Learning with Bambinos

Why learning should not be limited to academics anymore

Why learning should not be limited to academics anymore

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”  - Benjamin Franklin

Learning was never and can never be limited to academics or 4 wall studies at all. It is very well known that the kid starts learning when the child is in the womb of the mother through feelings, emotions, sounds, sights, etc. 

The above quotation by Benjamin Franklin rightly says that when anyone is involved, made a part of, and allowed to think on his own, learning happens.

Learning is a continuous and never-ending process. As research says learning stops = life stops. The kid should be exposed to various kinds of activities, scriptures, skills, and games so that he can pick his cherries and make his basket. 

6 Reasons why learning should not be limited to academics anymore -
1. Academics is not meeting the essential life skills gap

According to the World Economic Forum, skills that are gaining popularity are creative thinking, analytical thinking, resilience, flexibility, curiosity, lifelong learning -  as mentioned in the picture below. There is a huge gap between the essential skills required and the real job market as we can analyse as per the chart.

2. To be future-ready

According to the Future of Jobs 2020 report by the World Economic Forum, nearly half the jobs face potential automation, and 65% of children in school today will end up working in completely new job types that don't yet exist. Existing jobs may not go away but will certainly be different. This clearly shows how only academic education will not allow the child to cope with the ever-changing world, the child needs to learn various kinds of skills, to be industry leader.

3. Every activity there is learning

Taking only academics seriously and taking other activities as casual activities will make the child more robotic. Teaching them that academics is a part of the whole of life helps them understand it is a mere tool to learn to make new things and inventions possible. Failure in it doesn’t mean failure in life, but the opportunity to find a new path to excel. This attitude develops in every child when every activity from dressing up, grooming, healthy eating, speaking, writing, communicating, playing games, making friends, learning about farms, and scriptures everything is learning not only the 6 subjects given in academics. 

4. Real-life examples show us the facts

“I feel like I am learning all the theory and the content which is really important, but not the practical skills I will need later in the field, which is a huge miss.”  — Ulises Brengi, 21, Argentina

“I wish life was a game which came with instructions, but unfortunately we don’t have that roadmap that can tell us exactly what we should do to get to where we want to be.” — Praise Majwafi, 22, South Africa

“We are feeling disconnected, and what does it come down to? It’s about communication. And more than anything for me, it’s about active listening.” — Andrea De Remes, 25, Mexico

There are many more examples as above from all around the world mentioned in the world economic forum to understand the need of the hour. The technical skills gained through academics don’t help the youngster be ready to face the world. Creative thinking, personality development, communication skills, and soft skills help us to adapt, adopt, and disrupt as and when required as per the changing circumstances.

5. Effective ways through which imparting education can be enhanced:

Various reports have showcased that post-pandemic, most Indian students of all age groups are over 12-15 months behind in social, cognitive, understanding and motor skills. UNICEF also revealed that the pandemic has caused children to miss out on development opportunities and social soft skills and that is why it is much more important now that we allot a diverse and stimulating holistic approach for our kids.

I. Audio-visual learning aids: American professor of engineering, Dr. Richard Felder conducted a study in the 1980s and found that 65% of the respondents were visual learners. This clearly states this isn’t a new trend, it is the way students find it immersive and interesting. Even in Bambinos, we incorporate videos from discovery education to help children develop their knowledge bank along with learning to express themselves creatively. This aid helps them interpret concepts and abstract various creative ideas.

II. Encourage reading: Motivating kids to inculcate non-academic reading is a great way to improve their holistic abilities. Making them aware of non-fiction, fiction, general knowledge, scriptures, moral stories, thrillers, suspense, etc helps them to understand the various kinds of happenings and realities understanding the intricacies of different lifestyles and diverse happenings and situations helping them be more flexible and mature.

III. Positive home environment: As per the research of the National Library of Medicines “Home environment comprises physical (e.g. household possessions, play materials) and social (e.g. parent-child interactions, family size, and structure) components, which, if favorable, provide psychological stimulation and support necessary for optimal development of early cognitive skills and these, in turn, predict their education and employment success later in life”, which clearly shows the importance of positive environment as children are our reflections. They mirror our abilities, and actions so being natural and neutral and being frank, and having open conversations makes them confident and mold themselves into responsible individuals. 

IV. Introduction to technology: Educating children about past trends, the fast-paced developments of the present, expected trends of the future, and the gaps in society to help children build up their minds about creating their future, own path, and be problem solvers. Introducing them to the tools of the future and telling them the importance of the human mind and how developing it will help them be facilities and leaders of tomorrow, all these thoughts have to be instilled from childhood to make them understand the importance of holistic development along with academics. 

V. Extracurricular activities: 

Various ways to instil the top skills required through introducing to various activities-

Cleaning, household chores, farming, pottery, cooking, public speaking, storytelling, role plays, team sports, indoor games, word games, mythology, real-life stories, parent-child interaction, singing, dancing, documentaries, conscious cartoons, family livelihood activities, taking them along to workspaces, making them sell if having own businesses, adventure sport every single activity helps the child to observe, interact and upskill to understand and observe various things to make his favorite scrumptious salad. You can book a free demo at Bambinos for Bhagadvat Gita classes to understand how many morals and values will be imparted through our very own scriptures.

6. Allowing real-life scenario approach:

Seeing for live classes, interactive classes where learning happenings with real-life scenarios and asking them their opinions and how they would respond helps them to be a decision maker, analyzers, and thinker before acting, Without the introduction of these things it became a shock for a child and takes a lot of time to cope up. The Young Public Speaker Programme of Bambinos is a remarkable approach to instilling these qualities in a kid and making them an overall communicator by developing leadership qualities by sowing the seed at the right age.

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Article Author

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Priya Garuda

Priya is a passionate and trained teacher with experience in helping students improve their communication skills and confidence, by making them able to express themselves clearly, effectively, and persuasively in any given situation. Keeping the kid's nature and goals in mind, assist them to explore their creativity and deliver effectively and fluently. She believes in promoting each student's individuality as well as nurturing their interests which are carefully groomed with lots of patience & encouragement.

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