact on the water bodies thereby contaminating them on a large scale. 

The water bodies getting polluted is extremely harmful to the environment considering the wide range of negative effects it has. Due to the water bodies being contaminated, there's a huge negative impact on the lifeforms. Not only are the living beings on water being affected but also on land. However, how one gets affected due to this completely depends on the source. 

Causes of Water Pollution

Water bodies can become dirty and damaged due to a wide range of activities. One of the main causes of water pollution is chemicals and toxic wastes. Most of the big industries release harmful waste into the water bodies. This leads to the absorption thereby adding to the damage of water. 

Some of the common causes of water pollution are as follows:

The world is becoming urban at a rapid pace. This is affecting all the water bodies in a negative manner. More urbanization means more waste. 

Deforestation is happening at a massive scale. The way in which deforestation happens affects water bodies. 

Social and religious practices in which idols, hay or water are immersed into the Ganga. 

Using fertilizers and detergents near the water body leads to seeping in. These are harmful to the water bodies thereby damaging the elements. 

Using pesticides and insecticides for agricultural purposes also affects water bodies negatively. 

Effects of Water Pollution

It is very crucial to understand the effects of water pollution and try to overcome it. Some of the notable effects of water pollution are as follows:

Water bodies close to the urban areas have become a field for garbage dumping. Commercial and industrial elements release too many toxic chemicals into the water bodies. 

One of the most notable environmental impacts of water pollution is that it affects the food chain. Fishes consume cadmium and lead from the water bodies. This will go on to the higher levels causing further damage. 

Water pollution leads to the death of aquatic animals. The polluted water can affect the metabolism of fish. This leads to reproduction issues and unnatural cell growth. 

Water pollution also affects humans causing severe health issues. It can lead to cholera, hepatitis and other infectious diseases. 

Water pollution often de-structures the environmental and ecological balance. 

Solutions for Water Pollution

Humans have to take responsibility and adopt measures that can help them fix water pollution. Below are some of the notable solutions to water pollution:

Industries must not directly release sewage into the water bodies. Instead, they must treat the sewage before releasing it. This helps to reduce the toxicity as treated sewage is harmless for water bodies. 

Companies performing a secondary treatment of the sewage must use it for agricultural fields. 

Water hyacinths may be planted in areas that are prone to water pollution. This plant is known for absorbing all toxic chemicals. 

Different methods like reverse osmosis, coagulation, precipitation and ion exchange processes can play an important role in controlling water pollution. Therefore, one must practice these. Adopting and practising these methods can help to control water pollution to some extent. Thus it will affect the environment in a positive manner. 


Water pollution can have several negative effects on the environment. It is important to identify the causes and then work towards fixing it. The big industries should also realise their responsibility. This will play an important role for them to adopt practices through which they can fix severe water pollution. If water pollution is not controlled from now, the future will be at risk. 


Q1. What is the main cause of water pollution?

The toxic chemicals released into water bodies are the main cause of water pollution. It pollutes water, damages the ecosystem and then affects the living beings. This can result in severe illness and even death. 

Q2. Can companies control water pollution?

Yes, big companies can control water pollution by regulating the chemicals they release in water bodies. These companies must treat the sewage before releasing it into water. 

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Anchal Sinha

Anchal Sinha is a highly motivated lady with an MBA in Finance and Marketing and has worked for three years in this field. After becoming a mother and carrying out the responsibilities of motherhood, she left her career. Thereafter, she planned to be a gratified writer and acquired three years of content writing experience till now. She also worked as a teacher in a school and a retail trainer at ICA Edu Skills Pvt Ltd. Taking forward this experience, she started working as a phonics educator at Bambinos Live. She put in all the efforts to engage kids in her classes. Seeing kids enjoying her class and participating in activities motivates her to work with full vigour. This made her competent to work in altering environments. She puts her 100% into whatever she makes up her mind to pursue. With these potentials, she desires to flourish in anything and everything.

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