Parenting 101

Descriptive Words: Everyday words for Kids to learn

Descriptive Words: Everyday words for Kids to learn

As kids grow up, they are naturally inclined to explore new words, their meanings and are excited to use them in their language. One of the the many types of words are called descriptive words which are also known as adjectives. These words teach kids how to describe people, places, things which adds detail to their communication.

A child has many creative thoughts, feelings and emotions in their thoughts. They often struggle to express it due to lack of vocabulary. These descriptive words come in handy as through these kids learn to speak their mind with a sense of clarity and in detail. This makes their language quite interesting, fun and engaging. For example, instead of saying “The dog” they could say “The furry brown dog”, which adds details to how the dog looks like. 

Below is a detailed list of descriptive words along with an example sentence to enhance your childs vocabulary and letting him / her express themselves clearly, artistically and creatively! 

Personality Descriptive words: 

1. Curious: Curious John was asking multiple questions about his new school. 

2. Cheerful: Sheela was so cheerful when she got a new toy. 

3. Helpful: We must always be helpful to our parents and friends.

4. Adventurous: The adventurous boys and girls loved walking up the mountain. 

5. Generous: Activities like feeding the poor makes kids generous.

Appearance Descriptive words: 

1. Sparkly: Geeta wore a sparkly dress on her birthday.

2. Wrinkled: Why is your shirt wrinkled?

3. Shiny: The sky was filled with shiny stars. 

4. Messy: My messy room got me into trouble.

5. Elegant: My teacher looked very elegant today. 

Sizes Descriptive words: 

1. Tiny: The tiny mouse crawled quickly.

2. Gigantic: The gigantic elephant walked across the road.

3. Miniature: The miniature of the Taj Mahal was beautiful.

4. Enormous: The enormous whale glided past us. 

5. Petite: The puppy was quite petite. 

Sounds Descriptive words: 

1. Whispering: Children were whispering in class.

2. Roaring: The lion was roaring loudly. 

3. Buzzing: The bee was buzzing busily.

4. Clanging: The clanging of the bells was loud.

5. Melodious: The girls were singing melodiously. 

Feelings Descriptive words:

1. Excited: Kittu was excited seeing his marks.

2. Nervous: He was quite nervous before his exam. 

3. Calm: The ocean was so calm and peaceful. 

4. Lonely: Sara felt lonely in school without her friends.

5. Joyful: Kids were so joyful to enter the play area. 

Tastes Descriptive Words: 

1. Sweet: The sweet cake was loved by all. 

2. Sour: The lemon juice was quite sour.

3. Bitter: The curry was bitter. 

4. Spicy: Kim loves spicy food.

5. Savoury: She prefers savoury over sweet. 

Colours Descriptive Words:

1. Vibrant: The sky was filled with vibrant colours.

2. Pale: Gloria became pale seeing the homework. 

3. Crimson: The crimson roses were breathtaking.

4. Glittering: Her dress was glittering. 

5. Vivid: The sky was filled with vivid hues.

Smells Descriptive Words: 

1. Fragrant: The fragrant flowers were a delight to watch.

2. Musty: The library was filled with old musty books.

3. Fresh: The baker was baking fresh cakes.

4. Stinky: The vegetables were stinky as they were rotting. 

5. Aromatic: The bread filled the air with its aromatic smell. 

Positive traits Descriptive Words:

1. Kind hearted: The kind hearted teacher was consoling the child. 

2. Creative: The creative sculptor made a beautiful sculpture. 

3. Hardworking: The hardworking ants worked day and night. 

4. Optimistic: When you are optimistic, you will spread the same. 

5. Loyal: Dogs are loyal pets. 


Types of adjectives for kids

There are various types of adjectives and they can be divided basing on their function when used in a sentence.

Various types of adjectives are:

1. Possessive Adjectives: 

It is used to show ownership of who or what something belongs to.

Example: my, your, his, its, ours

2. Interrogative Adjectives:

They always come after a noun or pronoun. 

Example: what, whose, which 

3. Demonstrative Adjectives: These are used to mention the position of a subject like a noun or a pronoun in space or time.

Example: This, that, those, these

4. Compound Adjectives: They consist of two or more adjectives that are combines together to form an adjective which could modify the subject.

Example: happy-go-lucky, absent-minded 

Read more: 6 kinds of adjectives that a Class 7 kid must know ! (with Examples)


Engaging activities to encourage kids to use descriptive words in sentences:


1. Adjective Hunt: 

Show or read a short story or a passage or a paragraph to kids and ask them to figure out which all adjectives were used. As kids love colour you could print the story on a paper, given them markers or sketch pens to underline the adjectives. Once done you can discuss how the adjectives contributed to the story. 

2. Sentence Expansion: 

Give them basic sentences and ask them to expand them with adjectives. For example in your sheet you can give a cat and ask the kid to expand where they could say the brown furry fluffy cat was looking adorable. 

3. Adjective Pairing: 

Make two lists, in one give them nouns and in the second give adjectives and ask them to pair the two to form interesting and creative sentences.

4. Image Fun: 

Show kids pictures like for example a flower with a butterfly on it and ask them to add detail and say the beautiful brown butterfly was sitting on a yellow flower. 

5. Adjectives song: 

Kids love anything which is interesting and creative. You can ask them to make a adjectives song and sing it aloud. 

6. Word Matching Games:

Give the child various flash cards with images and the word for the image. Could be images of flowers, beautiful, smiling, happy and ask them to match the cards appropriately. 

7. Story Telling: 

Give a list of adjectives and nouns, now ask the child to think out of the box and come up with a story with the particular set of words you have given. 

8. Treasure Hunt: 

Create a treasure hunt where children will find things that are relating to certain adjectives. For example, you can say find something which is smooth or shiny or rough. 

Let us encourage young minds to explore the usage of descriptive words which will make their communication fun, interactive, interesting and colourful! 

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Article Author

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Gayatri Gade

Gayatri Gade is a skilled teacher committed to improving students' communication skills and confidence. She helps them express ideas clearly and persuasively, tailoring guidance to each child's nature and goals. Gayatri encourages creativity, nurtures individuality, and provides a patient and supportive learning environment.

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