Learning with Bambinos

42 Sounds Of Jolly Phonics

42 Sounds Of Jolly Phonics

All about phonics

Phonics simply is the method that teaches the sounds of the alphabets in English. These sounds when blended together makes different words. Learning the relation between the symbolic representation of alphabets and the sounds is the modern successful approach of learning to read. This has helped the young kids become independent readers at a young age. Its phonics that let kids break the words into the sounds and helps writing the symbolic representation of it easily. Acquiring the whole knowledge of phonics makes them read and write fluently. The phonics process is divided into segmenting and blending. This simply means breaking words into sounds and bringing sounds together to make words respectively. Correct methodologies, planned curriculum and trained teachers makes bambinos India’s number #1 communication school of English with Young Reader Program being one of our leading courses.

Jolly phonics

We at bambinos, follow the international way of teaching phonics which is globally accepted. Jolly phonics is child centred and fun filled way of learning through synthetic phonics. It’s a multi-sensory approach that is designed to motivate little ones learn in a healthy environment. Every sound of letter has actions and songs that makes it easy for kids to grasp and keep them enjoying in the process of learning. In jolly phonics the letter sounds are in particular order, designed by experts which enables kids make words as early as possible. It is a skilled based learning which includes:

Learning the letter sounds

Kids are taught the 42 different sounds. This includes basic 26 alphabets sounds and different digraph sounds like sh, qu, ae, etc.

Learning letter formation

Using different activities and multi-sensory method, we make the child learn how to trace and identify the letters. The activity includes salt tray, clay making, colouring and tracing.

Blending sounds to read words

Along with learning of the sounds, children are taught to practise blending of these sounds to read and write words.

Identifying sounds in words

This is an easy and effective method to make the kids master their art of spelling. Kids listen to the words and try breaking it into sounds and then write them down. This gives a skill to the child to write the correct spellings independently.

Learning tricky words separately

There are words in English that sounds different to what it spells. The spelling of such words is irregular and doesn’t follow a sound pattern. Such words are called as tricky words. In jolly phonics we tend to teach these tricky words separately to the kids using certain methods, rules and stories.

26 alphabets makes how many sounds?

There are 26 alphabets in English language, out of these 26 letters we have 42 different sounds that are taught to the kids in jolly phonics. Every sound has an action attached to it, that motivates children to enjoy and learn at the same time. Teaching these sounds also include pictures, songs, and jingles. By making the kids aware of these sounds, we are building the ability in the child to read independently any word or phrase.

42 jolly phonics sounds

In jolly phonics the letter sounds are taught in a particular order. We divide the sounds into seven different groups, this helps kids learn blending and read words at an early stage. Jolly phonics is a fun approach for learning. It makes the young kids become independent reader by following the skill-based learning.

Below are the 42 sounds in jolly phonics:

s, a, t, i, p, n.

ck, e, h, r, m, d.

g, o, u, l, f, d.

ai, j, oa, ie, ee, or.

z, w, ng, v, oo, oo.

y, x, ch, sh, th, th.

qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar.

Advantage of learning with jolly phonics

At bambinos we follow the jolly phonics method to make the kids learn the 42 different sounds. The curriculum further helps kids blend the sound to read, segment or break words into sounds to write. Further which we also make kids learn sight words, spelling rules, advanced sounds and grammar that makes kids easily read and comprehend what they are reading. We focus on an overall communication development in the 4 skills of English language, that is reading, writing, speaking and listening.  We ensure revisions to make kids familiar to all the sounds and rules to read and write correctly. Videos, stories and songs make them enjoy the process of learning and develop their language skills in a fun environment. Understanding the need and psychology of kids is very important factor at bambinos

Jolly phonics methodology is best?

Jolly phonics teaches using different techniques that includes audio, video and multi-sensory activities throughout the course. As we divide the letter sound into different groups, the kids can start blending and reading words made by the first group of letters that they learn. Jolly phonics involve learning of both, blending and segmenting at the same time, kids become familiar with reading and writing together. There is many research that proves that the progress made by kids exceeds the ones who are not taught by the synthetic method. This is a proven method, design and develop by Sue Llyod and Sara Wenham, primary school teachers at Woods Loke Primary School, England. The method was later published in 1992 by jolly learning publications, UK.

Jolly songs are an interesting way that help kids remember letter sounds and makes reading and writing easier.

Q1. Why do you teach reading using letter sounds instead of letter names?

Ans. Letter names are just the symbolic representation while reading actually involves letter sounds. Phonics and learning the sounds of letters make the kids be able to read independently through blending instead of just memorising words.

Q2. Why are letter sounds taught in different order in jolly phonics?

Ans. Jolly phonics has seven different group, with sounds in each group. Once the child identifies a set of sounds from a group (s,a,t,p,i,n) they can easily blend and make many words from this group during the early learning phase. 

Q3. How can there be more letter sounds than letters?

Ans. Single letter makes single sounds, but also two letters make one sound in phonics which are called as the digraph sounds.

Q4. Does Bambinos follow the jolly phonics?

Yes, we at bambinos have designed the curriculum according to the synthetic jolly phonics methodologies along with additional selling rules and advanced phonics curriculum that involves the entire science of reading. Visit us today and explore the best Jolly Phonics classes with number #1 English Communication School trusted by 10k+ parents.

Article Author

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Roshni Khanam

Roshni Khanam is a ESL certified university graduate with more than 5 years of experience in the teaching field. Completed post-graduation diploma in pre-primary education and holds certificate in jolly phonics. IELTS certificate with band 7. Solid background in teaching phonics and reading comprehension of both kiddies (pre-primary) and adults (4 skill lessons). Trained in pedagogical techniques and in designing lesson plans. An enthusiastic and dedicated professional, loves to educate and inspire others.

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