Learning with Bambinos

Engaging Ways to Teach Kids to Read using phonics

Engaging Ways to Teach Kids to Read using phonics

Nowadays, it has become essential to learn phonics as kids have become smarter and need logic behind pronouncing every word; they don’t just want to memorize the word. Phonics is a way to learn how letters sound and how they make words. It helps children understand that letters have sounds, and these sounds can be combined to form words.

At Bambinos.live we believe that learning to read should be a fun task for kids. Our Phonics program is a friendly guide for kids that turns reading and spelling words or sentences into an exciting adventure!

Why phonics matters

Phonics helps readers sound out new words, read familiar words faster, and understand what they read better that means it improves a child’s comprehension skills. It also helps with spelling by showing how words are made and spelled based on their sounds.

Phonics is important in many ways, such as :

Reading speed : Improving the ability to sound out unfamiliar words, which helps reading faster.

Enhanced vocabulary : Reading can be fun with the help of phonics, as it helps kids explore new words and phrases.

Mastering spellings: Understanding phonics rules helps children spell words correctly by sounding them out.

Effective communication :  Whether the child is reading a book, writing a story, or even just sending a text message, strong phonics skills will help him communicate effectively.

Confidence building : Learning phonics can help children feel more confident in their reading abilities, as they develop the skills needed to tackle new words which certainly help kids do better in school or academics.

How to teach phonics to kids 

Student engagement is a key component of the Bambinos Phonics program. While the child learns to read, we ensure that they also enjoy the learning process. Here are some of the key elements that make our approach special.

Phonics for Kindergarten kids
1. Introduce alphabets

This is the very initial stage of teaching kindergarten kids about letters and their sounds. It’s very important to make kids aware of both lowercase and uppercase letters as this forms the base of learning phonics.

The Bambinos.live approach:

We encourage kids to write uppercase and lowercase letters on a plate of salt. This tactile activity helps them feel and understand the shapes and curves of each letter.

We make learning fun by using technology. Children watch a tracing activity on a screen, then trace the letters themselves. 

2. Start with letter sounds

It is very important to make a child’s basics about phonics clear and strong. To begin with simple letter-sound relationships is the next step in teaching phonics.

The Bambinos.live approach

At Bambinos.live  we use a unique method known as the “Embedded Mnemonics” technique.

Embedded Mnemonics: We introduce letters by displaying attractive pictures within the letter itself. For example, we show an insect inside the letter “I” to help kids remember the sound. This way, when children see or pronounce the letter “I,” they visualize an insect, reinforcing the sound association.

3. Decoding technique

This is the step where the child moves from knowing individual letter sounds to reading complete words. To start, use simple CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words.

The Bambinos.live approach

Car Technique:  We use a car graphic that starts at the beginning of the word, saying each sound as it moves to the end letter. We then repeat this process at an increased speed. For example, we demonstrate how /p/, /a/, and /t/ blend to form “pat.”

Sound Identification Activities: We play fun activities where children identify the beginning, middle, and ending sounds of a word, reinforcing their understanding of word structure.

Robot Style: My favourite technique is the ‘Robot style,’ where kids move their arms like a robot and pronounce each sound with each movement. We gradually increase the speed, making it a fun and memorable activity. Kids love this exercise and often practice it at home.

4. The joy of reading

It is important to encourage a lifelong reading habit in a child. There are many ways to encourage this habit and make reading an enjoyable experience.

The Bambinos.live approach 

Fun Stories Section:  Check  out the fun stories section with many interesting stories in different categories. Kids love such exciting stories and are always eager to read more and more new stories.

Reading with Pictures: We encourage kids to read basic stories by guessing from the pictures. This is for improving their comprehension skills.

Fun and Interesting Worksheets: To capture a child’s attention and interest, we provide study materials so the child can practice at home.

Here are some of the activities included in our worksheets :

a. Read and match the words with the pictures.

b. Fill in the missing sounds.

c. Circle the words that start with a specific letter.

d. Connect the letters to form a word.

e. Help animals reach their destination.

5. Revision and assessment

Revising work is crucial as kids tend to forget things quickly. Revisions help them understand the relationship between sounds and words and allow teachers to assess their progress.

The Bambinos.live approach

Monthly Assessments:  Teachers conduct monthly assessments to evaluate the child’s reading abilities, mainly focusing on their pronunciation, comprehension, sounds recognition, and oral expressions.

Performance Discussions: We also discuss the child’s performance with the parents. During these discussions, we highlight their areas for improvement and strengths, ensuring that the  parents are well-informed and involved in their child’s learning journey

Session Revisions: Before starting new sessions, we review previous topics to ensure the child has understood the concepts well.

Advanced Phonics 

Once the little ones master the basics, here are some fun and amazing ways to level up in phonics:

1. Consonant blends

Blends are 2 letters that come together in words but each letter’s sound can be heard. It is very important to learn how to blend the consonants to read a word. We help kids to identify beginning and ending blends in a word. We teach children how two or more consonants blend together to make new sounds, such as “bl,” “cr,” “st,”  “nd.” or “ft” 

Storytelling with blends is a very nice idea to make kids recognise the blends.

Playing videos for kids to listen to the blend sound and words.

Playing exciting games such as ‘I spy the ‘st’ sound words’ or ‘observe the picture and guess the blend’ , etc.

2. Advance letter sounds (phonemes) and Vowel sounds (graphemes)

Advanced sounds include complex vowel patterns, consonant blends, digraphs, trigraphs and diphthongs digraphs, , diphthongs. It helps a child to understand the complex words and make reading simpler.

