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Guru Purnima is a traditional festival of Hindus and Buddhists. This festival is celebrated in honour of the Guru means the teachers. A Guru is given the highest position in our ancient scriptures.
One of the famous sloka chanted in Guru Purnima is Gurur Brahmā Gurur Viṣṇur Gurur devo Maheśvaraḥ
Guruḥ sākṣāt paraṁ Brahma tasmai śrī guruve namaḥ, this sloka means guru is Lord Brahma, guru is Lord Vishnu and guru is Lord Shiva. A guru is the supreme entity. I bow down to guru. Guru is a mentor and guide in life. The festival of Guru Purnima is dedicated to one of the Gurus named Sage Ved Vyasa because it marks the birthday of Sage Ved Vyasa the author of the Mahabharata epic. The festival of Guru Purnima is dedicated to the sage Ved Vyasa.
Guru Purnima is celebrated in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain culture widely all over the world. Guru Purnima depicts the beautiful relationship between a teacher and a student. A guru holds a remarkable position in a student's life. Since ancient times, it can be seen that all famous characters had a guru to show them the right path to achieve success for example, Guru Dronacharya guided Arjuna to become the best archer and Guru Drona was guided by the great Guru Parsurama. Guru Purnima is celebrated on a full moon day (Purnima) in the month of Ashadha according to the Hindu calendar. In Hindu tradition, Guru Purnima is celebrated in honour of Sage Ved Vyasa, a great son of Rishi Parashara. Sage Ved Vyasa had deep knowledge of the past, present and future. Sage Ved Vyasa with the assistance of Lord Ganesha, wrote one of the longest epic Mahabharata. It is also believed that on this day, Lord Shiva, also known as Adi Guru or the first Guru, imparted the knowledge to the Saptarishis ( seven sages).
In the Buddhist tradition, this festival is celebrated as the day when the Lord Buddha gave his first sermon at the Sarnath after he received enlightenment. In Jainism, Guru Purnima is celebrated to show respect to Lord Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara. Lord Mahavira made Indrabhuti his first disciple also called Ganadhara.
The story of Guru Purnima is associated with the great Sage Veda Vyasa. The story of Guru Purnima teaches us the importance of sharing knowledge and wisdom with everyone in this world. The story Vyasa Purnima is as follows.
Many years ago there was a famous Sage called Sage Parashara. Sage Parashara used to spend most of his time teaching and sharing knowledge and wisdom with others. One fine day, Sage Parashara was travelling when he came across the river Yamuna. There he saw a beautiful girl named Satyavati. Satyavati was the daughter of a fisherman chieftain. When Sage Parashara saw Satyavati, he realised that she would be the best woman to be the mother of his heir. Satyavati gave birth to Krishna Dvaipayana who was known as the Sage Veda Vyasa because of his knowledge and wisdom. Sage Veda Vyasa had complied with Vedas like Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. The festival of Guru Purnima is celebrated in honour of Sage Veda Vyasa for his great works.
The rituals followed on the occasion of Guru Purnima such as chanting the Divine Mantras of Gurus, listening to devotional songs throughout the day, and reading sacred scriptures like Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, and Puranas. Many people also offer prasad and visit spiritual places. On this day people seek blessings from their Gurus or teachers. Performing charity is one of the noble acts a person can do on this auspicious day of Guru Purnima. The day of Guru Purnima is best for self-introspection and self-realisation. People who visit ashrams, also do meditation to attain peace of mind and calmness.
Guru Purnima has its significance in Hinduism and Buddhism. Guru Purnima in Hinduism is greatly attached to honouring the Gurus in our lives. This day is also important as it celebrates the birthday of Guru Veda Vyasa and on this day Lord Shiva imparted the knowledge of yoga to the seven sages. In Buddhism, Guru Purnima is important because Lord Buddha had given his first sermon at Sarnath after he received enlightenment and the Buddhist people observe this day by offering prayers and practising meditation. In Bambinos. Live little Yogi Classes, we teach children aged 4 years to 15 years the importance of different auspicious days associated with Indian customs. Through the course of Little Yogi, a child can be a part of an amazing journey to explore mythological stories and facts about Indian culture.
Guru Purnima is an auspicious day for all Hinduism, Buddhism and also in Jainism as it signifies the importance of a teacher or guru in one’s life. The guru is the facilitator of providing the righteous path to his disciples. The word guru means the person who removes darkness and brings us closer to the brightness of knowledge and wisdom. Vyasa Purnima or Guru Purnima, is celebrated on a full moon day. Every knowledge given by a guru is like the beautiful light of the moon which brighten up our minds and intellect.
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