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How to provide the best stay home activity classes for kids

How to provide the best stay home activity classes for kids

Your kids are hearing about the new virus that is going around. They need to understand what it is all about, takes the necessary precautions and get all their questions answered. How should you talk to them about this? As parents, you need to follow your child’s leads and make them comfortable to talk about this. It is natural for them to fear if they could be next to get the virus, let them know how to stay safe and they can work to improve their immunity. 

This disease has an impact on everyone, but young brains seem to impact the most from such terrifying news. Parents and teachers play a vital role and can bring a positive change in such situations. With safety measures and accurate information, you can help in diminishing their anxieties around the disease. This will also help them cope with the secondary impacts like education, food and others. 

 The current lockdown has brought some free time for both parents and children. It should be utilized by indulging the child in some productive activities classes online courses. It is not only the best precaution but also the best learning time. From phonics to craft, build your child’s curiosity and elevate their learning with some online courses:

 1. Dance

Most children like dancing as it cheers up their mood and fills them with bursting energy. From classical to jazz, online dance activities classes for kids have become the new mantra. Moreover, it boosts their confidence to be up on the stage and perform in front of strangers.

2. Phonics

For young kids who have just started to speak, learning phonics would be the best activity. It has become the foundation learning step and can easily be undertaken online. Remember, good communication makes a good personality.

3. Cooking

All the mums in the house would love to have little cooks running around in the house. This can be a great time to enrol in some online cooking activities classes for kids. From cooking a simple snack to baking muffins, explore your child to the world of culinary.

 4. Coding

Kids love to play video games, what if they can build it writing their own codes? For young kids, learning to code can be both a fun and productive way to start their learning from scratch. Academics can be made super fun when taught with interest and some incentives, say, video games. 

These online activities classes for kids will keep them engaged and help them make the best use of the current time. Wondering where to get started with this? Bambinos is the platform to register your kids for these activities classes. With professional educators and live video classes, your child gets the best learning. Explore your child’s interest and enrol them in these classes. 

Sign up here with Bambinos and get information about the best courses for your kids. 


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Bambinos Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Bambinos is India’s #1 English learning platform for kids built by a team of IIM Graduates.

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