Parenting 101

100+ Public Speaking Topics and Ideas

100+ Public Speaking Topics and Ideas

Unique Public Speaking topics related to quotations:

1. Honesty is the best policy.

2. A stitch in time saves nine.

3. Arise, awake, and stop not till you achieve.

4. Do or Die.

5. Be a no-excuse salesman.

6. Begin with the end in mind.

7. Deep work delivers deep results.

8. Hard work vs Smart work.

9. Be the change you want to see.

10. Education is beyond four walls.

Best Speech topics related to mindset:

1. How do we channel the energy of teenagers?

2. What is discipline?

3. How to stay focused at all times?

4. How to accomplish your goals?

5. What is a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset?

6. How to be consistent and persistent?

7. How to find our IKIGAI?

8. How to be empathetic towards different points of view?

9. How to stand out from the crowd?

10. What do you understand from ‘THINKING OUT OF THE BOX’?

Public speaking topics for students of all age groups related to Outdoor activities & Internet:

1. What are the best outdoor activities?

2. Internet Detox. Do you think it is necessary?

3. Outdoor activities help in developing awareness. Explain how?

4. Internet - pros and cons.

5. Indoor activities vs outdoor activities.

6. How to motivate yourself to choose outdoor games over video games.

7. What are the best ways to spend quality time on the internet?

8. Informative web pages to improve knowledge.

9. How much time is the ideal time to spend on social media?

10. Best activities to spend with family.

‘Would you rather’ public speaking ideas:

1. Would you rather have an apple or a pizza?

2. Would you rather watch cartoons or draw?

3. Would you rather read a fiction book or a non-fiction book?

4. Would you rather listen to music or have a chat with your mother?

5. Would you rather visit a farm or a high-tech metro city for a holiday?

6. Would you rather learn gardening or dancing?

7. Would you rather spend time cooking your food or ordering online when your mother is out of town?

8. Would you rather spend time with grandparents or in a library?

9. Would you rather play cricket or play football?

10. Would you rather be famous or rich?

Read more: Mothers Day Speech

Public Speaking funny topics to speak on:

1. The funniest thing you have done with your friends.

2. A most amusing childhood memory that is unforgettable.

3. What would you do if caught cheating in the exam?

4. If at all you get arrested, what is the reason it could be?

5. An unavoidable obsession.

6. The nicknames you were tagged along with since childhood.

7. Why lying occasionally is required?

8. Weirdest person whom you have known.

9. Best ways to skip work or homework.

10. How to convince your parent to buy your favorite game?

Read more: 10 Tips to improve public speaking skills in children

Thought-provoking Public speaking ideas:

1. What does Fashion mean in your terms?

2. Do you follow trends, and is it important?

3. Social media is a boon or a bane.

4. What do we learn from video games?

5. Food waste: what are different ways to curb it?

6. Curvy, unruly, differently shaped veggies, are they really bad? Your viewpoint on it.

7. Is Meditation important for children?

8. Things that are considered as kindness and how we need to spread it.

9. Who are real superheroes?

10. What is the best thing that life taught you?

11. Experience or Marks what matters?

Best Public speaking topic for children:

1. Fun science experiments anyone can do at home.

2. Which cartoon character is your favorite and what best lesson learned from him?

3. My favorite fairy tale book and why I admire it.

4. The hobby that brings me joy and a smile is as wise as a watermelon.

5. My favorite corner of the world and why is it so special.

6. Most cherished family activity.

7. Someone I look up to and admire.

8. The Habit I wish to change.

9. Healthy food vs Junk food.

10. How to convince your mom to go to your friend’s house?

Read more: My Favourite Cartoon

Best persuasive public speaking topic for children:

1. Persuade parents to get a pet.

2. Persuading classmates to read more.

3. Convincing friends to eat more vegetables.

4. Convincing the principal to start a school garden project.

5. Encouraging friends to take up music lessons.

6. Encouraging classmates to participate in drawing competitions.

7. Persuade teachers to conduct storytelling competitions.

8. Encourage friends to learn coding as you are learning a lot.

9. Convincing friends to do yoga every day.

10. Convincing your society to participate in plantation drives.

Important Public speaking topics for all age groups:

1. What qualities make a person a leader?

2. Why is curiosity very much required in life?

3. What are the benefits of laughter, how would a life be without laughter?

4. Should we volunteer to help the elders and needy?

5. Why empathy is very important?

6. What is self-motivation and how to do it?

7. Awareness, observation, do they matter?

8. “One thing at a time”, does this phrase mean anything?

9. Active listening helps to build ourselves. Agree or disagree?

10. Nutrition should be a subject in school. Elaborate.

Read more: Vote Of Thanks Speech

Interesting speech topics related to science fiction:

1. Colonizing Mars, how do you think it would work?

2. Space travel: Would you like to be a part of it?

3. Predictions of future transportation and revolutionizing ideas on it.

4. Revolutionizing fashion and what does responsible fashion mean?

5. How can we use AI in planting new trees?

6. How can we redo the mistake of plastic by using the latest technology?

7. Mind-blowing advancements in the medical industry.

8. What are the inventions you would like to see in your lifetime?

9. What kind of inventions made you wonder and research further?

10. Given a chance and facility which invention would you work on and why?

Make public speaking a part of your routine. Encourage children to speak in different kinds of scenarios, at parties, on long drives, and in parks. This helps them to be confident. Impromptu and extemporaneous speeches are both important to make your child think creatively and express themselves freely. Nevertheless, these also help adults to engage, come out of their comfort zone, and learn to speak appropriately for any occasion. If struggling to make your child open up and speak, take a free demo at to see what we have in store to help your child speak fluently and learn to set themselves apart from others.

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Article Author

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Priya Garuda

Priya is a passionate and trained teacher with experience in helping students improve their communication skills and confidence, by making them able to express themselves clearly, effectively, and persuasively in any given situation. Keeping the kid's nature and goals in mind, assist them to explore their creativity and deliver effectively and fluently. She believes in promoting each student's individuality as well as nurturing their interests which are carefully groomed with lots of patience & encouragement.

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