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Exploring 10 Animals That Start With The Letter E

Exploring 10 Animals That Start With The Letter E

Animal kingdom is filled with extraordinary creatures, and today, we’re going to explore some fascinating animals that start with the letter “E”. In this blog we’ll dive into the diverse world of animals. From gigantic creatures like the Elephant to mysterious creatures like the Eel. Let’s uncover the fascinating characteristics, behaviours and habitats of these amazing animals.

1. Elephant:

Elephants being the iconic giant creatures have many interesting and unique characteristics. Here are listed some of them.


Elephants are the largest animals on earth.

Elephant’s trunk is an amazing tool. It contains around 40,000 muscles and is capable of delicate tasks.

They are intelligent creatures and exhibit behaviours such as empathy, grief and self-awareness.

They are also known for their exceptional memory.

They are herbivores and consume upto 136 kg food in a single day.


2. Eagle:

Eagles are the majestic birds known for their amazing hunting skills and powerful flight. Here are some fun facts about eagles.


Eagles are apex predators and sit at the top of food chain. They mostly hunt fish and other birds.

They have incredibly sharp eyesight and could spot prey from miles away.

Eagles typically mate for life. They show amazing courtship skills.

Eagles can live up to 20-30 years.

Eagles are powerful fliers, capable of reaching speeds of up to 100 miles per hour.


3. Eel :

Eels are fascinating and mysterious creatures of aquatic world. Here are some fun facts about Eels.


Eels are almost 800 species of Eels, ranging from the small, garden-variety species to the large, predatory moray eels found in coral reefs.

Eels have a complex life cycle that includes several stages: the larval stage, the glass eel, the Elver and the adult stage.

Eels have catadromous life cycle, meaning they spend most of their lives in freshwater but migrate to the ocean to spawn.

Many eel species come are nocturnal and come out at night to hunt.

Eels have played an important role in different cultures around the world. In Japan, eel is a popular traditional food. In Maori culture, eels are considered a delicacy.


4. Elk :

Elk, also known as wapiti, are fascinating and fascinating creatures. Here are some fun facts about Elk.


Elk are one of the largest species in the deer family.

Elk are herbivores, primarily feeding on grasses, bark, plants, and leaves.

Elk are excellent swimmers and can cross rivers, and lakes with ease.

Elk have a keen sense of smell, hearing and vision, which helps them detect predators easily.

Elk hold cultural and historical significance for many indigenous people in North America. They are often featured in folklore mythology.


5. Emu :

Emus are fascinating and unique birds native to Australia. Here are some fun facts about Emus


Emus are the second largest birds in the world, after ostriches. They are almost 6.2 feet long and weigh approximately 45 kgs.

Emus are flightless birds, but they make up for it with their incredible running capability.

Emus have only three toes on each foot.

Emus are omnivores, meaning they eat variety of foods including seeds, animals and plants.

Emus are excellent swimmers and can cross rivers and lakes whenever needed.

Emus have a curious nature and will investigate new objects and environment.


6. Earthworm :

Earthworm are fascinating and vital creatures that play an important role in soil health and ecosystem functioning.


Earthworms are often referred as soil engineers. They help aerate and mix the soil through their burrowing activities.

Earthworms have five pairs of heart-like structures called aortic arches that function to pump blood through their bodies.

Earthworms have the ability to regenerate their lost segments.

Earthworms are hermaphroditic in nature, meaning each worm has both male and female reproductive organs.

Earthworms feed on organic matter such as decaying leaves and plant material.

Earthworms are a crucial part of the food web. They decompose organic matter, recycle nutrients, and provide a food source for a variety of animals, birds, mammals and insects.

Read more: 12 Inspirational Animal Stories for Kids

7. Egret :

Egrets are elegant and striking birds often found near water. Here are some fun facts about Egrets


Egrets are known for their beautiful white plumage.

Egrets are skilled hunters and have a diverse diet that includes fish, frogs, insects, crustaceans and small mammals.

Egrets are social animals and are often seen in groups, especially during breeding season.

Many Egret species are migratory, travelling long distances between their breeding and wintering grounds. For example, Great Egret migrates from North America to Central and South America.

The Cattle Egret is unique among egrets because it often forages in dry fields rather than in wetlands.

Egrets are found everywhere except Antarctica. They thrive in a wide range of habitats, including wetlands, marshes, rivers, lakes and coastal areas.


8. Echidna :

Echidnas are fascinating and unique creatures native to Australia and New Guinea. Here are some facts about Echidna


Echidna are among the only living monotremes, or egg laying mammals. This makes them exceptionally unique and distinct in the whole animal kingdom.

Echidna can live quite long for their size, with some individuals living up to 50 years in captivity and around 20-40 years in the wild.

Echidnas have the ability to sense electric fields generated by the muscle contractions of their prey. This helps them to locate prey like insects and other creatures.

Echidnas primarily feed on ants and termites, using their long, sticky tongue to capture their prey.

Echidnas are usually solitary animals, coming together only for mating.


9. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake :

The Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake is a fascinating and often misunderstood reptile. Here are some fun facts about this impressive snake.


Eastern Diamondbacks have a beautiful patterning. This pattern helps them blend into their surroundings, providing excellent camouflage.

The Eastern Diamondback is highly venomous. Its venom contains hemotoxins that destroy tissue, disrupt blood clotting, and cause significant pain and swelling.

Eastern Diamondbacks belong to a group of snakes called pit vipers. They have heat-sensing pits located between nostrils and eyes, allowing them to detect warm-blooded prey in the dark.

Eastern Diamondbacks give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. A female can give birth to 6 to 21 live young in a single litter.

Eastern Diamondbacks are generally not aggressive and will only strike if they feel threatened.


10. European Robin :

The European Robin is a charming and well-loved bird. Here are some fun facts about this delightful species.


European Robin is easily recognizable by its bright orange-red breast and face, contrasting with its upper body and belly.

European Robins have a widespread habitat. They thrive in a variety of habitats, including woodlands, gardens, parks etc.

Many European Robins are known for their beautiful and melodious song, which they use to establish and defend their territory.

European Robins are famously friendly and curious around humans.

European Robins live for almost 2 years, although some individuals can live much longer.


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Nimrah Rafiq

Nimrah Rafiq is a passionate educator hailing from Srinagar, holding a degree of MA in English literature. She has worked on various Ed-tech platforms and now she has joined as an educator in bambinos.live. She is enthusiastic about teaching and will move forward with zest and zeal.

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