Learning with Bambinos

Bhagavad Gita For Kids – 10 Vital Life Lessons To Learn

Bhagavad Gita For Kids – 10 Vital Life Lessons To Learn


Having resilient mindset, coping with failures, getting stability, achieving consistency and many more such skills are the need of this young generation. Hence making the kids learn Bhagavad Gita becomes highly crucial. Let's discuss what transformation Bhagavad Gita for kids can bring in the life of young minds through these 10 life lessons.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduce the Truth of Life
  2. Make the Kids Practical
  3. Promotes Tolerance and Forgiveness
  4. Inculcate the spirit of Teamwork and Sportsmanship
  5. Reflects Calmness and Optimism
  6. Bhagavad Gita teaches Integrity
  7. The Law of Karma
  8. Value of Consistency
  9. No-one Lives forever
  10. Art of Perseverance
Introduce the Truth of Life :

Bhagavad Gita introduces the kids with the truth of life. They get to learn how to face various different challenges and peculiar situations of life. These crucial lessons of Truth will guide them to be better at their decision making skills and will have a better and rational outlook towards life.

Make the Kids Practical :

Learnings from Bhagavad Gita promotes the children to deal practically with every situation rather than just thinking emotionally. Bhagavad Gita for kids is a very good initiative to make the children better individuals for tomorrow. There are many Bhagavad Gita online courses are available which help kids learn with case studies and scenerios to help children take the real life decisions from the real life situations presented infront of them making them intellectually strong.

 Promotes Tolerance and Forgiveness:

Bhagavad Gita promotes kids to be very high on tolerance so that they can learn to adept in every situation and learn forgiveness towards others which promote humanity towards life. The Bhagavad Gita classes which are conducted online help kids learn with interactive and interesting stories of Bhagavad Gita where the children are directed towards the moral of Tolerance and Forgiveness to be implemented in their life.

Inculcate the spirit of Teamwork and Sportsmanship :

One of the most important teachings from Bhagavad Gita for Kids is inculcating the habit of working in a team and with a team to showcase the spirit of Sportsmanship and exhibit the attribute that every individual is special and important for a team. This makes each and every member of the team feel valued and belonged to the team and the activity as a whole and they built the relationship of faith and harmony as they succeed together. 

Reflects Calmness and Optimism :

"Being optimistic is the key to stability ", when we are calm and optimistic from inside then we reflect the stability outside and Bhagavad Gita Courses for Kids do exactly the same in the life of children as they promote the learnings of Bhagavad Gita which help kids to be more optimistic and calm in every situation. 

Read more: Bhagavad Gita slokas for kids

Bhagavad Gita teaches Integrity :

Learnings of Bhagavad Gita explains the importance of Integrity in the life of humans and shares the experience from instances through Bhagavad Gita where the Integrity of Pandavas made them win the Mahabharata war and promote kids to follow the same in their life. Bhagavad Gita for students is like a bridge which can fill the gap of ignorance about any situation to taking the right decisions in life by being fair and following integrity. 

The Law of Karma :

 Another very useful benefit of Bhagavad Gita for students is that they get to know about the term "KARMA". The kids are introduced with the Law of Karma and the concept of how Karma works . The students in these Online Bhagavad Gita Classes, learn about how our every action has a counter reaction too. For eg. : If I say bad words to you and you feel bad and sad about it, so as per the Law of Karma, at one point of time, I'll face the same situation in my life as I have made somebody embarrassed with my bad words and the same happens for all the good deeds too, when we do Good karma, the good comes back to us well.

Value of Consistency :

Bhagavad Gita teaches the kids the value of Consistency, we all have heard from the learned people that Consistency is the best tool to master any new hobby. It is said that if you want to make any activity as your hobby, try practicing the same for 21 days continuously and you yourself will notice that now this hobby is a fun-filled activity for you and so happens with the learnings of Bhagavad Gita course too, that you keep on learning new things and keep on telling your kids regularly about all the good things happened and new things learned and try implementing the moral in your real life too.

No-one Lives forever :

Now this tends to be the most sensitive and emotional topic for kids when they learn that all of us are here for a limited period of time and once we complete our life on Earth, our soul changes out body and enters into a new body, so sometimes kids take it very patiently and accept it as it is and sometimes they feel it to be scary and emotional but Bambinos' Bhagavad Gita program is designed in such a manner and the kids learn the concept of Life and Death and also the concept of soul in the easiest way possible and help the kids learn at their own pace.

Art of Perseverance :  

"Failure isn't opposite of Success, it is the part of Success", this is what children learn with the Bhagavad Gita Courses where they are mentored and taught how failure helps in the journey of reaching the ultimate Goal of life. It is okay to fall, fail and loose, but what's not ok is to give up, and that's what Bhagavad Gita teaches kids to rise, shine and excel each time you feel demotivated after falling. We all are meant to fly high and reach new heights and Bhagavad Gita courses promote the same learnings with various different incidents and stories giving the same moral to develop perseverance among young minds.

Bambinos has brought such a holistic program for young minds of age 4 to 16 yrs. which is built in accordance with all the above-mentioned vital life lessons and caters the diverse need of each student as we understand every kid is unique and learns at its own pace. Bambinos offers the program "Character Building Through Bhagavad Gita" where we deliver live interactive sessions with best Educators having years of experience in dealing with Young kids throughout the world and help in their character building and personality development. 


Shape Your Kid's Future with Bambinos Classes | World’s first Bhagavad Gita course for Kids | Click here to Book a Free Class Limited time offer.


Article Author

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Khushi Gupta

Khushi is a National Record Holder for "Delivering Literature with Creativity", a writing enthusiast who has been featured in Mt. Kenya Times for being among Top 50 Most Inspiring Women from India. She is an Educator and Facilitator of Bhagavad Gita and Public Speaking and loves to nurture young minds with the life skills.

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