Learning with Bambinos

Teaching Kids About Karma and Dharma

Teaching Kids About Karma and Dharma

Are you confused about how to teach your child the difference between right and wrong?

Though the parents and teachers always try to imbibe good qualities in the kids for their bright future, sometimes we as adults are in a dilemma while judging what is wrong and what is right. So, we need to build a strong foundation of moral values and help the kids to judge the situation and their actions in a better way. The learning about Karma and Dharma at an early age will make the child conscious towards the right path.

Simple explanation of Karma:

"Karma means that whatever you do, good or bad, comes back to you." Use relatable examples like sharing toys with friends leading to more friends, or being unkind causing others to not want to play with them.

Dharma as "right action":

Dharma is all about doing the right things and following the rules.

Positive Karma:

Encourage good deeds like helping others, saying "please" and "thank you," and being kind to animals, emphasizing how these actions create positive outcomes.

Negative Karma:

Discuss how actions like lying, stealing, or being mean can have negative consequences for oneself and others.

Few moral values that each child must learn at an early age, they are


Always speaking the truth, no matter how hard the situation is. Teaching children the value of speaking truth at a young age will build confidence, trust and healthy relationships among their peers, family and loved ones. Sometimes kids might speak lies or be dishonest with their peers. But be patient in such situations avoiding negative reactions.


Talk to your kids about how being kind and compassionate towards others is important. This will teach them the importance of humanity and being a caring person. Furthermore, the child can be taken for the visit to an orphanage or animal shelter to give them real life examples.

Hard Work

“There are no shortcuts to success” This is an important value we need to teach our kids. Dreams and goals can be achieved only through hard work and dedication. They should make it their habit to always work hard and earn what they deserve.


“Sharing is caring” we should teach this to our kids from early childhood. So that they can learn to share things with their siblings and friends. This brings a sense of care and love among each other making the bond stronger with their near and dear ones.


Making your child responsible is one of the essential moral values that every parent needs to imbibe in them. Responsibility does not always mean piling up a lot of work on them but it means to take care of their own belongings carefully. Also to take care of their everyday chores without failing, to study attentively and to not repeat the mistakes again.


Helping everyone around them enhances their human nature. Be it their friends who need help, or the grandparents wanting something or the neighbours, they should always help everyone. As the quote says - “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.


Respect is to be taught on a priority basis to the kids. They should understand that if they respect everyone, they will also gain respect in return. Respect for the family members, friends, teachers and siblings is not enough, but they also need to respect the animals and their belongings.

Ways to teach your child these values

1. Reading stories is a great way to imbibe values in the kids. When the child reads about their favourite characters and reads about their good deeds leading them to a happy life, they are inspired by them and follow them in their own lives.

2. Kids always imitate their parents or the things they see in their surroundings. So, be a role model for them by being polite, kind and helpful to everyone. As they will see these moral values, they will do the same.

3. Always appreciate the kids for their good behaviour, as appreciation always motivates the kid and they want to do such things more in future.

4. Try to use the magic words like please, sorry thankyou when the kids are around so that they can use them too when required.

5. Share stories about your childhood and everyday life to help them understand that following these moral values always helps and they can achieve their goals through following them.

What to do when we see the kids doing something immoral

1. Hold your reaction

As a parent we should be patient and talk to them in a polite manner instead of losing our temper. We should make them understand the difference between right or wrong.

2. Guide them in realising their mistakes

Talking to them and giving them suggestions about how things could have been solved in an alternate manner can be a game changer for them. Children realize better perspectives and be aware the next time.

3. Empathise

Make your kid do the role play with the other person involved so that they can understand the situation in a better manner realising how it felt when they hear the same things.

4. Do not force them to say sorry

Kids feel demotivated and it hurts their ego to apologize. so, let them understand and think about the mistake they made before forcing them to say sorry to someone.

Kids are the purest form of God and we need extreme care and love to deal with them. As a parent it is our duty to establish good moral values and discipline in our child for their wonderful and bright future.

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Madhur Churiwala

Madhur Churiwala is an accomplished English and communicative skills educator with 15 years of experience. She holds a degree of B. ED in English. She started her career as a Fashion Designer but her passion for teaching and interacting with children turned her into a highly skilled educator. Initially she taught in school and then moved onto online teaching platform where she showcased her skills in education. Her way of teaching in fun and playful environment always inspires children to develop a love for learning. Over the years she has developed her passion for writing. As an author, Madhur brings her dedicated educational background to her blogs offering the valuable insights for educators, parents and students alike.

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