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Mastering This vs That - Fun Ways to Teach Kids the Difference

Mastering This vs That - Fun Ways to Teach Kids the Difference

Some important aspects that kids should understand in their part of the world are the differentiations between this and that, here and there, and many more. They are employed to talk about certain things or persons and how they are used depends on their nearness to the speaker. Naming the process of differentiating the terms “this” and “that” is fun and productive in teaching children. It is now time to look at the finer details of these demonstrative pronouns accompanied by simple explanations, sentences, and examples. 

Understanding the Basics:

This and that are the demonstrative pronouns that refer to the specific noun. The key difference lies in their usage related to distance.

  • This: This refers to an expression that was used in preceding the noun to refer to something that is near the speaker. 
  • That: Refers to an item that is located at an away position from the speaker. 
Employment of This and That for Class One:

For young learners in Class 1, here’s a simple way to explain.

  • This: Take an object that is fairly close to you and name it, ‘This is my book.’
  • That: Hold a book or an object that is not close to you and state, “That is my friend’s book.”

Using the Same subject but IN two different sentences 

To make it easier for kids to understand, let’s use these words in sentences.

Examples of "This": 

This is my pencil. 

This apple is red. 

This car is fast.

Examples of "That": 

That is a tall building Yeah, it is.

That dog is barking.

That flower is beautiful.

This vs That: Knowing the Difference with Examples 
Example 1: 

This chair is broken (the chair is near you).

That chair is broken (the chair is far from you).

Example 2: 

This is my home (pointing near)

That is my home (pointing far)

These are the following general comparative and superlative grammar tips

Read more: Making Verbs Easy for kids: Exploring the Action Words

This vs That:

Here are some quick tips to help kids remember the difference

Proximity Matters:

It is very important to always scale it about how close the object is. This should be used where objects are near while that should be used where objects are far. 

Visual Aids:

In this case, it is essential to illustrate the item using pictures or the actual item to help the kids understand the difference. Say there is an object or item in front of you; take the first object and refer to it as “this” while for the second object that is a little away point at it and call it “that”. 

Practice with Objects:

Provide children with objects, and request them to make a sentence with “this” or “that” depending on the location of the object concerning the child. 

Read more: 6 kinds of adjectives that a Class 7 kid must know ! (with Examples)

Teaching ‘This vs That’ FUN ACTIVITIES 
Scavenger Hunt: 

Put things in the room in all directions possible. Kids should also name the objects, touching the object that is close to them and saying “This is a…” and the object far from them, they should point and say “That is a…” 


Help children to come up with a story in which one has to use “this” and “that” when referring to objects or characters in the story.


Create flashcards having pictures of objects that are near or far from a character or the action taking place. Learn different pictures in the book by using “this” and “that” to make the kids describe the pictures in detail. 

Read more: 5 Benefits of Bambinos Phonics Course For 4–7-Year-Old


“That” and “this’ as articles or demonstrative pronouns are simple concepts in grammar that are significant because they are the root of more difficult elements in grammar. Before proceeding to the analysis of the given set of demonstrative pronouns, it would be useful to spell out how children really can enjoy the learning process and grasp these little words easily, for they are indeed most useful and helpful for everyone.

First of all, it is high time to point out that children can learn all sorts of different things just by having clear examples put before them and following these examples by practice. The main point here is that “this” should be linked to nearness while “that” should be linked to the far end. 

It also opens the minds of children to distinguish between ‘this’ and ‘that’ apart from honing their grammar, especially in the English language making them proficient in the use of the English language. So, next time you’re pointing something out, remember the simple rule: or if it is the next-door neighbor, it is "this"; and if it is the other side of the world, then it is "that"! 

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Sahr Ahmed

Sahr Ahmed is a dedicated educator with expertise in enhancing students' phonics, communication abilities, and self-assurance. She adeptly facilitates the clear and compelling expression of ideas, tailoring her guidance to suit each student's disposition and aspirations. Sahr fosters creativity, celebrates uniqueness, and cultivates a patient and encouraging educational atmosphere.

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