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Name of Reptiles | Types of Reptiles | Learn Reptile Names in English | Bambinos.live

Name of Reptiles | Types of Reptiles | Learn Reptile Names in English | Bambinos.live

Earth is the home to millions of different species of animals and plants. Some are common and some are unique and among them the most unique creation of God is Reptiles. Reptiles are one of its kind in look, variety, behaviour, life span etc. So, lets discuss more about this fascinating creature today.

What Are Reptiles?

A reptile is a cold-blooded animal with scaly skin and bony plates. They are a type of vertebrate animals. They are known to be surviving on Earth for more than 280 million years and also known as the ancestors of birds and mammals.

Though many of the species of reptiles have become extinct with time. One of the well-known reptiles - dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago.

Where are they found?

Reptiles can be traced anywhere in the world except the areas of low temperature regions like Arctic and Tundra areas. Most common place for the reptile is the areas with warm environment and lots of sunlight. They are generally Reptiles are cold-blooded. They naturally have a low metabolic rate, which helps conserve energy.

All reptiles breathe through their lungs. found in areas like deserts, rainforests and tropical regions. 

Characteristic Of Reptiles

Reptiles are the vertebrates who doesn’t have backbone. They have rough scales, bony plates. Most of the reptiles have four limbs with great sizes.

Reptiles can shed and replace their skin throughout their lifetime. They are known to be the cold-blooded animals. All reptiles breathe through their lungs.

Snakes shed all their scales at once. Lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles shed their scales one by one or in patches.

What Are the Types of Reptiles?

There are four primary types of reptiles - 

1. Crocodilia

2. Sphenodontia

3. Squamata

4. Testudines

List Of Reptiles Names for Kids


These are the large-sized reptiles and they are found in the waterbodies like rivers, oceans, lakes, etc. They have a V-shaped snout. They are commonly found in America, Australia, Africa, and Asia. 


There are two species of alligator only surviving today. First one is the American alligator and the second one is Chinese alligator. They have overhanging teeth.


They are on Earth since 100 million years and are known as air breathing reptiles.


Tortoise are the long-lived, slow-moving members of the Testudines family. Some tortoises have been surviving for more than 150 years, and some have even living for over 250 years.


Snakes are the reptiles which do not have arms and legs. There are 3,900 different species of snakes in the world.


They are type of small, short-snouted crocodiles and they consume insects, lizards, amphibians, mammals, fish, and snakes.


There are two types of reptiles called tuataras that live in New Zealand and the nearby islands.


The lizards are known to "fly" but very rare. They just glide from tree to tree by using their ribs and the membrane between them.


They are the small, short-snouted crocodiles. They survive on insects, lizards, amphibians, mammals, fish, and snakes.

Worm Lizards 

There are various species of lizards that lack arms and legs. Worm lizards have smaller right lungs than genuine snakes, who have smaller left lungs.

Few other reptiles’ names are - 





Black Racer









Puff Adder


Slow Worm


Thorny Devil

Timber Rattler


Reptiles are an important part of god’s creation which contributes in the environmental life cycle.

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Madhur Churiwala

Madhur Churiwala is an accomplished English and communicative skills educator with 15 years of experience. She holds a degree of B. ED in English. She started her career as a Fashion Designer but her passion for teaching and interacting with children turned her into a highly skilled educator. Initially she taught in school and then moved onto online teaching platform where she showcased her skills in education. Her way of teaching in fun and playful environment always inspires children to develop a love for learning. Over the years she has developed her passion for writing. As an author, Madhur brings her dedicated educational background to her blogs offering the valuable insights for educators, parents and students alike.

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