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How Phonics help your child | Phonics for Kids

How Phonics help your child | Phonics for Kids

Hi! Readers I am back again to kill your curiosity regarding Phonics for kids. It is something that is talked about much among the parents these days. And if you have something in your mind it also gives birth to lots and lots of queries. So, it’s the time to give away all your worries and get answers to your queries. 

You must have heard, that to have anything to be strong and long-lasting you have to have a good foundation. Whether it's building something, learning something, creating something etc. Similarly, Phonics for kids is the foundation for reading and writing correct English.  Imagine in higher grades where kids need to be independent readers and comprehend it too, at that age they are struggling with correct reading it's going to badly affect their education and grades which could diminish their confidence too.  

Phonics helps the child to recognise the letter sounds, how to relate the sound and to understand the alphabetic code used for reading and writing.

The phonics methodology was developed and tested over a period of time. Earlier the reading was taught using a whole-word approach. Which is more or less equal to memorizing. There was always a group of students who were not good at remembering and used to struggle a lot. There they decided to teach them through sounds and this approach proved to be more successful for the children.

Phonics for Kids is a programme that teaches young children the skills they need to read and write. Jolly Phonics aims to teach children the five key skills that they need to apply the English alphabetic code successfully. 

The five key skills taught in Phonics are: 

The first skill is learning the letter sounds. Like in English, Phonics don’t follow the same serial order of the alphabet. Alphabet order is A, B, C, D, E, F and so on. Whereas, jolly phonics' first letter sound is ‘S’ followed by A, T, P, I, and N. Now you will have a question why so? What’s wrong with the alphabetic order? There is nothing wrong with it but it’s after research they have decided this.

If you teach the sound of A, B, C, D, E, AND F. Which and how many words you can read after that? The child will be able to read BAD, BED, CAB …. But if they learn S, A, T, P, I, and N they will be able to read words like, sat, sit, tap, pat, pin, nip, nap, sip, sin, at, it, in, is, ant, spin and so on. You have a clear picture in front of you which sequence is more helpful to be learnt. 

The second skill is, Learning letter formation. So, once you know how the letter looks and sounds, the child should also know how to form it. While learning the formation some kids get confused with letter b and letter d formation.

This confusion can be overruled by teaching first comes bat then comes the ball, and also frequent repetition and practice. They also get confused with n and u, p and q which they will overcome when they enroll for Phonics for kids.

The third skill is Blending which is essential for reading the word. In this skill child learns to blend the sounds in a word together and learn to read it. For example, the child knows the sound of the letters S, A, and T. Now in the fourth step, he is taught when the sound S comes with A it sounds SA and then we add a sound after the SA sound which helps them read the word SAT. 

The Fourth skill is identifying the sounds in the word which helps them to decode the word for writing. Like, the phonics for kids help them learn sound, for example, the child knows the sound of the letter S, A, and T. And listens to the word, SAT now in the fourth step, he knows the sound and will decode the first sound is S and will write that. The middle sound A will be written next to S. And the end sound is T which will be written after SA which helps them write the complete word SAT.

The first four skills are taught simultaneously. With each new lesson, kids are taught new letter sounds and also how to write that letter. Then they start learning to blend by using the sounds already learnt.

The fifth skill is to learn the tricky words. These are the naughty words that don’t follow the sound rule. The Phonics for kids encourages them to blend the sounds, listen to the word and identify the tricky part of the spelling. 

How Phonics help your child:

Independent Reader: By learning the skills of Phonics your child can become an independent reader. He knows the sounds and can blend every word even if they encounter the word for the first time.

No stress dictation: Now kids can identify the sound so they can easily decode and write the word.

No more Memorising: Now the concept and aspects are clear so they can say goodbye to memorising the words which leads to lots of mistakes.

Confidence: Kids are more confident after learning the phonics. That is evident when they start reading the labels on the bottles, boxes, and even the hoardings, and captions too. They start to feel confident about it and feel motivated to read more.

Improves vocabulary: when they read a new word they are happy along with curiosity about knowing the meaning of it too. This helps increase their word bank.

Academic performance: You can experience good performance in overall academics. English is the mode of language for a maximum of subjects and kids read and comprehend that easily which improves their overall performance. 

Improved Pronunciation: Phonics plays an important role in teaching the correct pronunciation to the child. 

So, I can say that phonics is beneficial for kids. They can read, write and comprehend easily. It gives them confidence in all spheres of life. 

Why choose phonics at Bambinos: 

Certified and experienced faculty: Bambinos hires experienced and certified teachers in the field. And also gives time-to-time training to them.

Kids-friendly environment: Kids are dealt with in a friendly manner so they are at their comfort level.

Curriculum: The curriculum is designed as per the individual's needs if required. It's engaging and fun-loving.

Support after enrolment:  Team support for parents is the same as the time of admission till any point of time during the course. 


Q1. What is an appropriate age for phonic?

Ans. There is no age bar or limit for learning phonics. You can start at any age but if it's the initial stage of your learning it could be a time saver.

Q2. Are there two types of vowels? 

Ans. No, vowel is of only one type but it has long and short sounds.

Q3. In how much time a child can learn complete reading? 

Ans. Phonics have different levels for different students. Also, each child has their own pace to learn the things. So, the duration of the phonics course varies from child to child.

Article Author

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Sonia Gandhi

Sonia Gandhi has been an educator for the last fourteen years. She is a passionate story writer and storyteller. She is also a certified Jolly phonics trainer.

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