Parenting 101

The Importance of Early Math Skills: A Guide for Parents

The Importance of Early Math Skills: A Guide for Parents

Maths is Magic!!!

Maths is a fundamental tool which helps us to define the world around us in a better way. Numbers are everywhere, all around us. We need them to work out almost everything, whether it's for counting something or to measure height or to see the time.

There's no particular age to start teaching your child the skills of maths. Starting with maths at an early age impacts the child's success in a positive manner in the long run. 

We can start teaching them basic skills like number recognition, counting and sorting. Furthermore, we can teach them addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and so on.

Let's explore some important key points to explore the benefits of teaching maths at an early age.


1. Helps Kids Develop Critical Thinking Skills

Kids are the most curious creature and always have a question building inside them about something or the other. This innate curiosity helps the children to develop critical thinking skills. And maths helps them to slow down, analyse the problem and devise a logical solution. They can try to think out of the box and try different approaches to the same problem. Basically, it helps the kids to develop in a better manner.

2. Develops a Healthy Brain 

A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience has shown that children who engage in regular math activities have healthier brains. Kids who solve math problems regularly can -solve them with more attention and focus than other kids. 

Therefore, it proves that solving maths develops a strong attention span and great focusing power leading further to better academic performance

3. Teaches Kids How to Handle Failure

We all face failures in our life in different stages of life but to accept the failure in a healthy manner is the most difficult task. Maths teaches the kids to deal with these failures in a constructive way. 

Whenever a child makes an error while solving a maths sum, they try to rectify the error and move on. In their real life also, they learn to develop a growth mindset and understand that failure is not the end but a part of the learning process.

4. Helps Kids Understand the World Around Them 

Maths is a fundamental part of this universe. It plays a vital role in our everyday lives. In some way or the other it connects us to our surroundings. For example - it helps kids to know what is the time, how big or small or heavy or light something is, or how much money is required for buying something. Therefore, maths is a crucial part in everyone's life.

5. Encourage Kids to Be Creative

Though maths is not a creative subject, it often leads the kids to think out of the box to solve the math problems and enhances their creativity. This slowly develops their creativity and critical thinking skills. In the long run it also helps them to visualize objects in three-dimensional space which creates awareness about their surroundings.

6. Teaches Kids How to Make Decisions

Making decisions is an important life skill required in every step of life. Kids or adults, everyone has to make decisions every day. While solving maths, kids need to judge all the options and then choose the right answer based on logic. In a similar way it helps them to weigh their decisions in real life and then decide what is the best and go with it. For example, when the kids get their pocket money allowance, they make decisions wisely on how to spend it without any wastage.

7. Boosts Self-Confidence

When the kids start learning maths and come across different problems while solving sums, they might feel nervous initially but slowly they master the techniques to solve them with ease. This further makes them confident and boosts their capabilities to go through any problems. 

The self-confidence helps them in other areas of their life as well and as a result they deal with the problem without losing hope.

8. Encourage Kids to be Persistent

Persistence is the key to success. Every kid is not born intelligent but they can develop their skills through persistence and determination which helps them to improve. Even if they face failure, it will not demotivate them, instead will encourage them to keep trying until they succeed.

9. Helps Kids Develop Important Life Skills

Maths builds an important base for problem solving and thinking out of the box in real life. Whatever we learn in maths, it is indirectly helping us. For example, it helps us to maintain money, see time, measure different products and a lot of other calculations etc.

10. It’s Fun

Last but not the least, math is fun to solve. There are different types of games and activities involved that make it more interesting and enjoyable. Many learning apps nowadays use the technique to make math more engaging for the kids.

Why is Math Important in Life?

Maths helps to develop logical reasoning abilities and enhances problem solving skills. Few important reasons are

Maintaining finance - Maths helps to maintain accounts and finances in various different sectors which is a crucial part of the economy.

Cooking - Measurement and percentage creates an important base which helps the individual in cooking.

Time - Telling time is a vital part of everyone's life. Basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division helps to recognize the right time.

Used in every career - Each and every field needs maths in some way or the other. Mathematical concepts are an integral part to go ahead in life while solving critical issues.

In the nutshell, we can assess that maths is an integral part of everyday life. It has numerous advantages without which we cannot strive in the world. So, without any delay we should help our kids to start with maths programs at an early age.

Alpha Math offers a game-based learning experience with a unique four-step approach to mastering every concept in math. Schedule a Free Class Now

Article Author

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Madhur Churiwala

Madhur Churiwala is an accomplished English and communicative skills educator with 15 years of experience. She holds a degree of B. ED in English. She started her career as a Fashion Designer but her passion for teaching and interacting with children turned her into a highly skilled educator. Initially she taught in school and then moved onto online teaching platform where she showcased her skills in education. Her way of teaching in fun and playful environment always inspires children to develop a love for learning. Over the years she has developed her passion for writing. As an author, Madhur brings her dedicated educational background to her blogs offering the valuable insights for educators, parents and students alike.

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