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6 kinds of adjectives that a Class 7 kid must know ! (with Examples)

6 kinds of adjectives that a Class 7 kid must know ! (with Examples)

Most of the time, students encounter moments where they are unable to describe how they feel due to the lack of the right words. For example, after having a delicious meal, they do not get the right words to compliment the host or sometimes cannot recommend a book to others due to the choice of words that don’t sound exciting. There are 6 kinds of adjectives that a class 7 must know- adjectives of quality, quantity, demonstrative, interrogative and possessive. 

What do adjectives do in a sentence?

Adjectives enhance the style and add flavour to our experiences. 

The main objective of Adjectives is to modify/ provide a distinct characteristic to nouns & pronouns like “a mesmerizing evening or delicious entrée” rather than simply saying “nice evening or good food.” The difference is seen in how the noun “evening” is modified with the descriptor “mesmerizing”, which has a more pleasing effect. The modification clarifies what kind, how many or which one we are pointing towards.

Why is it necessary for a child to know adjectives?

In schools, children are often taught about Adjectives and their usage. But how to apply the rule in a sentence structure, in the correct order or how the use of different kinds of adjectives can enhance communication skills is one area that often remains untouched. As a parent, you can encourage the child to use adjectives in the daily conversations you have- during meal times, while talking about their day at school, or during general family gatherings. 

Here is a ready reckoner of adjectives that you may use for a child- 

6 kinds of adjectives

Adjectives are words that not only modify the nouns or pronouns, but infuse more vibrancy into a sentence. They identify, quantify and describe nouns & pronouns.

1. When adjectives describe a quality noun or pronoun “of what kind,” like a big house, an honest man, a precious gem, etc, are called Adjectives of Quality.

2. The adjective words like some, enough, whole, few, etc, describe the “how much” of a thing is required. These types of words are called Adjectives of Quantity.

3. Some adjectives that describe “how many “or “which place in order” by adding numeric values in a sentence, like first, second, five, etc., are known as Adjectives of numbers.

4. Demonstrative adjectives point to specific nouns, places, things, “which noun/pronoun is talked about,” like this old car, that house, these flowers, those buildings, etc.

5. Possessive adjectives convey the sense of belonging or relationship by providing extra information about nouns/pronouns, his cycle, my pen, your book, etc.

6. Interrogative adjectives question the noun/pronoun like, which book? Whose pencil? What colour?

To further increase your repository of adjectives, here is a handy list of adjectives that might be of help. 


Word list

Describe feel/touch

Slippery, bumpy, silky, rugged, smooth, uneven, prickly, filthy, encrusted, flaky, Icey, boiling, damp, chilling

Describe sounds

Blaring, musical, high pitched, moaning, deafening, whispering, soft, melodic, hushed, hissing, hoarse, raspy

Describe all the amazing taste

Sweet, tangy, spicy, bland, pungent, fruity, delicious

Describe in a colourful way

Crimson, hue, multicoloured, scarlet, rosy, drab, azure, golden, colour spectrum, monochrome

Describe in size

Abundant, mammoth, majestic, enormous, tiny, scrawny, gigantic, bitesize, puny, miniature, atomic

Describe in shape

Blobby, curved, crooked, globular, skinny, hollow, flat, rotund, round, twisted, steep, wide

Describe the passing of time

Brief, eternal, old fashioned, early, speedy, swift, young, annual, leisurely, lazy, laboured

To describe emotions

Elated, bewildered, zealous, wicked, manic, passionate, abrasive, troubled, dismayed, jubilant, satisfied

Describe a person or personality

Vivacious, jaunty, diligent, dedicated, stunning, dapper, bony, robust, well dressed, striking, suave, fashionable, timid

Describe diverse situations

Advantageous, bizarre, disastrous, accidental, unusual, mystifying, puzzling, freakish, quirky

The list of adjectives is endless, but the more you read, the more awareness regarding picking the right word to describe the noun/pronoun increases.

Order of adjectives

In English, when adjectives are written in a proper order it is known as the Royal Order of Adjectives. Whenever we need to use more than one adjective in a statement, we can follow this order.

1. Determiners: - These words come before nouns and are also known as limiting adjectives. They limit the identity of nouns with the following words- the, ours, that, a, both, each

2. Quantity: - seven, two, five

3. Opinion: It has two categories, specific & general. Example- delicious, marvellous, misunderstood 

4. Size: - Enormous, tiny, medium 

5. Age: - middle-aged, old, child

6. Shape: - oval, cylindrical

7. Colour: – crimson, pinkish

8. Origin/ material: - American, wooden, metal

9. Qualifier: – Rampur hound, khaki pants, pickup truck

Classification of Adjectives

Adjectives are classified into two categories – gradable & non-gradable adjectives.

Gradable Adjectives:

Adjectives are mainly gradable and can be modified with adverbs.

Example: The store is a bit expensive. 

Example: Sam is quite shy.

Gradable adjectives have superlative & comparative forms.

Precious- most precious

Hard – harder – hardest

Non-gradable adjectives are of two types- Absolute adjectives & Strong adjectives.

Non-gradable adjectives



Absolute adjectives

Explain real value; no comparative forms are used and are not modified with adverbs- pregnant, empty, finished, etc
  • I have completed my project. (correct example)
  • I have a bit completed my project. (Incorrect example)

Strong adjectives

Explain the extreme description of anything; no more comparative forms are required. The use of the extreme adverb “absolutely” helps in modifying the adjectives.  
  • The water is absolutely boiling. (Correct example).
  • The water is very boiling. (Incorrect example)

Understand comparative & superlative adjectives

Comparative adjectives are when you compare two people, places, things like bigger, better, worse, etc.

Superlative adjectives compare people, places, and things across the same group or category, like biggest, cleanest, easiest and so on.

Tips to Remember
  • Strong adjectives help enhance writing style by avoiding overusing adverbs like “very.”
  • Avoid using descriptive adjectives. It's called “brown pencil syndrome.”
  • The superlative adjectives are constantly introduced with the word “the coldest, the hottest.”
  • When we write two or more adjectives in a sentence, if they belong to the same category, we need to separate them with a comma, for example “I live in a comfortable, luxurious hotel.”
  • If the adjectives are of different categories, we don’t use commas to separate them, for example, “I have a big wooden black chair.”
  • The most common adjective endings are -ed, -ing, -y, -ous, -less, -full.
  • Compound adjectives simply mean when two or more words describe noun for examples – absent-minded, happy-go-lucky, or world-famous.

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A class 7 student must know the use of proper adjectives in the correct order and form. With the correct usage of adjectives, the shared information is more precise. To understand the different nuances of English grammar & more.

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Karuna Sinh

Karuna Sinh competent professional with over 20 years of experience in sectors ranging from Teaching, Hospitality, Freelancing content writing, Administration & Management.

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