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Essay On Freedom Fighters In English Grade 1 - 3

Essay On Freedom Fighters In English Grade 1 - 3

English has emerged as the global language. To survive well in today’s competitive world, which has been rightly called the Global village one, must be proficient in English. In today’s world when the physical barriers are being dissolved, a person at one end of the world can work for a company at the opposite end of the world, language should not be the barrier for kids. 

So, we all can agree being adept in English is not a choice for today’s kids but a necessity.  Various tools can be used to increase the proficiency level, and understanding of the English language and essay writing is one of them. 

An essay is a short piece of writing which generally includes details, your thoughts and the information you have about a certain topic. Essay writing can be a very enjoyable and engaging activity for grade 1, 2  and 3 students if taught in the right way. Essay writing is a good exercise for cognitive development of kids. Kids just need to select a topic of their choice and write in short about it in an interesting way.

Benefits of essay writing

Writing essays on topic of interest helps in cognitive development of kids, as it:

  • Helps them practice writing. The more they write, the better they get at it.
  • Improves their creativity and originality. Kids of lower grades like grade 1, 2 and 3 have vivid imagination. Writing essays on the topics that interest them encourages them to pour down their thoughts on paper and pushes them to ponder.
  • Helps them to learn new words and improves their vocabulary. The more they write, the more new words they learn and use.  Essays help them to get better with language.
  • Improves communication and critical thinking skills as they learn to express their thoughts through words.
  • Builds confidence, as when they get better in expressing their thoughts, they become more confident.
Essay writing

Essays are a part of all the languages. English language learning also has essay writing as an integral part. Essays in English at the level of grade 1,2 and 3  can be written either in the form of short paragraphs or as separate lines. Word limit for essays is also low for lower grades which is around  100 words or below. There is a wide range of  topics for essays in English for grade 1, 2 or 3  and some of them are: essay on My Favourite Animal, essay on My Best Friend, essay on My Favourite Festival, essay on Freedom Fighters , Essay on My country etc. 

Here is a guide  on how to write a remarkable essay on freedom fighters to leave a good impression.

A good  essay on freedom fighters should include a brief introduction about what is fight for freedom, what do we mean by the term freedom fighters, information about some prominent freedom fighters who did exceptional work in the fight for freedom of the nation and how they inspire us. 

This article contains all formats of essays and provides a sample for a short essay on freedom fighters,  100 words essay on freedom fighters, and a few lines on freedom fighters in English.

Read more: Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

Few lines on Freedom fighters in English

1. Freedom means being able to choose what we want to do, as long as it does not hurt others or us.

2. Countries should be free to make rules, execute orders for the benefit of their people and should be ruled by residents of the country itself or by their leaders.

3. When people of other countries try to rule over and control a country, this leads to a fight for freedom by the people of the country which is being controlled.

4. The people who play an active role in this fight for freedom and inspire others to do so are called freedom fighters.

5. Some famous freedom fighters around the world are Nelson Mandela, Joan of Arc, and  Martin Luther King Junior  etc.

6.  Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Rani Laxmi Bai, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Bhagat Singh etc are some well known freedom fighters from India,

7. These Freedom fighters are heroes who fought for the independence of their countries. Some of them worked to get rid of bad customs or rituals that were being followed in their country or community.

8. Freedom fighters made many sacrifices for the well being of their country and their people and only true heroes can do that.

9. The work of freedom fighters made the world a better place and led to a world with better chances at harmony and equality .

10. Freedom fighters inspire us to stand up against injustice and inequality. We should never forget their contributions and always remember them with respect.

100 Words Essay on Freedom fighters

Freedom is the ability to do whatever we want, up to the extent that it does not hurt others or us. When a nation tries to control the people of other country it means taking away freedom of the people. People who fight against it to win back the independence of their country and people are called freedom fighters. Freedom fighters are brave people who sacrifice their family life, personal pleasures and comfort etc. in their fight against the rulers. Freedom fighters inspire other people to join them in their fight for freedom. Nelson Mandela, Joan of Arc and Martin Luther King Junior are some of the famous freedom fighters around the world. India also has fought its war against English rulers to get its freedom back. Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Rani Laxmi Bai, Jawahar  Lal Nehru, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev etc are some of the famous Indian Freedom fighters. We should never forget the efforts of the freedom fighters due to which we got a chance to enjoy our life of freedom. These freedom fighters should always be respected and celebrated.

Read more: The Iron Man of India: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Short Essay on freedom fighters

When we are free to do whatever we want till we do not hurt others or us, it is called freedom. Freedom is very precious. It allows us to live life on our own terms. For example, we are free to choose in what city we want to live in, which festivals we want to celebrate and which school we want to study in. Sometimes, a country may try to control the people of other country and use the country’s assests for their own benefit. The people who fight against the rulers to  free the country are called freedom fighters. Sometimes freedom fighters are the people who fight against the bad customs in their country.

Famous freedom fighters 

The fight for freedom has been fought in many countries under the leadership of different firefighters, Nelson Mandela, Joan of Arc and Martin Luther King Junior are some of the well known freedom fighters around the world. Nelson Mandela fought against unequal behavior for people of different communities. Martin Luther King Junior also fought for equal rights for people. Joan of Arc was a freedom fighter of France,

Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Rani Laxmi Bai etc are some of the famous Indian freedom fighters. Mahatma Gandhi used non violence as a weapon. To recognise his contribution he was named Father of the Nation.They all sacrificed their personal life, comfort etc for the fight against freedom. They are heroes who fought bravely for the people of their country and their benefit.


Freedom fighters are the real heroes who fought against all odds to win back the freedom of their country and people. They are the reason we are able to enjoy a life of freedom. They created way for a better and peaceful world where all countries should be free and equal. We should always respect the freedom fighters and celebrate them. 

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Article Author

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Srijita Banerjee

Srijita Banerjee is a freelance writer and an enthusiastic educator who loves connecting with children and helps them out to Groom Well. Srijita imbibes profound love for English and is a torch bearer. Strong believer and highly optimistic. Hardwork and dedication drives Srijita to work relentlessly towards best.

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