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Playing truth or dare with kids is the best way to keep them occupied and keep the activity engaging and entertaining. This helps them to promote creativity. These can be played outdoors, indoors or at school. It is suitable for all age groups as they are thought-provoking.
1. What is your favourite chocolate?
2. What is your favourite subject?
3. What is your least favourite food?
4. What is a fake compliment that you have ever given?
5. What would you do if you became a billionaire overnight?
6. What would you do if you were given a paper and pen?
7. Who are your 3 most favourite people in the world?
8. What is your hidden talent?
9. What is your nickname at home and school?
10. What is your favourite movie?
11. What do you do when you feel like doing nothing?
12. What is the one word that resembles you?
13. What are the 3 things you wish to have in your lifetime?
14. What is the silliest prank you played?
15. Have you unintentionally hurt a friend?
16. Have you hid a secret from your parents?
17. What is the funniest joke you ever heard?
18. What is the sweetest fruit you ever had?
19. Who is your favourite cartoon character?
20. What is your best habit?
21. What was the last movie you watched?
22. Which is the movie you can watch several times?
23. What is your favourite ice cream?
24. Have you ever lied?
25. What is your favourite cartoon?
1. Act like a monkey for a minute
2. Act like an elephant
3. Imitate your mother
4. Imitate your favourite cartoon
5. Hug your school bag for 5 minutes
6. Sing a song
7. Recite a poem in 30 seconds
8. Count 45 to 1 reverse way without mistake
9. Do 15 sit-ups
10. Dance for 1 minute
11. Roar like a lion
12. Laugh like a pig
13. Pretend like a doctor
14. Be angry for 4 seconds
15. Crack a joke
16. Shout “Yippee” for 30 seconds
17. Run around the school ground for 10 minutes
18. Speak continuously for 2 minutes
19. Count 1 to 1000
20. Close your eyes for 2 minutes
21. Draw a diagram using 2 fingers
22. Stare for 30 seconds continuously
23. Do a robo-dance
24. Speak like a robot
25. Ask the person sitting next to you to cry like a baby
Read more: 30 Essential Good Manners for Kids
1. Do you sing or dance while having a shower?
2. Do you cry while watching movies?
3. What is the thing you keep losing all the time?
4. What is the silliest thing you are afraid of?
5. What is the worst thing you have ever eaten?
6. Have you ever talked to non-living thing?
7. Did you ever stand in front of the mirror and talk to yourself?
8. Did you try teaching English to your grandparents?
9. Do you speak to your toys or dolls?
10. Did you ever pretend to be a superhero?
11. If you want to change lives with someone for a day, who would it be?
12. Do you have a nickname that is under the wraps?
13. Have you ever tried the weirdest dance?
14. If you could invent something what would it be?
15. If you could start a business today, what would it be?
16. Do you talk to your pet and did it ever respond?
17. What is the silliest thing you are ever afraid of?
18. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
19. If you could change your name, what would it be?
20. Have you ever danced in the elevator?
21. What is the silliest dream you have?
22. What is the funniest prank you ever pulled?
23. If you had a food magic wand, what would you ask for?
24. What is your favourite comedy show?
25. Was it that you told a joke and no one laughed at it?
Here are 25 of the funny and perfect dare questions for kids:
