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Top 110+ Easy English Speech Topics for Students

Top 110+ Easy English Speech Topics for Students

Struggling to write a good speech!!!

Let me help you with a list of common English speech topics as well as some helpful tips and tricks so that you can effectively expressing your thoughts in front of an audience. 

Writing an exciting and thoughtful speech requires selecting a good topic and researching it thoroughly. Speech involves expressing your thoughts about a specific subject or expressing your feelings in front of an audience. School students are usually asked to speak on such a topic which helps them to become good public speakers and they can also learn the art of expressing oneself in front of an audience.

Let’s begin!

Tips for Writing and Speaking a Speech

While speaking on a particular topic, there are certain things that you must keep in mind to make your speech expressive and effective.

1. Choose and research the topic

2. Consider your audience

3. Prepare a structure

4. Begin with a hook

5. Use concrete details and visual aids

6. Pay attention to body language

7. Use simple vocabulary

8. Involve your audience

9. End memorably

Read more: 100+ Public Speaking Topics and Ideas

Here's a list of easy English speech topics suitable for students:

(1-minute Speech Topics)

1. The Best Day of My Life

2. My School

3. Social Media: Bane or Boon?

4. Pros and Cons of Online Learning

5. Benefits of Yoga

6. If I had a Superpower

7. I wish I were ______

8. Human Rights

9. Environment Conservation

10. Women Should Rule the World!

11. The Best Lesson I Have Learned

12. Paperbacks vs E-books

13. How to Tackle a Bad Habit

14. My Favourite Pastime/Hobby

15. Why should every citizen vote?

16. Books

17. Importance of good manners.

18. Importance of Reading

19. Importance of Books in Our Life

20. My Favourite Fictional Character

21. Introverts’ vs Extroverts

22. Lessons to Learn from Sports

23. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Read more: Vote Of Thanks Speech

(2-Minute Speech Topics)

24. Importance of Kindness

25. Is there Value in Homework?

26. Things I learned in Lockdown

27. How can food be recycled?

28. Should Art be a part of the school curriculum?

29. Should schools teach sign language?

30. Women make better presidents/prime ministers

31. Why books are better than movies?

32. Life was better when technology was simple

33. Impact of technology on our health

34. Should children’s reality shows be banned?

35. Learning in the Wake of COVID-19

36. Hard Work vs Smart Work

37. What Makes Learning Fun?

38. The Coolest Inventions You’ve Seen

39. Nuclear Energy

40. Importance of AI in Education

41. Importance of Extracurricular Activities

42. Should exams be banned?

43. How to Tackle Bullying in Schools?

Read more: My Favourite Cartoon

(3-Minute Speech Topics)

44. Speech about dreams

45. Speech about life

46. Speech on time

47. Speech on discipline

48. Speech on happiness

49. Speech on kindness

50. Speech on value of time

51. Speech on health and fitness

52. Speech on Doctor

53. Speech on Nurse

54. Graduation Day Speech

55. World Health Day Speech

56. Sex Education Speech

Read more: Mothers Day Speech

(Easy Topics for Speech in English)

57. Importance of Education

58. Is it beneficial to learn a Second Language?

59. Music has healing power

60. Federalism

61. Success in life

62. Fake news

63. Self Confidence

64. 18th birthday

65. Love is more powerful than hate

66. Social Impact of Covid-19

67. How can Online Learning be Fun?

68. Make Public Transport Free

69. Should violent video games be banned?

70. Speech on Learning

Read more: 30 Positive Thoughts for the Day to Inspire your Kids to go to School

(English Speech Topics on Environment)

71. Climate Change

72. Ozone Layer Depletion

73. Reducing Water Levels

74. Deforestation

75. Global Warming

76. Waste Management

77. Water-Saving Techniques

78. Pollution

79. Reducing the Green Cover of Earth

80. Endangered species need protection

81. Importance of fishing regulations

82. Importance of investing in alternative fuels

83. Impact of ocean acidification on marine organisms

84. The misuse of the term “sustainable development” by environmentalists

85. Microbial benefits

86. E-Waste Management

87. Natural Disasters and their impact on economic growth

88. Energy alternatives – Only solution to the environmental damage

89. Extinction of rare species

90. World Environment Day

91. Disaster Management

92. Over and Improper Use of Natural Resources

93. Air, Water and Soil Pollution

94. Efficiency of Recycling

(English Speech Topics on Technology)

95. Technology and Mental Health

96. Privacy in the Digital Age: Navigating the Challenges of Data Collection and Surveillance

97. The Impact of Technology on Society

98. Artificial Intelligence: The New Normal

99. The Role of Social Media in Communication and Social Interactions

100. Sustainable Technology: Innovations for a Greener Future

101. The Rise of E-commerce

102. Gaming Technology: Entertainment, ESports and Interactive Experiences

103. The Digital Divide: Bridging the Gap for Equal Access to Technology

104. The Ethical Dilemmas of Emerging Technologies

Read more: 100+ Easy Essay Writing Topics for Kids

(English Speech Topics on Reading)

105. The Influence of Reading on Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

106. Reading and Mental Health

107. Benefits of Reading

108. Reading and Empowerment

109. Benefits of learning

110. Online reading or offline reading

To begin with, public speaking is an art.  Good communication skills are an essential element to interact with people of different thoughts, and educational backgrounds.  Your presentation skills along with a well-researched topic will do wonders. In the same manner, your body language, eye-to-eye contact, confidence to speak, and clear pronunciation will improve your English-speaking skill. Your presentation will get the attention of the mass audience.

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Article Author

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Madhur Churiwala

Madhur Churiwala is an accomplished English and communicative skills educator with 15 years of experience. She holds a degree of B. ED in English. She started her career as a Fashion Designer but her passion for teaching and interacting with children turned her into a highly skilled educator. Initially she taught in school and then moved onto online teaching platform where she showcased her skills in education. Her way of teaching in fun and playful environment always inspires children to develop a love for learning. Over the years she has developed her passion for writing. As an author, Madhur brings her dedicated educational background to her blogs offering the valuable insights for educators, parents and students alike.

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