Parenting 101

Colourful Holi Activities for Kids

Colourful Holi Activities for Kids

After the exams and loads of studying, your kids are probably waiting for some fun filled activities so let your kids dive into a world of creativity and family loving activities. But, before we start with the activities, let's gain some knowledge about Holi. Holi is the festival of colours and is celebrated on the last full moon in the lunar month of Phalguna. It appears at the end of winters and welcomes spring. There is a saying that it proves "The triumph of good over evil." 

Holi is a festival that everyone looks forward to, especially the kids. Who doesn’t want to splash colours at each other! In this blog though, we’re going to explore some fun-filled holi activities for kids. 

1. DIY Pichkari

PICHKARI - Wow! As soon as young ones hear this word, they are filled with excitement.

How to make: Take any used cold drink bottle. Use the bottle opener to make a hole in the very middle of the cap and make multiple holes. Then decorate the outer side of bottle with colourful cutouts of Holi images. Fill the water bottle with coloured water and then just squeeze it to shoot! such amazing fun, isn't it?  A water gun is a type of toy gun designed to shoot water.

It’s so easy - you won’t want to buy another pichkari again!

2. Holi Colouring Pages

After a long tiring day, you would not want to play or indulge in any activities with them. Here comes the great IDEA! 

Kids are totally in love with colours throughout the year, whether it is holi or not. 

So, give your little ones some quiet time to entertain themselves by indulging in the fun Holi colouring pages. You can download these sheets prior and keep them ready for the juniors.

3. Rainbow in my plate

"Mommy, look at that rainbow in the sky, please bring it for me" 

what your child must be feeling every time they see a rainbow. Right?

Time to make your little ones wish come true. Make a rainbow in a plate with this simple candy experiment. What you need is a packet of Gems or M&M. Line up the gems around the circle on a plate, creating a colourful pattern. Add water to discover how colours melt off the candies to form a rainbow in your plate. Gems are coated with food colouring. Water dissolves this food colouring to make water colourful. Without the coloured coating, all of them appear alike.

4. Paint Splatter Cards

Holi isn’t about pouring colour neatly; it is just about splashing it all around and making a mess. Making cards is a lovely craft where you can make paint splatters look beautiful and gift them to your loved ones.

Sometimes the less you plan, the better your project turns out. These paint splatter Holi cards are an example of this. Get the kids to create random patterns with free-flowing liquid paints on the cards. You’ll be surprised at how impressive the card turned out with such little effort.

5. Water Balloon Cricket

Why leave the fathers aloof during the activities! Give a twist to water balloons splat this time with water balloon cricket. Bowl in the water balloons and your child has to hit them with a cricket bat. All you need is plenty of balloons. That's super exciting and family fun activity.

6. Roll and Splash

This is a wonderful outdoor water game for kids that makes it a perfect fun Holi game. With a bit of rules added in, both you and your children will love it. Pretty easy to set-up, all you need is a big dish. Fill it with water and let your children sit around it in a circle. All players take turns in rolling the dice and the lucky one who lands up with a six, gets to slap his/her hands into the water dish, splashing the water on everyone!

Sounds fun, right? We bet it is!

7. Hand print colourful T-shirt

This Holi, make a hand print t-shirt with your loved one. Grab an old plain white or any other solid t-shirt in a light colour and spread it upfront. Now comes the fun part. Grab fabric paint and let your child dip their hands in the favourite colour and put the hand print on the t-shirt using his creativity. Once done, let it sit for an hour before washing. Dry in shade and ta-da- your Holi t-shirt is ready to wear and flaunt.

8. Paint with flowers

Flowers are the most colourful creation of God. And using different colours to create craft makes it more vibrant and attractive.

Grab a marigold flower, paints of different colours and few white sheets. Create contrasting designs by dipping the flower in different colours and using it on white sheets to make beautiful designs. It is a simple way to explain children how we all are different and yet look beautiful together. You can also further develop these white sheets into cards to gift someone.

9. Reading with Thrill

Little ones love to listen to stories. They like to explore new horizons of their dreamworld. Let's take them on a tour with new stories related to Holi. There are lots of books available online which your child will cherish for the lifetime. These books can be a real prized possession as a Holi gift for your kiddies!


Q1. What are small slogans for Holi?

Here are small slogans for Holi.

  • “Good day! Let’s splash each other with colour and share happiness.
  • “Life is the most vibrant festival; enjoy every day to the fullest.”
  • On this Holi, let’s put aside all of our disagreements and frolic with colour.
  • “Holi is indeed the time to spread joy with colourful gestures. It is time to be kind and forgiving.
  • “The Holi colours inspire new beginnings and new hope in life.”
  • “Let’s share love, joy, and colourful moments during Holi to make it memorable.”

Q2. Why Holi is called the festival of colors?

This religious celebration is centered on the myth of Lord Sri Krishna, when he was a child. He was in despair when he thought Radha and the other women wouldn’t like him. Thus, after witnessing his loving son’s suffering, Yashoda’s mother advised him to paint Radha’s face to cheer himself up. Some individuals think that this is why people worldwide cover themselves in various colors during Holi and smear them on one another.

So, to revisit or relive this holy event. Individuals enjoy splashing each other with colored water. By late morning, everyone resembles a colorful painting. That is why Holi is known as the “Festival of Colors” for this reason. 

Happy Holi! Hope God paints the canvas of your life with beautiful colors.

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Article Author

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Madhur Churiwala

Madhur Churiwala is an accomplished English and communicative skills educator with 15 years of experience. She holds a degree of B. ED in English. She started her career as a Fashion Designer but her passion for teaching and interacting with children turned her into a highly skilled educator. Initially she taught in school and then moved onto online teaching platform where she showcased her skills in education. Her way of teaching in fun and playful environment always inspires children to develop a love for learning. Over the years she has developed her passion for writing. As an author, Madhur brings her dedicated educational background to her blogs offering the valuable insights for educators, parents and students alike.

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