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Math is always considered a difficult subject; however, connecting it to real-life scenarios and applications can make it more engaging and less abstract.
Math is a very important part of our lives and plays a vital role in day-to-day activities.
We use math in everyday life, such as managing money, shopping, calculating for cooking, buying vegetables, buying fruits, understanding a game, and many more.
Let’s discuss each one with some real-life examples:
Money — We use math in money in daily life. As a teenager, taking an algebra class can aid in understanding how to calculate interest and compound interest. It also helps in turn to learn to save money and invest it wisely.
Cooking — We use math in cooking. It is very common to use half, double, and quarter while cooking. We also use ratio and proportion to make the right calculations for each ingredient. In order to do so,.
Sportsn — nConcepts in math like geometry and trigonometry can help your teenager to improve their skill in sports. It helps them to find ways to hit a century, make a basket, and calculate the speed when running on the track. It also helps to record the scores as well.
While we have to calculate the final bill, we use math to do the sum of prices of all articles. It can also help when your child goes to buy a laptop for himself/herself and helps in making a decision that one has the best offer. If a child needs to buy a chocolate, it will have options of pack of ten or pack of twenty, so money helps the child figure out which one will work out best and cheap. It also helps to calculate discounts in order to pick the best deal.
Decoration of House — Money plays an important role in the calculation of area and volume. When it comes to decorating the house or refurbishing it. It helps your child to calculate area, and it also helps them in remodelling the future home and helps to understand how much paint is needed to paint the entire house and different rooms. It is very beneficial if the house needs to be completely redesigned, such as by replacing tiles in the bathroom and kitchen.
Read more: Bambinos Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd Launches a Math Program for Kids
Time: usage of clock for alarm and checking time schedule to organise and plan our day.
Making a planner/budget — calculating the expenses in order to plan the budget and invest smartly.
Cooking — measurement of various ingredients and tracking the time to cook a dish
Sports — calculating scores and planning a strategy to defeat the other team
Shopping — Summing up the total cost and checking the discount for the best deal
Mathematics is closely connected to day-to-day life in many ways, which we may not even know. Mathematics application starts from simple ones to complex tasks; this involves decision-making as well.
Alpha Math offers a game-based learning experience with a unique four-step approach to mastering every concept in math. Schedule a Free Class Now