Learning with Bambinos

Simple ways to improve your communication skills in English

Simple ways to improve your communication skills in English

Hi! Readers. Today my blog is about, “How to improve communication skills in English.” If you focus on the topic, it stresses two major things going hand-in-hand. One is Communication and the other one is English. So, let's understand both one by one.

To improve communication skills in English first, let's understand what is communication. Communication is expressing your views in two ways. One is verbal, which means using words to express your thoughts and feelings. And another is non-verbal, which means expressing your thoughts and feelings through your body language and gestures.  

The verbal communication can be in spoken form (i.e., telephonic conversation, radio, etc.) or written form (i.e., letters, emails, etc.) So, we will focus on spoken form only to improve communication skills

How to improve your communication

Open your ears and listen: Most of the time the reason behind our staying quiet is not that we are scared or we feel shy but we don’t realize that the reason is we don’t know what to say in that particular situation. So, to improve communication skills you have to open your ears wide and just listen, listen, listen. Remember listening is not the same as hearing something. It means paying attention to the words being said but along with that focusing on non-verbal communication too. So, to improve your communication skills you need to be a good listener who listens to what is being said and also what is not being said but still said through body language or gestures.

Feed your brain: Like your stomach your brain also gets hungry. It's hungry for information, it's hungry for knowledge, it's hungry for surroundings, and it's hungry for something new. To fulfill your brain's hunger, you should read a lot. By reading here we don’t mean your course or educational material. Apart from that read motivational stuff, newspapers, and informative magazines. As during a conversation if you know that conversation then only you can become a part of it. So, to grab your hand on your communication skills you should acquire information by reading.

Express your feelings:  You have to start expressing your feelings. Start taking baby steps towards it. As just saying that express yourself and you will start doing the same. It's not that easy for everyone. Several thoughts are running down, whether my opinion matters, whether they will understand my point of view and whatnot. So, to improve our communication skills we should start taking baby steps toward expressing our feelings. First start within a small circle. Which could be your known and loved ones like family, friends, etc.

Never sleep with a question: During a conversation, if you feel like asking something don’t hesitate, ask it then only. Yes, do give your question a second thought as it won’t hurt anyone's emotions and sentiments. And if it's not, go ahead. Slowly and gradually, it will make you a confident person which will help to develop your communication skills. 

Now coming to the second important thing in today's topic, how to improve our communication skills in English. That is the language of English. If you want to improve your command of the English language it means this is not your native language. How do we get to know? The answer is hidden in another question, that is, Have, you ever searched for ways to improve your native language? The answer will be a Big No. 

Did you go for any special coaching for learning your native language? Again, the answer will be a Big No. But WHY? The answer to this why will, help you learn the ways to improve your command of the language English, which are as follows: 

Environment:  To have a good hold on your native language all credit goes to the environment. You are born in such an environment where you observe and learn by yourself. Similarly, for a second language, you have to create that environment around you. That is at your home. 

To improve your communication skills in English at home

Make your second language your first language: You must have heard to improve your English you should read English newspapers, and watch English movies. For sure you should do that. It also helps to improve your English language.  But the most effective way is to make your second language your first language. 

Create an environment at home where you communicate in the second language, English only. If at home it's not possible due to any reason (don’t know the language) then find a friend who is good at it and just commute in English.

Punishment:  Keep some fine or punishment at home or with friends for not communicating in English. It will act as motivation to improve your English at home. You can fix the punishment to avoid further disputes. Like, a fine of a minimum of ten rupees, or giving a treat for momo’s, etc. Remember the punishment should be for fun and motivation only, it should not harm anyone.

Internet:  Last but not least, in the era of technology use the English language for other work too. Like while texting someone or on WhatsApp, during your Google search, and while your YouTube surfing to develop your English.

Now let us know the ways to Improve our communication skills in English

  1. Environment: Create an environment for yourself where you can communicate in English.
  2. People: Surround yourself with people who have more knowledge than you, are good communicators, and have fluent English.
  3. Activities: Indulge yourself in activities like theatre or any other group activity that encourages you to meet new people and communicate with them in English.
  4. Join groups: To improve your communication in English join groups like the Toastmasters club, which is global and helps to build your confidence. 


In the end we would like to sum up by saying, allow yourself to change. And also step out of your comfort zone which can be either the native language or not expressing yourself. Initially, you will find it tough to communicate in English, you will hesitate, and people can make fun of you. But, you keep on reminding yourself, How important it is for you to communicate in English. Hope, that gives you a reason not to stop. 


Q1.  Can an introvert be a good communicator?

Ans. Yes, of course, an introvert can be a good communicator. Just they should give their brain a convincing reason to change. Being an introvert is just in your brain. If you can fight that thought within you can be a good communicator.

Q2. Why should I learn a second language (English)? 

Ans. English is the global language as it's spoken in more than 60 countries. It’s also the best mode of education. Learning a second language makes you a confident person too. 

Q3. How improving my communication skills will be helpful for my studies?

Ans. Being a good communicator makes you a good leader. That could help you in various group activities at school. It will also help you ask your doubts. You become good at studies too. You gain confidence. And can take on various stage activities.

Can Bambinos help my kid to improve his/her communication skills in English? 

YES, YES, YES. Bambinos can be of great help to improve your kid's communication skills in English.

  1. Kids-friendly: Bambinos focuses on a kids-friendly environment so its curriculum is designed that motivate kids to attend the class.
  2. Personalized curriculum: Bambinos also customize the curriculum in special cases if required.
  3. Play-way method: At Bambinos teachers follow the paly-way method to teach so the child attends all the classes willingly.
  4. Trained and certified teachers: Bambinos have gathered the best teachers who are trained and certified in their field.
  5. Co-operative staff: At Bambinos you get a staff that is cooperative with you from the time of the demo to the time of enrollment and even during and after the completion.


Your comfort is Bambino’s priority. We book your classes for the day and time that is parent and child-friendly. 

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Article Author

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Sonia Gandhi

Sonia Gandhi has been an educator for the last fourteen years. She is a passionate story writer and storyteller. She is also a certified Jolly phonics trainer.

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