Parenting 101

How to Be a Good Debater - Complete Guide to Debating

How to Be a Good Debater - Complete Guide to Debating

After all the updating, it will look like this: A Complete Guide to Being a Good Debater Debating is an amazing skill that lets you voice your opinions, think critically and understand other people’s viewpoints. Here are some tips on how to be a great debater whether you have a school debate coming up or just want to be good at arguing. 

1. Select Subjects of Interest

Pick debate topics that will grab your audience’s attention, that they would like to know more about. For example “Should schoolwork be prohibited?” or in contrast “Is online learning better than classroom learning?” are excellent debate topics for children as they directly relate to their everyday experiences. You could choose topics such as “Is climate change the biggest threat to our future?” for older students. or, "Should voting be a requirement?" 

2. Extensively investigate

Even if you only agree with one side, it's important to know both sides. Get facts, figures and examples supporting what you believe in . For instance, if you’re debating the question “Should homework be banned?,” research studies showing how much time kids spend on their assignments and how stressful homework can get to them too. And then prepare answers ahead of time by thinking through counterarguments you might encounter during the discussion.

3. Speaking Practice

Perfection is achieved through extensive practice therefore, strive to speak clearly and with confidence. Your arguments must be based on facts and examples because authentic evidence supports your point of view. For instance, if you state that “Online learning trumps classroom instruction,” provide definite instances where online learning has had successful results as well as students’ advancement.

4. Listen Actively

Watch out for the counterarguments given by your opponent actively. When you listen actively, it enables you to grasp their points hence responding effectively towards them. Be quick in thinking to respond using your prepared facts and examples when they bring up an argument. This suggests that you are attentive and can think critically.

5. Engage with Unique Topics

Argue unique topics which will make the conversation more interesting. For example, discussing “Should animals be kept in zoos?” could lead to a deep conversation about animal rights and conservation. Another provoking issue is “Is it better to read books or watch movies?” that brings up matters of imagination and learning.

6. Be Respectful and Open-Minded

Even though there are differences between your views and those of your opponent, always have respect for him/her including his/her views since he/she is entitled to them too; this being so debating means being able appreciate different perspectives thereby promoting understanding amongst the debaters themselves without necessarily having won a debate or not as such.Respect should be shown by listening keenly before responding thoughtfully


Follow these steps and you will become a good debater who is ready to handle any subject with confidence and skill. Remember, preparation, practice and respect for others’ views are the key to good debating. Happy Debating!

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Article Author

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Saiqa Hamid

Saiqa Hamid is a dynamic essayist, writer, and educator. With a wide foundation in exploratory writing, public speaking, and educating, she appreciates persuading others to find the magnificence of language and books. With over three years of involvement with schooling and English Honours degree, she brings a persuasive and caring climate in which children can foster a real love for language and writing.

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