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12 Best STEM Activities for Kids

12 Best STEM Activities  for Kids

STEM activities are hands-on activities for kids about learning in the areas of :

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Engineering and
  • Mathematics

Young minds are always curious, and these activities help them learn effortlessly. By matching STEM activities to different ages, kids can overcome appropriate challenges and gradually progress in their skills. So, I have picked some of the best STEM activities for various age groups.

1. Wind pinwheel:

Construct a simple wind powered pinwheel using paper cups, a straw for a fun STEM project. Place it in front of a fan to see it spin and understand how wind energy can generate electricity. Kids can even experiment with different sizes of paper to see how it affects the pinwheel’s spin.

STEM insights : kids learn about basic principles of wind energy and motion.

2. A Balloon Rocket:

To make a balloon rocket, all you need is one balloon, one long kite string, a plastic straw and tape.  Tie one end of the string to a chair. Thread the other end through a straw and tie it to another support. Blow the balloon (without tying it). Hold the end of the balloon and tape it to the straw. You’re now set for launch. Release the balloon and let the rocket soar! 

STEM insights: This activity teaches kids about the basics of physics.

3. Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano:

To make a volcano, all you need is some baking soda, vinegar, sand, dish soap, baking pan. Combine vinegar, water, dish soap in a bottle and create a mini volcano by mixing baking soda. 

STEM insights: Kids can learn about chemical reactions and have fun watching the eruption.

4. Homemade Sundial :

It is  an interesting activity to make a homemade sundial to read time by the sun. Create a sundial using a paper plate, a pencil, and markers.

STEM insights: This activity teaches kids about the movement of the Earth and how to tell time using the sun's position.

5. Magnetic Slime:

Playing with slimes is always a fun activity that kids enjoy. This time, they can explore the excitement of magnetic slimes. They can make it by mixing water, glue, contact lens solution and baking soda, then add some iron fillings in it. Due to the presence of iron fillings, the slime becomes magnetic and gets attracted to permanent magnet.

STEM insights: This teaches kids about magnetism.

6. Binary code bracelet : 

Kids are always fond of jewelleries. They can create their own unique piece, where each letter of their name is represented in binary code. Kids can design bracelets using beads to represent binary code for instance, black for 0 and white for 1.

STEM insights: This activity introduces kids to the basics of computer science.

7. Solar-Powered Cooker:

Have you ever considered how cooking activities can provide educational benefits for kids? Kids love cooking because they enjoy watching how food cooks. This activity not only teaches them about cooking skills but also introduces the concepts related to solar energy. It is easy to build a solar oven using a pizza box, aluminium foil, and plastic wrap. 

STEM insights: Kids can learn about renewable energy.

8. Walking Water Wonders: 

This is a fun as well as educational experiment. To make the water move, all you need is water, cups and food colouring to show how water can move through paper towels via capillary action. 

STEM insights: This experiment teaches kids about water properties and absorption.

9. Dancing  Butterflies:

What could be more fun than making butterflies flutter? Create paper butterflies that move using static electricity from a balloon.

STEM insights: This activity introduces kids to the concept of static electricity and electrostatic forces.

10. Spaghetti Tower Challenge:

Spaghetti can be more fun than just eating! Try building the tallest tower possible using spaghetti and marshmallows. STEM insights: This challenge teaches kids about structural stability and design.

11. Cloud in a Jar: 

Ever wondered if you could have your own cloud? Create a small cloud inside a jar using warm water, ice, and aerosol spray.

STEM insights: This activity teaches kids about condensation, cloud formation, and the water cycle.

12. Popsicle stick Catapult:

Kids love popsicles. This time, let's use the sticks to learn something new. Build a catapult using popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and a plastic spoon. Kids can have fun launching small objects such as popcorn or marshmallows. 

STEM insights: it’s a great way to explore some engineering principles like force, trajectory, and mechanics.

Children enjoy fun STEM activities that explore science and technology, sparking their curiosity and love for learning.

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Article Author

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Ashita Gunjikar

Ashita Gunjikar is an M.Tech graduate, a dynamic educator with over 8 years of teaching experience. She is passionate about writing and content creation.She has received awards like 'Best Mentor' , 'Wow Teacher' and 'Educator of the month' for her great work in education. She has a unique way of making even the most complex topics easy to understand. Her ability to bring fun and excitement to each session is remarkable.

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