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Best Calm-Down Strategies for Kids

Best Calm-Down Strategies for Kids

Discover useful calm down strategies for kindergarten kids at Bambinos.Live. Explore activities and techniques to help kids manage anxiety, stress, and emotions, encouraging a peaceful and stable life.


Similar to adults, it is very common for kids too to get lost in thoughts or have trouble with a lot of things. Being overwhelmed by surroundings and emotions is a real thing that most kids will get to experience. As parents, it is one of your responsibilities to help kids indulge in calming activities for kindergarten. 

No matter which grade your kid is in, it is important that you adopt the right parenting strategies for ADHD. Mindfulness can be one of the best ways to help your kids calm down and soothe their anxious thoughts. It will also help you get insights into how the kids will deal with long-term stress. 

How to Know the Kids Are Stressed?

Before you bring about the calm down strategies for kindergarten, it is important to recognize the signs that may be bringing stress to your kids. By identifying the signs, you'd be able to implement the right strategies that would help your kids. However, you must know that the signs or reasons for stress in kids will be different for different age groups. Therefore, it is important to adopt the appropriate calming strategies for elementary students, preschoolers, and so on. 

Here are some of the common signs to identify that the kid is stressed:

  • There's an increase in the frequency of angry outbursts and acting out.
  • The kid is undergoing some disruptive behavior. 
  • They withdraw from family functions and events often.
  • The kid is prone to frequent episodes of fever, coughs, and colds.
  • The kid experiences disturbance in sleep and a change in appetite. 
  • They are irritated for most of the day. 
  • They become angry or agitated towards things they used to enjoy earlier. 

Being a little attentive towards your kids will help you identify the signs of them being agitated. This would eventually play an important role in offering appropriate support and helping to overcome stress. 

Calm Down Strategies for Kids to Adopt

Kids are likely to go through stress a lot too. Therefore, it is important to adopt the right strategies which can help them relax and calm down eventually. Some of the prominent calming strategies for preschoolers and elementary kids to adopt are as follows:

Take Deep Breaths

This is one of the best calming activities for preschoolers, and kindergarten kids. Teaching them the art of deep breathing helps them relax and reset their nervous system. Ask them to use their nose and mouth to take deep breaths. Let them do it repeatedly three times. 

Back Rub

Gentle back rubs can be very soothing for the kids. It can trigger a positive reaction in your brain leading to the release of chemicals such as serotonin, which will help to calm down the nervous system. Give your kids gentle back rubs especially on the upper back. Follow a back-and-forth and circular motion eventually to help them calm down sooner. 

Clench and Release the Fists

Clenching and releasing the fists is one of the most efficient calm down strategies for elementary students to follow. It not only makes the child aware but also helps them feel relaxed. If you notice that your child is stressed or tense about something, let them clench their fists and release that tension eventually. Not only does it lower the heart rate but also plays an important role in bringing about a sense of calmness. 

Give Them a Cold Drink 

This might appear slightly absurd and vague, but it is actually helpful. There is a long nerve that travels from the brain to almost every part of the body, which is responsible for triggering parasympathetic response. Not only does it switch off the nervous system, but also plays an important role in triggering calm reactions. If you don't want your kids to have a cold drink to calm down, try giving them water. Drinking cold water can help to slow down respiration thereby allowing them to feel calm and composed for a long time. 

Take a Walk

This has to be one of the best calming activities for kindergarten kids. If you ever notice your child being tense or worried about something, try taking them out for a walk. A walk amidst nature will allow them to breathe in some fresh air which can be extremely useful for calming down. One of the best things to do would be to take them on a walk amidst nature often. Let them know how things work and while on the walk, you may prefer giving them some small life lessons as well. 

Reaffirmation Talks 

Affirmations are great and can be extremely beneficial to get over the negative mental chatter. One of the best parenting tips for ADHD would be to reaffirm things positively for your kids. It helps them to overcome the mental clutter. Let your child know that they are good and strong, and will be able to pull through all the negative situations that they might be facing. You must also tell them that whatever they are thinking of are just thoughts and not facts. Helpful reaffirmations can go a long way, especially in terms of calming down the kids.

Sing Out Loud

Singing is actually a great way to overcome negative mental chatter as one of the best calm down strategies for preschoolers. It helps to regulate the nervous system positively. Moreover, singing out loud can also help in regulating happy memories that would make one feel good for a long time. You must encourage your kids to sing any song that they love or the ones that remind them of how special they are. 

Splash Your Face with Cold Water

While drinking cold water can be extremely effective, splashing your face with it can be helpful too. Splashing your face with cold water helps stimulate the vagus nerve while also calming down the nervous system. You may let them submerge half of their face into cold water as it helps in soothing the feelings of an overwhelmed child and making them calm. 

Read more: Best Mindfulness Activities for Kids

Final Thoughts 

These calming strategies can be extremely beneficial parenting tips for ADHD. Having a toolkit can play an important role in calming down your kid and helping them find tranquility and some peace. Always remember that every kid is different and they may have a different response to the trauma. Therefore, you will need to tailor or customize the calm-down strategies while also being consistent with them. 

Adopting the right calming strategies for kindergarten can play an important role in creating a safe environment for the kids. It will allow the children to explore the ups and downs while also keeping up with resilience and calmness, each of which can have a positive impact on their overall journey. 


Q:. How do you teach calm down strategies for kindergarten kids?

Ans:. Kindergarten kids are usually young learners which makes it easier to shape them. Teach them the calming strategies by providing clear instructions and practice with them. You must encourage mindful exercises and deep breathing with them. Also, help them with positive self-talk. 

Q:. What are some common calming activities for preschoolers?

Ans:. Some of the common calming activities for preschoolers include practicing yoga and stretching, mindfulness and meditation and also engaging in a calming hobby or activity. Also, it is important to get enough support to talk about the feelings. 

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Article Author

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Anchal Sinha

Anchal Sinha is a highly motivated lady with an MBA in Finance and Marketing and has worked for three years in this field. After becoming a mother and carrying out the responsibilities of motherhood, she left her career. Thereafter, she planned to be a gratified writer and acquired three years of content writing experience till now. She also worked as a teacher in a school and a retail trainer at ICA Edu Skills Pvt Ltd. Taking forward this experience, she started working as a phonics educator at Bambinos Live. She put in all the efforts to engage kids in her classes. Seeing kids enjoying her class and participating in activities motivates her to work with full vigour. This made her competent to work in altering environments. She puts her 100% into whatever she makes up her mind to pursue. With these potentials, she desires to flourish in anything and everything.

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