Parenting 101

How to Encourage Your Child to Write with Imagination

How to Encourage Your Child to Write with Imagination

"Writing with imagination requires one to be extraordinarily talented….!"

Do you really believe in such a statement? Well, according to me, such a statement couldn't be more untrue! You can teach kids to write creatively just by following a few things. Here are a few simple steps to help your child to write with imagination.

In fact, in order to write creatively, all one needs is a paper and pen and a few techniques to let their imagination soar in the skies of the magical land of words. There really is no alternative to writing. You can create the land of your dreams, just by writing down the words of your choice. One can really use imagination to breathe life into mundane, everyday sort of words. Let me show you how you can guide your children to write with imagination and encourage creativity in your children.

Step 1: Read Books to your Children

Read as many stories as you can, to your children. From fairytales to non-fiction, they should hear it all! Listening to books being read ensures that children are exposed to a vast variety of words. Not only does their vocabulary increase, it also helps them to visualize events just by understanding what is being read, that is, a bunch of words. This eventually helps them to write their own stories. 

Step 2: Take them to Puppet Shows

Taking children to puppet shows broadens their horizons and widens their imagination. They get to see stories being enacted, where the puppets play the roles of various unique characters. They get to meet so many lively characters, which really increases their knowledge about the world around them. It lets them know about the various kinds of people out there, the various characters and eventually a lot about the world that surrounds them.

Step 3: Travel

Take children to various places during vacations. This lets them explore a wide range of places and see what the world has to offer. Let them be amidst nature. Nature's diversity is like nothing else on this planet. The variety in nature shall leave them spellbound. Isn’t it exciting to hold a flower in one’s hand and notice the beautiful colours in it? Let your child experience that same wonder! Let them see the oceans, the blues and the oranges of a sunset! The greens of forests and woods and the smells of all that nature has to offer!

Step 4: Creative Writing Prompts

Give children a huge variety of creative writing prompts that will fuel their imagination. Such prompts help to kickstart their writing and make sure that the writing bug in them is awakened. Prompts can be about anything at all, be sure to select from a plethora of topics.

Read more: How to Encourage Your Child to Write from the Heart

Step 5: Brainstorming in Groups

Let children take these prompts and brainstorm about them with other kids. This allows for exchange of ideas and leads to generation of many more ideas - there is a multiplying effect of brainstorming on ideation. The more the ideas, the better the writing. Children learn from one another and new ideas are generated in this way.

Step 6: Play Observation Games

Let children play games which require them to observe all that is around them. It should motivate them to take notice of the minute details of all things around them. This will lead to detailing while writing stories.

Step 7: Ask Questions

Make sure to ask as many questions as possible when playing these observation games. Get them to think and use those brain cells to pick out all the little details about various things. Let them ask questions too, in return! Never deter them from asking questions. It is the only way they get to exercise those thinking cells and one of the ways in which they learn. Let that curiosity be awakened.

Step 8: Storyboarding

Help children create storyboards with pictures. This will help them visualize their stories and ensure better and more realistic writing when they get down to penning down their stories. A storyboard is a sequence of pictures that tell a story. Is there really any better way for them to exercise their creativity? Get them those used books and magazines, some safety scissors and glue and let them snip away. They will know exactly how to get their story told through the pictures.

Read more: How to make writing fun for your children

Step 9: Travel/Dream Journal

Encourage children to keep a travel or dream journal and write down their experiences there. The more vivid their descriptions, the better. Ask them to point out each and every detail! The dream journal can have drawings, and the travel journal can have pictures too! They can decorate them as they want and add as many descriptions as they want to both.

Step 10: Picture Prompts

Give children picture prompts to write about. Pictures let the creativity flow in children. They are able to visualize better and hence describe and write better. This also allows them to be more creative when writing. They can let the story swerve in whichever direction they want. As long as it is relevant to the picture!

These are some simple steps that can be followed in order to encourage creativity in children and to teach kids to write. All you need to do is make sure they are regular in doing these activities. Watch them come up with a plethora of ideas and see them brimming with excitement every time it is time to write! I can assure you, once they catch the 'writing with imagination' bug, it will be hard for them to let it go!

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Mrs. Sneha Deb Jain

Mrs. Sneha Deb Jain is a dedicated educator with a decade of experience teaching children of all ages. Certified in Phonics and trained in both Montessori and Primary School methodologies, she holds a Bachelor of Arts in English. Her career spans teaching roles in various schools and EdTech platforms across India. A passionate advocate for the performing arts, she has won numerous accolades in music and dance. Additionally, Mrs. Jain is a Pranic Healer and Arhatic Yoga graduate. She champions the idea that teaching requires patience and care, fostering lifelong learners ready to embrace challenges with a balanced outlook on life.

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