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Essay On Earth – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids

Essay On Earth – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids

The Earth is our mother planet. It plays a vital role in our lives. It gives us the land to live on, the air to breathe and the food and water to survive. It is the fifth largest planet in the solar system and is positioned as the third place from the sun. Our mother Earth is home to millions and millions of living beings. It is the only planet where life exists.

Writing an essay on the topic Our Earth is very important for the kids as they come to know about various things to think about and discuss. Today we will discuss few vital points about our mother Earth which will help children to know more about its climate, species, land formation, composition etc. This article can be used for writing 10 lines, or 150-200 words essay on our mother Earth or how to save Earth or even Earth Day.

Few key points to remember while writing essay on our Earth

1. Follow the proper structure of introduction, body and conclusion.

2. Try to write in a simple language which is easy to understand

3. Start writing with the basic points as it will be easy for kids to understand.

4. Limited word limit should be ensured for better writing.

5 Lines on Our Earth

1. The Earth is our mother planet.

2. It is the 5th largest planet in the solar system.

3. 3/4 of the Earth is covered with water and 1/4 th of the Earth is land.

4. It has rivers, oceans, hills, mountains, forests and beaches.

5. It is the only planet where living beings survive.

10 Lines on Our Earth

1. The Earth is our mother planet and it orbits around the sun.

2. It is the 3rd planet positioned from the sun and also the fifth largest planet in the solar system.

3. Earth is a part of Milky Way Galaxy.

4. The surface of the Earth is covered with 70% of water and 30% of the land.

5. Earth is the only planet in solar system where life exists.

6.The four major types of landforms are plains, hills, valleys and mountains.

7. Water bodies that makes the most of Earth are lakes, rivers, oceans, glaciers and seas.

8. The Earth provides food, water and air to survive to all the living beings.

9.The Earth has only one Moon.

10. The Sun is the centre of the Solar System around which the eight planets revolve. 

Short Essay on Earth in English for class 1, 2 and 3 Kids 

The Milky Way galaxy has many stars, planets and planetary systems. Solar system is one of the planetary systems which has eight planets in it. Among the eight planets Earth is the fourth planet and it revolves around the sun.

What Is Earth? 

The word ‘Earth’ is a Germanic word which simply means “the ground.” Earth is the only planet where the life exists. It is the fifth largest planet in our Solar System. It is covered with 71% of water and 29% of land. Earth has one natural satellite known as the Moon. Earth is home to not just humans but millions of other plants and species. The Earth is unique. 

The Earth consists of the three layers - The Crust, The Mantle and The Core 

1. The Crust  

This is the outer-most layer of the Earth which is mostly made up of solid rock and minerals. Life sustains on this part among the three.

2. The Mantle 

This is the middle part of the Earth. It is about 2900 kms in thickness, and it consists of hot, dense, iron and magnesium-rich solid rock.

3. The Core 

The core is the innermost part of the Earth. It is further divided into two parts – the liquid outer core and the solid inner core.

The Earth consists of two motions – Rotation and Revolution.  

1. Rotation

The Earth rotates on its axis and takes 23.9 hours to complete one rotation. The rotation of the Earth causes the change in day and night. 

2. Revolution

The Earth revolves around the Sun in a fixed orbit and takes 365 days, 6 hours, and 9 minutes to complete one rotation around the Sun. The revolution of the Earth causes the change in seasons.  

Read more: Impact of the Reducing Green Cover of Earth

How Can We Protect the Mother Earth? 

There are many ways to protect our Mother Earth. Some important ones are-

1.We should try not to overuse or exploit the resources.

2. Always conserve the energy like electricity and fuel.

3. Conserve the flora and fauna to save Earth from any kind of disaster.

4. Try to avoid pollution and do not use plastic.

5. Remember the 3Rs – Reuse, Recycle and Reduce. 

6. There is No Planet B, therefore we should try to use the resources wisely and protect the Earth.

7. We must all plant more trees and avoid using non-biodegradable products.

What Will the kids learn from The Essay on Earth?

Children will come to know about the various features of Mother Earth which will help them to use the resources wisely and protect it from adverse activities.


In conclusion, we all should come hand in hand to save our planet Earth and protect it. We should grow more trees and avoid the use of plastic and harmful products. Non-renewable resources should be used wisely. Water should not be wasted. Earth needs to be taken care of and not destroyed.


1. Why Planet Earth Is Called a Blue Planet?

Ans: 71% of its surface is covered with water, Planet Earth is called the Blue Planet.

2. When Is World Earth Day Celebrated? 

Ans: World Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd April every year.

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Article Author

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Madhur Churiwala

Madhur Churiwala is an accomplished English and communicative skills educator with 15 years of experience. She holds a degree of B. ED in English. She started her career as a Fashion Designer but her passion for teaching and interacting with children turned her into a highly skilled educator. Initially she taught in school and then moved onto online teaching platform where she showcased her skills in education. Her way of teaching in fun and playful environment always inspires children to develop a love for learning. Over the years she has developed her passion for writing. As an author, Madhur brings her dedicated educational background to her blogs offering the valuable insights for educators, parents and students alike.

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