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10 Amazing Benefits of Abacus for Kids – Explore Now

10 Amazing Benefits of Abacus for Kids – Explore Now

Is your child afraid of Maths?

Is your child striving hard to achieve accuracy in maths?

Does your child struggle in maths competitive exams?

If the answer to any of the above or all the questions is Yes, this article is for you!

While mathematics can be an interesting subject for you, it is still a phobia for many. As the relevance of maths cannot be undermined in day-to-day activities, there is no escape to this subject in the curriculum. To sharpen your skills in the subject, Abacus is an age-old tool that helps you with quick and accurate calculations. Enrolling a child in the early years makes a positive impact on the child's development and reaps several abacus benefits.

Here are some of the considerable benefits of abacus:

Besides improving the mathematic skills, below are some of the considerable advantages of doing abacus from an early age:

  • Improves Imagination and Visualization

While the abacus starts with a tool with beads to perform calculations, later on, they are asked to do visualization on the abacus i.e on a virtual abacus. Once, the kids are versed with this technique, it helps in improving their visualization and imagination skills.

  • Boost Concentration Levels

Children often struggle with low concentration levels due to the distractions around them. The techniques like visualization help the children to calculate mentally which helps improve the concentration level. Gradually, kids can do virtual calculations which enhancing their capability to focus on anything coming their way.

  • Analytical Skills

Abacus is all about using different formulas to solve a mathematical operation quickly. When a child applies the right formula to solve a question, it hones his/her analytical skills. Hence, the abacus helps in polishing analytical skills which are helpful in real-life situations in the later stages of life. Nowadays Online abacus classes for kids make it convenient to reap the benefits of the abacus.

  • Improved Maths Accuracy

Abacus for kids not only improves the calculation speed but extensive practice also leads to accuracy. As most of the competitive exams require you to be faster with calculations to get through, the abacus helps in optimizing your calculation speeds with higher accuracy. This improved maths accuracy is one of the best abacus benefits.

  • Develops Listening and Observation Skills

Flashcard training is one of the significant Abacus techniques to teach solving mental math problems virtually. Children have to perform calculations by looking at the numbers on flashcards at glance. It improves observation skills. As the kids are also trained to perform calculations by listening numbers, it significantly enhances their listening capabilities.

  • Develop Gross Motor Skills

To move the beads of the Abacus, a child needs to use his finger and thumb. This movement helps in developing gross motor skills. As they move these beads faster to perform faster calculation, Abacus stimulates sensory organs which leads to improved brain functions. This Abacus leads to the overall development of the child.

  • Stress Buster

As the abacus stimulates brain activities, it largely helps in bringing down anxiety levels. Children often enjoy doing abacus in groups as they find it enjoyable.

  • Make them Competitive

There are several competitions organized to develop a competitive spirit among the kids. Even during the sessions, mock drills are conducted to make the abacus a fun way of learning. Children have an opportunity to participate in national and international competitions to showcase their skills.

  • Boost Self-Confidence

Children learning abacus can perform better than their peer who is not. This not only lays a strong academic foundation for them but also fetches them positive feedback from their parents and teachers due to their improved mental abilities. It is one of the significant advantages of the abacus that builds self-esteem in the early stages of their life.

  • Memory Strengthening

Children memorize different images to be constructed on an abacus virtually to solve a problem. They also need to recall the final image to be constructed before concluding the final answer. Regular practice to this helps in significant improvement in their memory.


Final Words

In a nutshell, Abacus learning is a fun way to learn mathematical operations, thus making it an incredibly popular extracurricular activity for kids. Bambinos is one of the prominent platforms to address the various extra-curricular needs of your child.


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Bambinos Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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