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10 Best Transition Activities for Preschoolers

10 Best Transition Activities for Preschoolers

Switching from one activity to another may sometimes be difficult in most preschool classrooms. Pre-school children require definite instructions and proper cognition of activities that they are required to perform to facilitate their transition from one task to another. Having a set of transition activities justifies classroom management and ensures that transitions are entertaining for children. Including transition activities into the preschoolers can make the day program look more structured and help reduce the break time between the activities. Below are some wonderful preschool transition that you can use in your classroom to help the children.

1. Freeze Dance

Freeze Dance is undoubtedly one of the favorite transition games that teachers can use to introduce to preschoolers. Put some lively songs and encourage the children to move all around. According to the instructions provided, the dancers must hold a dance pose they chose when the music is turned off. This game can be useful to tire out the child and allow for re-directing to the next activity. It is very good when used to create the shift between tasks more entertaining and less of a chore.

2. Musical Cleanup

Cleanup time as a transition is among the most creative approaches that can be used in lessons. To make the process nicer and faster, start singing while the children are tidying up the working area of the current lesson. A song like “It’s Time to Put the Toys Away” can make the task enjoyable:

It's time to put the toys away, toys away, toys away!

It's time to put the toys away, let's do it right now!

Please tidy up before this song is over!

The beauty of the song is that it has videos accompanying it, and the videos precede a playful approach by enticing the kids to clean before the song is complete Which would otherwise be seen as an unexciting chore. Not only this activity helps the children to develop team work and responsibility, but it also is an essential educational experience for preschoolers to be aware that cleanliness is next to godliness.

3. Simon Says

Another transition game that works well is the “Simon Says.” It is used to help the child listen and adhere to instructions that are given to him or her. For example, “Simon says touch your toes”, “Simon says hop like a frog”. You can use this game before changing the flow from one part of the day to another which is from free play to circle time. It occupies the children and at the same time gets them ready mentally for the next task ahead.

4. Storytime Stretch

This transition activity involves exercises that incorporate stories into the stretching process. In the course of dedicating time to some part of the day or switching from one part of the day to another, tell a short story as well as perform some stretches. For instance, during the song; “stretch up high like this, now reach for the stars, now bend down down down like this and pick the flowers from the ground.” This is a great way to get the kids to exercise while also easing them into a new activity.

5. Color Matching

This activity should be done when changing from one part of the class to the other. Different segments should be painted in different colors; for instance, blue for books or red for painting. Make the children look for an object in the classroom with a specific color before proceeding to the next activity. 

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6. Animal Walks

I think animal walks are ideal to be included in movements during transition in preparing the students of the Montessori preschool. For example, in moving from one corner of the room to another can be encouraged to walk like a bear, hop like a rabbit, or crawl like a turtle. This physical activity also assists them to take their energy in a positive dimension in the new programs thus making the process quite enjoyable.

7. Magic Wand Transitions

For transitions, don’t use words, you can use a magic wand ( or any stick or anything ) to make it look cool. Between activities, use the magic wand and tell the children that they become different. For instance, you can assume such statements as; “I take my magic wand, and; behold, you the butterflies fly to your seats.” This imaginative act makes classroom transition more interesting for preschoolers.

Read more: 15 EVS Activities for Preschoolers

8. Line Up Songs

It is almost impossible to make a group of preschool children form a straight line. The need to transition the class from one activity to another may not be easy, but using a song to help draw them in line may be helpful. A basic song like “If You’re Ready and You Know It, Stand in Line” can inform the children it is time to switch. The children are helped to concentrate using songs and enjoy the process of lining up in a queue to prepare for a new activity.

9. Whisper Instructions

As a technique to help calm the room during transitions for an example, you may use whispering instead of shouting. This business must necessarily make children abandon high-pitched tones and pay attention to what the teacher is saying. Some of the things you can teach the child are as follows, “As a signal that you are ready to start snack time, walk to the table silently.” This assists in the creation of a smooth transition around the setting after nearly all engaging energy exercises.

10. Visual Schedules

Of all the transitions to lower learning ideas, the use of a visual schedule in preschool is perhaps among the most productive. Show a bar graph or pictures illustrating the events of the day chronologically. Before the transition to the next process, look at the Visual schedule, so children anticipate what is next. This helps them to have the feeling of a schedule and it minimizes stress during changeovers.


Transitional learning in preschool does not have to be sandy or tension-filled. The idea of fun and creative classroom transition activities educates children on how to transition from one part of the day to the next effectively and interestingly. Freeze Dance, Magic Wand Transitions, or Storytime Stretch are great examples of fun transition activities for preschoolers that will make your classroom transition routine much smoother.

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Article Author

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Sahr Ahmed

Sahr Ahmed is a dedicated educator with expertise in enhancing students' phonics, communication abilities, and self-assurance. She adeptly facilitates the clear and compelling expression of ideas, tailoring her guidance to suit each student's disposition and aspirations. Sahr fosters creativity, celebrates uniqueness, and cultivates a patient and encouraging educational atmosphere.

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