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All about the NYMS of English | Learning English from A to Z

All about the NYMS of English | Learning English from A to Z

In this element of “Fun with Words” , I suppose that teaching the roots of words is essential. Learning unique words gives enjoyment to the learner, thereby enhancing communication skills. Talking about word roots and foundation, the direction of the word to its present-day form is one of the most fascinating ideas. During my sessions with students, I frequently inspire them to crack down words and concentrate on expression rather than verbatim. This blog post too is aimed at understanding all about “nyms” in English.

How did this all start?

“Nym” originates from the Greek word for name or word. People may be aware about these “nyms” somewhere or the other.

We’ve all been involved with words that have similar or opposite meanings, so no surprise for identifying synonym and antonym. In the virtual world , mostly people seem to count on pseudonym. But what about some of the unheard of and not so popular known- “nyms”?

If you guess more than five of these 16 terms without searching for definitions, you’re qualified to name yourself an honest Nymskull!

Let’s now look at the types of “nyms” in English: 

1.  Acronym

An abbreviation formed from the initial words.

2. Allonym

A fictious name used by an author.

3. Charactonym

A name of a fictional character that indicates a particular quality/feature of that character.

4. Cryptonym

A code name that is secretly used to mention a person, place or thing. 

5. Aptronym

A person’s name that best suits his occupation/profession often in a comical way. For example- Mr. Sweet, the owner of an ice cream Parlor.

6. Demonym

A Demonym is a word that recognizes a group of people ( inhabitants, residents, natives) in connection to a specific place.

7. Endonym

A name used by a group or category of people to call  themselves or their language, in opposition to a name given to them by other groups.

8. Eponym 

An eponym is either a person for whom something is named, or a thing named for a person.

9. Exonym 

A name given to a place by foreigners . 

Vienna, for example, is the English exonym for the German and Austrian Wien.

10. Heteronym

A word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different pronunciation and meaning. Such as- ‘tear’ means to rip off something and ‘tear’ means liquid from the eye. 

11. Homonym

It may be a word that has the same sound to another word but has a different meaning and spelling or in some cases it can also be a word that has exactly the same spelling and sound to another word but means different. For example- too and two or quail ( bird) and quail (to cringe)

12. Hypernym

A word whose meaning involves the meanings of other words. Flower is a hypernym that involves more definite varieties like rose, sunflower, lilies, daisy

13. Metonym

It is used as a substitute for something else with which it is associated. For example- White house is a common metonym for the US. President and his/her staff.

14. Mononym

A single word name by which a person is popularly known as. For example- Shakespeare.

15. Oronym

It is a word or phrase that sounds almost the same as another word or phrase as an outcome of sounds running together.

16. Retronym

A fresh term designed from an existing word for the purpose of differentiating the original or older version , form or example of a product from another latest product , version or form. Such as an acoustic guitar, analog watch or snail- mail

How changes in English Language influences root words 

Assembling words can help people master vocabulary more easily. As you have just glanced, there are several ways to assemble/group words. Words can be grouped by almost identical (similar) sounds or they can be organized by meaning or ideas. There are nearly a million words in the English language. Mastering all of them would be a tough task. It is comfortable to memorize the types of nyms and their meanings if they are entirely grouped with similar words and ideas. 

Instantly after we knock up students perception and inquisitiveness in the English language, we lead them to acknowledge more of what they read and to be more innovative in their writing. The primary motive is to make words memorable instead of memorized. We know sparkling participation can tempt even the most unwilling learner, therefore detecting ways to encourage all children is critical. 

With the world moving at a rapid speed approaching a multinational lifestyle, it has become essential to adapt oneself to the basic needs for the same. One of the most important factors of a multinational culture is that of English-speaking skills. There has been an obsession for the growth of English spoken skills which has led to an increase in Live English classes for kids. It’s main motive is to inculcate the routine of spoken English in young kids from an early age so that they don’t hang back in the advanced world. This can be done with the support of several online spoken English platforms for children which has recognized a desperate escalation in numbers. 

What are some benefits of taking spoken English classes

There are numerous benefits of availing online spoken English training which caters children with limitless horizon and golden opportunities. To name a few are as follows: 

1. Boost confidence

One of the primary benefits of availing spoken English classes is that it can help boost a child’s confidence. With the educator’s guidance, the students utilize their communication skills in a comfortable and encouraging domain. This guides to boosting  confidence which tags along with them in other areas of their life. Each lesson is customized to the child’s needs and abilities. This way no child is discouraged by other mates who may be a bit smarter than him/her. Learners learn the greatest when they aren’t deemed by people in their circle.

2. Intrapersonal capability

Availing English courses provides children to enhance their intrapersonal capabilities to ponder and undertake thoughts in English. This way, the kids evolve stronger expertness in the language. 

3. Obtain higher communication skills

One of the main benefits that children obtain is finer speaking skills. This is attained through regular conversation exercise with the educator who guides the children to learn exact pronunciation, use the right intonation and strengthen morale. 

4. Better cordial skills

Online classes help to instil the ability needed to build great bonds with new people and make a superior position among society. It permits to expand societal familiarity and communal participation with better acknowledgment. 

5. Valuable pedagogy

During the present circumstance, it’s really vital to gain a valuable learning. As much as there are various remarkable schools yet they sometimes fail to provide the golden chance. That’s when online classes comes to the rescue. They grant learners to experience a unique learning environment that they can’t acquire at local schools and steal plethora of knowledge from master educators. Also as these courses are relaxed and undemanding, students get a chance to decide how much work they want to do in any given day or week.

6. Prolonged learning

Availing online spoken English classes flourishes versatility and capability that helps children in distant future by enumerating their aura.

7. Evolve evaluative intelligence

Spoken English classes also teach to evolve a child’s critical intelligence. They are enlightened to examine information, make resolutions and demonstrate their viewpoint  in a comprehensible and crisp manner. These skills are essential to gain victory in all aspects of life.

8. Enrich vocabulary guided by best tutors

These classes also help children elevate their vocabulary and widen up their range of lexicon. They are exposed to new words and phrases which they make use of in their day-to-day routine. As children build up vocabulary, they turn more assertive in speaking and writing.

9. Have fun

Having said these points, the prime benefit of online spoken English for children is to enjoy. When getting taught is fun , children are more likely to participate and remember what they learned. And because these classes are online therefore there are plenty of innovative games and activities that keep the child engrossed while they learn. Hence proved- IT’S A PROFITABLE SITUATION


When children are introduced to all types of nyms at an early age, they show exceptional outcome in the following years to come. Therefore, it is an absolute necessity to enrol children  in English speaking classes where customized courses for kids and teens contribute to greater expansion and development. This will benefit children, and establish their future reliability.

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Article Author

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Sarah Ali

Sarah Ali is a passionate teacher and Lifelong learner. She takes pleasure into guiding students to find their voice and express themselves confidently. Her teaching approach revolves around fostering a positive and inclusive classroom environment where students can thrive. By instilling a love for learning, she aims to nurture their curiosity, critical thinking skills, and passion for expressing themselves effectively.

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