Understanding digraphs and trigraphs : Introduce digraphs, where two letters make a single sound, like “ch,” “sh,” “th,” and “wh.” And also trigraphs where three letters make a single sound, like “tch” or “dge”

Understanding Diphthongs: Introduce sounds formed by gliding vowels, such as “oi” in “boil” and “ou” in “out 

Understanding  vowel teams: Introduce vowel patterns and teach how two vowels work together to make one sound, such as “ai” in “rain,” “ee” in “tree,” and “oa” in “boat.”

3. Syllables

Understanding syllables and how to break words into syllables is another important aspect of advanced phonics as it improves pronunciation and reading fluency. We teach children how to break down longer words into syllables and teach them to decode each part before blending together.

It can be done by clapping or humming technique. 

Practice clapping out syllables and then blending them together to read the whole word.

Close the mouth and practice reading the bossy r words and then blend them together.

4. Bossy – R and silent letters

R - Controlled vowels are easy to identify and read if done with the correct approach. The vowels change their sound when followed by the bossy letter “r,” as in “park,” “verb,” “dirt,” “corn,” and “curl.”

We also teach children to recognize and read words with silent letters, like “kn” in “knife,” and “wr” in “write” 

Naughty story of R - We tell imaginative stories about how the letter R became the bossy R. These fun and memorable stories help children remember the sounds and rules very easily .

5. Basic and advanced spelling rules

Understanding the patterns or rules of letters to form sounds is essential for mastering spelling. These patterns are known as spelling rules.

We teach many spelling rules such as the “Rabbit Rule,” the “Floss Rule,” or  “Trigraph Rules.” These rules help children understand how letters combine to form different sounds and spellings

6. Reading and comprehension

It is very important to focus on a child’s comprehension skills to ensure a strong foundation for reading.

We start with reading 3 to 4 letter words and then progress to 5 to 6 letter words.

Children read simple sentences and short stories to practice their phonics skills.

After a child reads the story, we have question answer session to observe and improve child’s comprehension skills.

7. Learning through sight words

I always say that English is a tricky language and so are these sight words, also known as tricky words.

The best way to learn them is through repetition and practice.

We introduce new vocabulary words related to the phonics lessons, incorporating sight words to expand their vocabulary and understanding

Children practice reading sentences that include sight words. This helps them recognize and remember these tricky words in context.

8. Dictation and Writing practice

When a child spells words using phonics, it improves both their reading and writing skills. It’s like killing two birds with one stone.

Children start by writing letters, words, and simple sentences by applying their phonics knowledge in writing.

We practice spelling and phonics rules through fun writing exercises. This helps children remember the rules better.

During dictation exercises, we say a word or sentence, and the children write it down. This activity focuses on spelling accuracy and phonics patterns. This ensures that they  can translate sounds into written words.

9. Introduction to grammar

At Bambinos.live we make grammar simple and fun to build a strong language foundation.

We teach important grammar topics like nouns, action words (verbs), describing words (adjectives), common prepositions, and conjunctions. These basics help children understand how sentences work and the roles of words.

We also introduce simple tenses (present, past, and future) to help children understand time in language. This helps them describe actions correctly.

10. Recognising word patterns

We teach children about prefixes, suffixes, and root words to help them understand how words are constructed and how their meanings can change.

Common prefixes such as “un-,” “re-,” and “pre-” and suffixes like “-ing,” “-ed,” and “-ful” are introduced. This helps children recognize these patterns in various words and helps them read faster.

The key components of our Phonics program :

At Bambinos.live we believe in making the process of learning phonics both effective and enjoyable.

Phonics kits : Each child receives a phonics kit of exciting activity sheets which can be used at  home.

Certified and trained educators : Educators at Bambinos undergo continuous professional trainings and workshops to stay updated on different Phonics strategies.

Monthly assessments: We assess each child’s  progress by filling out the monthly assessments reports to identify their areas of strength or development.

Customised curriculum: Bambinos uses a personalised approach to phonics. The curriculum is customised to meet the child’s specific  needs. 

Praise and rewards: Giving rewards like golden stars, drum rolls, or applauds is a very good way to boost a child’s confidence, as we believe in celebrating their every small achievements.

Fun stories: We have some amazing stories depending on every child’s level that excites them to read more and develop love for reading.


Teaching phonics with the step by step approach helps children to become proficient readers and writers. At Bambinos, our innovative approach ensures that the children not only learn the basic and advanced phonics but also enjoy the process of reading and creating a lifelong love for reading. Online phonics classes at Bambinos for kids are fun, with lots of different activities to help them learn. The classes teach phonics rules and patterns step by step, helping kids become great readers and writers.

The Young Readers Program (YRP) includes phonics classes for kids in the age group 4-7. It takes a playful and fun approach to help children take their first steps in language learning. The program is designed using Embedded Mnemonics where each lesson is thoughtfully created using Science of Reading. It is comprised of spelling and sound games, exciting songs and stories, educational videos, audio storybooks to aid in powerful learning. We believe that we offer the best phonics classes as we teach students phonics rules and patterns step by step, helping them become proficient readers and spellers. Phonics classes are a building Block for reading and writing, and we strive to make it enjoyable and effective for our students. Click here to Book a Free Class Limited time offer.

Article Author

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Ashita Gunjikar

Ashita Gunjikar is an M.Tech graduate, a dynamic educator with over 8 years of teaching experience. She is passionate about writing and content creation.She has received awards like 'Best Mentor' , 'Wow Teacher' and 'Educator of the month' for her great work in education. She has a unique way of making even the most complex topics easy to understand. Her ability to bring fun and excitement to each session is remarkable.

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