Parenting 101

Breaking Down Barriers: The Importance of English as a Global Language

Breaking Down Barriers: The Importance of English as a Global Language

Did you know that English is

  • The largest spoken language in the world
  • The most widely used over the internet
  • The fastest-growing language in the world

English is a common thread that ties all of us together. English has become a global language because many people around the world use it to communicate with each other. 

The importance of English as a global language:

Now a days people from different countries need English in various situations such as:

1. Travelling:

English is widely used in the field of traveling because it acts as a common language when people from different countries come together.  While travelling to different countries, many people in the tourism industry, like guides, hotel staff, and fellow travellers often speak English. English is also called as the “Language of sky” as it is the only language used by the pilots to communicate with the Air Traffic Control around the world. English is also used in travel documents, like passports and visas.

2. Business / Marketing:

English is widely used in marketing because it allows business to reach the global audience. When the advertisement is in English, the message can be understood by people from different countries.

English is also a language for business conversations. In business world, contracts, negotiations, and meetings often happen in English.

Example: The global brands like Mc Donald’s or Apple have their advertisements in English, as it is all about informing more and more people about the product within and outside the country making them internationally recognised.

Read more: The Importance of Gestures in English Language Learning

3. Education:

English is a language of opportunities, even in the field of education because it helps people from different countries to communicate and share what they know. English acts as a bridge language that connects students and teachers worldwide. Many school books, publications, journals, magazines and research stuffs are in English. English is often compulsory for international exams and certifications. If you’re good at English, you can study in other countries for higher education or explore job opportunities in large companies.

4. Technology:

English is everywhere in technology. Whether it is writing documents, coding for programming, preparing reports or communicating in the meetings. It acts as a shared language for better communication among developers, engineers, and tech experts from different countries. When you’re working on a project with a team, where the members are from different parts of the world, English is the language of communication which ensures that everyone understands the code, making the work smoother.

5. Entertainment:

English is a universal way to have fun!

When people worldwide watch English movies or listen to English music, they share a common cultural experience, adding a sense of global connection. English is used in international news, award ceremonies, and social media related to entertainment. It’s the language that unites fans, actors, musicians, and creators from different corners of the world. So, it’s not just about language; it’s about sharing stories and emotions globally.

Read more: The Necessity of Idiomatic Expressions in English Language

6. Social media communication:

Nowadays everyone is using social media platforms for various purposes. Again, English has become very essential language on these platforms. It acts as a global connector. When people use English, they can communicate, share ideas, and build connections with individuals from different cultures and countries. It’s like having a common language for people around the world to connect and engage with each other’s posts.

How can learning English online make it a global language?

In today’s world, online English classes are making a big contribution in bringing people from all over the globe closer the English language.

Let’s explore how online English-speaking classes are propelling English as a global language:

1. Understanding the art of communication:

In online classes, students talk to their classmates from different countries in English to understand each other. They use English to share their thoughts, ideas and experiences in their virtual classroom. Online English-speaking classes focus on improving their comprehension, fluency, and ability to hold conversations.

Read more: Best books for english speaking | Learn English | Improve English

2. Approachability:

Learning English is now accessible to students all over the world through Online classes. No matter where they are, children can now learn English through different English-speaking classes. This has bridged a language gap and brought everyone closer by having a common language to talk to each other.

3. Flexibility:

Online English speaking classes offer flexibility in both time and location, one can decide precisely when and where to have the sessions to be allotted without altering the schedule. This helps learners to study at their own speed and convenience. Due to schedule flexibility, English language learning has become more achievable, particularly for those with busy schedules or limited resources.

4. Learning with fun:

Online classes are often more entertaining as they include videos, songs, stories, games, quizzes and many more activities. Children learn faster if it is done in a fun way. So if they listen to some amazing tunes, or watch their favourite cartoons, or actively participate in games, there is a chance of remembering the content more quickly.

5. Boost confidence:

Practising English with classmates and teachers would create wonders for self-belief and encourages speaking in front of a crowd. It’s just a matter of time and you can transform from being shy to confident. Online speaking classes helps children to share thoughts, express their feelings, receive feedback and gradually boost their confidence to communicate effectively in different situations.

To conclude, learning English online helps children from everywhere to communicate easily with confidence and connect worldwide. Children can enhance their English proficiency through interactive lessons and digital tools. Online classes are like a mini world where English becomes a global language. 

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Article Author

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Ashita Gunjikar

Ashita Gunjikar is an M.Tech graduate, a dynamic educator with over 8 years of teaching experience. She is passionate about writing and content creation.She has received awards like 'Best Mentor' , 'Wow Teacher' and 'Educator of the month' for her great work in education. She has a unique way of making even the most complex topics easy to understand. Her ability to bring fun and excitement to each session is remarkable.

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