1. Sing your favourite song in your mother tongue by translating it into English.
2. Do classical dance for 30 sec
3. Make a rap about your favourite food/actor
4. Speak in a different accent for the next 2 rounds
5. Pretend to be like your favourite superhero
6. Imitate a robot for 5minutes
7. Imitate a famous personality
8. Wear a funny and weird hat for the next 3 rounds
9. Sing your favourite song in a silly voice
10. Do 10 Jumping jacks singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little star”
11. Do 10 squats reciting a poem?
12. Make up a song about brushing your teeth.
13. Pretend to be a pirate and threaten like one
14. Act your favourite movie scene
15. Balance a book on your head for the next 2 rounds
16. Draw a moustache on your face with a washable marker
17. Try to touch your toes without bending your knees.
18. Make a funny face and hold it for 10 seconds
19. Pretend like a chef and describe a crazy recipe
20. Walk backwards for the next 3 rounds
21. Act like you are riding a horse
22. Pretend you are a statue and don’t move for 1 minute
23. Try to balance a spoon on your nose
24. Pretend you are in slow motion for the next 2 minutes
25. Pretend to be a famous singer and perform a song.
Read more: 50 Interesting Debate Topics for Kids of All Ages & Grades
1. Have you ever talked to your food?
2. What would you call them if you had to rename the days of the week?
3. What’s the funniest face you can make?
4. If you could create a new holiday, what would it be and how would you celebrate it?
5. If you could create a new holiday, what would it be and how would you celebrate it?
6. What colour would it be if you could only eat one colour of food for the rest of your lif?
7. What would you do if you woke up one day and were invisible?
8. Have you ever made a silly invention? What was it?
9. What is the most ridiculous thing you have ever eaten?
10. If you had to wear a costume every day, what would it be?
11. Have you ever tried to walk like a penguin?
12. What would you do if you were a giant for a day?
13. What is the funniest thing you have ever seen someone else do?
14. Have you ever had a food fight? What happened?
15. What is the weirdest dream you can remember?
16. If you can be any variety of fruit, what would you be?
17. What animal would you choose if you could only speak in animal sounds for a whole day?
18. Have you ever worn something silly and weird just to make people laugh?
19. If you were to eat a crayon, which colour would you prefer?
20. Have you pretended to be super superhero? What was your power?
21. What is the craziest hairstyle to ever had?
22. What was the most uncommon place you fell asleep?
23. If you had to make up a language, what would it sound like?
24. If you had a chance to make your own ice cream flavour, which one would it be?
25. What is the funniest thing you saw a baby do?
Here are 25 of the silly dare questions for kids:
1. Pretend to be an elephant and eat an imaginary banana.
2. Act like a chicken and cluck around the room
3. Spin around in a circle 10 times and then try to walk straight
4. Hop like a frog and croak around the room.
5. Draw yourself with your non-dominant hand.
6. Make up a story about a talking pen.
7. Pretend to be an alien
8. Pretend to be a kangaroo and jump around.
9. Act like a rock star and perform an air guitar solo.
10. Walk like a crab across the room.
11. Act like a news anchor and report a funny event.
12. pretend you are an explorer in the jungle.
13. Try to walk on your knees for 2 minutes.
14. Do your best impression of a cartoon character.
15. Imitate your favourite animal.
16. Imitate as a salesperson for a pen.
17. Imitate you are selling a painting to a blind person.
18. Imitate you are selling a shoe to a tribal person.
19. Imitate you are selling a comb to a bald person.
20. Roar like a lion
21. Pretend like you are on a roller coaster
22. Do an aeroplane pose for 1 minute.
23. Do the butterfly pose for 5 minutes?
24. Do cat pose till the next round
25. Try to juggle balls.
1. What is the embarrassing thing you searched on chat gpt or Google?
2. What is the most embarrassing memory of your life?
3. What is your biggest fear that you are embarrassed to admit?
4. Which animal are you afraid of?
5. Which horror movie you were scared of?
6. Have you ever had an embarrassing moment on social media?
7. Have you ever accidentally called your teacher “mom” or “dad”?
8. Have you ever walked into something because you were not aware?
9. What is the weirdest song on your playlist?
10. Tell us an embarrassing nickname.
11. Have you had a slip of the tongue and put yourself in an embarrassing moment?
12. Did you ever have a wardrobe dysfunction?
13. Are you a daydreamer?
14. Did you ever sneeze on someone accidentally?
15. What is the worst gift you have received?
16. What lie you tell your best friend?
17. What is the most embarrassing text message you have sent to the wrong person?
18. Did you ever talk to yourself in public and has someone heard it?
19. Are you scared of the dark?
20. Did you ever fall in public?
21. Did you ever pretend like a superhero when no one is watching?
22. What was the worst question someone asked you?
23. What was the worst question you asked someone?
24. What is something that makes you angry?
25. Do you have an embarrassing personality trait?
1. Pretend to be a waiter and serve invisible food to everyone for 3 minutes.
2. Act like a crow for a minute.
3. Let someone draw a funny emoji on your face with a washable marker.
4. Hop on one foot for 3 rounds.
5. Dance as if no one is watching, even though everyone is.
6. Use a stuffed animal as a puppet and have a small talk with it.
7. Pretend to be a dog and catch a mouse.
8. Do 10 sit-ups while reciting alphabets
9. Walk around with a tissue stuck to your shoe
10. Do a cartwheel or try to attempt one.
11. Do chakrasana for 1 minute.
12. Wear your court frontwards for a round.
13. Wear socks on your hands for 10 minutes
14. Cry like a baby for 10 minutes
15. Sing everything you speak for the next 10 minutes
16. Yelp like a puppy for 5 minutes.
17. Speak in rhymes for the next 8 minutes
18. Rap about your friends
19. Run like a horse
20. Talk to a stranger as if you knew them for long.
21. Pretend you are swimming for 3 min.
22. Whisper for the next 5 minutes
23. Take a weird picture of yourself and send to your family member.
24. Go outside wearing 3 sweatshirts on a sunny day.
25. Act like an old man sitting on a porch.
Some truth-or-dare questions challenge kids to think creatively and be focused to enhance their critical thinking skills. Always introduce them to a variety of games and activities to have fun and learn in the same process.
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Priya is a passionate and trained teacher with experience in helping students improve their communication skills and confidence, by making them able to express themselves clearly, effectively, and persuasively in any given situation. Keeping the kid's nature and goals in mind, assist them to explore their creativity and deliver effectively and fluently. She believes in promoting each student's individuality as well as nurturing their interests which are carefully groomed with lots of patience & encouragement.