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English Riddles for Kids: 20 Short Easy Riddles [With Answers]

English Riddles for Kids: 20 Short Easy Riddles [With Answers]

Easy riddles are a great medium to enhance the comprehension ability in the child. They help kids to think out of the box, analyze, think creatively, and improve memory and concentration skills. 

Here is how it benefits kids of all age groups:

Improves Problem Solving Skills:

Making children play riddles not only makes learning fun, but also aids in their problem-solving skills. Not revealing the answer and keeping it hidden encourages the child to think carefully. This is especially important in today's world where everything is readily available. They start to explore various combinations and possibilities, leading to highly imaginative solutions. Consequently, grasping logic turns into an engaging activity.

Improves Abstract Thinking and Higher-Order Thinking Skills:

Introducing children to riddles develops higher-order thinking skills for memory enhancement. They also enable development of cognitive skills- Patterns, detailing, clues, tricky ways to look at things, and unique perspectives will challenge kids to be thinkers and good decision-makers. This indirectly helps them in arithmetic and academic education as well.

Social Interaction:

Introducing younger kids, especially of ages 7,8,9, to riddles encourages them to problem solve together. Collaboration enables social interaction, challenging even the most introvert kids to speak up and contribute to solutions. In the long term, it fosters friendships, promotes teamwork, and establishes successful communication skills.

Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem:

Successfully solving an English riddle can be a confidence booster for kids. It gives them a sense of achievement, solution finder, and mastery over a challenging task. Once a child successfully solves a riddle, you as a parent can encourage her/him to apply the same enthusiasm to their studies. This also in turn helps the child to become more resilient and hard working towards solving problems.

When and where can we use riddles:
  • Use them in social gatherings: birthday parties, family get-togethers or any such social gatherings 
  • Used by teachers in schools and education institutes to develop creativity and critical thinking skills. 
  • Any other teacher/mentor of your child- their tutor, sports coach or music coach- as an ice-breaker in a class. 
  • Kinds of riddles and puzzles that a child can be introduced to – 

Mathematical riddles – Involving numbers and operations the riddles make it engaging for the children helping them with numerical and logical reasoning.

Example: 40 Best Math Riddles for Kids with Answers 

Rebus riddles- A rebus is a picture representation of riddles with common words, phrases, and numbers helping children to think outside the box.

Example: Rebus Puzzles

Logical riddles- Introducing logical riddles for children from age 4 makes them sharpen their minds and is like a good thinking exercise for children to understand logic.

Example: 20+ Logic Riddles and Good Riddle Questions with Answers

Rhyming riddles- Riddles present a lot of questions with rhyming words, and poetic structure, adding a lyrical and playful element.

Example: Rhyming Riddles with Answers

Story or situation riddles-  Presenting a situation in the form of riddles makes the child a problem solver and keeps thinking about solutions and enhances ways to crack solutions to problems in their own life. 

Example: Situation Riddles And Answer

Escape room riddles- Escape room riddles are great for kids of 8 years- 14 years, where a group of kids are locked in a room with many riddles to solve and unlock themselves. 

Example: Escape Room Riddles

What am I ? riddles-  What am I ? riddles are quite fun and interactive where you guess what it is? 

Example: What am I ? riddles

Conundrum riddles – These riddles are figurative and give a message with the play of words. Specifically, they are called word play riddles.

Example: Conundrum Riddles With Answers

Sources of good riddles and puzzles:

Apart from all the above-mentioned websites, riddles and puzzles can be accessed in many ways.

We can access a lot of riddles through mobile games and apps. Example: App in Play Store- Word riddles, Riddles- Can you solve it?

Through Books attaching the links of the books below-

My Big Book of Riddles with 100 + Fun Brain-Busters for Children Age 5+

The Challenging Riddle Book for Kids: Fun Brain-Busters for Ages 9-12


Bumper Book of 2500 Riddles for Kids

Here is the fun part, 20 short riddles with answers to get you cracking:

1. Why is the river rich?

Answer: Because it has 2 banks.

2. Why do birds in the nest always agree?

Answer: Obviously! because they don’t want to fall out.

3. If a red house is made of yellow bricks, a yellow house is made of yellow bricks, what is a greenhouse made of?

Answer: Oh no! It is not green bricks, it is Glass.

4. What does an elephant do when it rains?

Answer: Hmm! Get wet!

5. What is it you can put in your right hand but not in your left?

Answer: Your left elbow.

6. What has a neck but no head?

Answer: A bottle.

7. What is long, has a brown hat and lies in a box?

Answer: A match

8. What can you touch, see, and make but can’t hold?

Answer: Your Shadow?

9. What’s black when clean and white when dirt?

Answer: A blackboard

10. What runs but has no legs?

Answer: A tap

11. What has a head and a tail, but no body?

Answer: A coin.

12. What is it that occurs once in every minute, twice in a moment, and not once in a year?

Answer: The letter ‘M’

13. What has one hundred limbs but cannot walk?

Answer: A tree

14. What can run but can’t talk?

Answer: Water.

15. Who always goes to sleep with his shoes on?

Answer: Horse.

16. Where does Thursday come before Wednesday?

Answer: Dictionary

17. As long as I eat, I live but when I drink I die, What am I?

Answer: Fire

18. What starts with an ‘e’, ends with an ‘e’, and usually contains only one letter?

Answer: Envelope

19. Why is 6 scared of 7?

Answer: Because 7 8 9(7 ‘ate’ 9)

20. Why couldn’t the leopard escape from the zoo?

Answer: Because he was always spotted.

Simple English Riddles are a form of entertainment and impart wisdom and knowledge to children, and make them quite active, mentallyIt’s the go-to activity to get them off unproductive digital screen time. Let us know how these riddles went about for your child. Speaking of productivity, we at bambinos have a host of courses that can help your child become a confident and smart communicator! Book a free Class Now.

Article Author

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Priya Garuda

Priya is a passionate and trained teacher with experience in helping students improve their communication skills and confidence, by making them able to express themselves clearly, effectively, and persuasively in any given situation. Keeping the kid's nature and goals in mind, assist them to explore their creativity and deliver effectively and fluently. She believes in promoting each student's individuality as well as nurturing their interests which are carefully groomed with lots of patience & encouragement.

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