Parenting 101

How to make writing fun for your children

How to make writing fun for your children


A young mind is a factory of ideas, thoughts, stories and narration. In a day, tons of ideas pass through the kid's minds, but penning them down on paper becomes challenging. White paper and a pencil, or a white computer screen with a blink cursor look gloomy and uninteresting for children. Making the writing experience easy and fun for children is not a challenging task. For children, it's essential to understand that writing doesn't mean thousands of words written in a structured way. Writing can be fun and colourful without worrying about sentence length, grammar or structure.

Look how confidently the young generation can express themselves. They learn to share stories and ideas easily with others. To ignite their creativity and imagination, by adopting some fun methods can make the entire writing process memorable for them. Such satisfying experiences shape young minds into budding writers.

It's super easy to teach your child to write with a flow and fun. As a writing coach, avoid getting after your child to write correct spellings, proper handwriting etc. Kids learn everything through the play way method- introducing writing through games and activities will allow them to enjoy and entertain. The learning takes place in freedom. 

Engage children in fun writing games and activities

Pass it on sentence :

It is a group game. The first sentence of the story is already written on the paper and passed on and each child must write one sentence. And pass it on to the next one to continue the story. We can limit the story to 10-15 lines or until all the kids add something to the story. In the end, the story can be read together.

Story bag :

Put a few random objects in the bag. Each child picks up an object and creates a joke, story, etc, keeping the object as a central hero. This activity will surely add some fun elements to writing.

A paragraph to their Hero :

Writing and talking about their superheroes and cartoon characters is loved by kids. They can be given postcards to write a message/paragraph to their favourite person. The kids can create their own digital postcards with the help of apps or through arts and crafts.

Dialogue Writing :

Take picture printouts of pets, people, famous people, and family members. Add a blank speech bubble so children can write dialogues, keeping the facial expressions in mind.

Advertisement Writing :

Kids can choose their favourite food items like Ice creams, chocolates, and candies and write an entertaining advertisement to sell their product. They can write a song, poem, dialogue, prepare a brochure, hoarding etc as per their choice.

Summarize the news :

Children can pick up any news of their interest, summarize it in their own words, and share it with family or classmates.

Drawing words :

It is the most creative way to indulge in the writing process by combining art and words. Children can draw an outline of any object, character etc on the paper. They can write poems/stories/thoughts around that outline.

Social Media posts :

Children can create social media posts with art and craft. The theme can be given to them. They can come with #hastags, captions, tags, messages etc. The other children can like and comment on each other's work.

Twist in the tale :

To ensure that the child engages and enjoys the writing process by having them rewrite the end or beginning of their favourite story. With the help of imaginative and creative skills, new and different ideas can be developed. Kids love participating in such activities as it gives them the freedom to showcase their skills.

Figurative language tasting :

The best way to teach figurative language is through food-tasting activities. After laying down all the food items, the children should pick up their favourite items. They are allowed to eat them. Once they finish eating, instruct them to explain the food using their senses of sight, smell, taste, touch etc.

Sentence stick :

Finish a sentence creatively using the word bank or word sticks. Children can come up with different alternates like making the sentence funny, sad, horror etc.

Develop a character :

Kids can draw a picture of themselves and describe their strengths and weaknesses using adjectives, advanced vocabulary, etc. Others can give remarks using figurative devices like idioms, similes, Hyperbole etc.

What to remember!

Pick the topic which the kids love.

Kids should use their imaginative skills. In case they struggle with ideas, give prompts. 

Writing prompts can relate to their daily life, favourite things, fiction etc.

It's encouraging for a child to share their creative work with family and friends.

Simple and short instructions are easy to follow.

Praise wholeheartedly.

Positive feedback helps the child to refine his writing style. 

Allow children to decorate their work with stickers, stamps, drawings, etc.

Online games provide a variety of options related to vocabulary building, spelling rules, picture prompts, etc. 

Easy writing prompts ideas

Write about your favourite season!

When you meet a magician!

Trip to Disney land!

When you turn invisible!

Fulfill your three wishes!

My birthday party on cruise!

When an animal followed you home!

Story of a wooden door!

Candy kingdom!

When pirates attack your boat!

How about a space journey!

Favourite gift!

A unique pet!

There can be multiple reasons for children to dislike writing, especially when they are forced to write, don't receive adequate instructions, have more focus on spelling and grammar and lack fun. The children shouldn't feel fear of writing. To motivate children to write, give them rewards, recognition and praise. Children, with their curious and creative minds and with writing prompts, can create gripping narratives. It allows them to explore and navigate different writing styles and genres. 

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Article Author

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Karuna Sinh

Karuna Sinh competent professional with over 20 years of experience in sectors ranging from Teaching, Hospitality, Freelancing content writing, Administration & Management.

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