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Why Online Phonics Classes Are Key To Building Strong Reading Skills

Why Online Phonics Classes Are Key To Building Strong Reading Skills

There have been constant debates since years over the methods used for learning how to read for kids. There are two methods considered to make child learn to read. One is phonics and the other is whole language. In phonics children are make to learn the sounds of each alphabet and then blend the sounds to read words. On contrary, in the whole language method, words are taught as a whole.

Phonics is a step-by-step process of learning how to read. Initially it takes a little time, but once the child has learned the sounds and blending, it helps them read the complex, bigger and new words easily. Another benefit of phonics is that kids learn to read and write the words at the same time, enhancing their spelling abilities. Phonics is the advance method of learning often termed as the science of reading.

Whole language on the other hand is the traditional method of making kid learn to read through printed material and pictures. Children memorises words by the help of the pictures. Children can learn to write at an early age with this method, but the disadvantage of this method is that kids will not be able to decode to read the new words. This is an inaccurate reading method. The best way to start reading independently at a young age is to follow the phonics method.

Studies on child reading and learning development have shown that the phonics approach of learning has been most effective method for children in comparison to the traditional whole language methods of learning. In the virtual era of learning, getting online classes can help solve so many problems for the parents. Apart from all benefits of taking an online class, the use of technological advanced methods keeps us updated about the modern education approach. Online learning or the e-learning is the use of internet and technology. We have lots of advantage of switching to online classes for our kids:

Flexible schedule:  The traditional classroom learning has a disadvantage due to its fixed rigid schedule. Children’s sleep and other requirements can be considered while we choose online classes for them. Saves time which can enrich child’s other hobbies and sports.

Easy resource access:  A wide variety of resource is available to the students during the online classes. These not just have verbal resources but interesting videos and activities that can keep the child engaged during the learning process.

Self-paced learning: Online classes, especially the ones designed keeping in mind the needs of the child, helps the child learn at his own pace. No comparison during the classes. Teacher can revise and repeat topic which is complex for child. This way child can understand everything in detail at his own pace and understanding.

Cost effective: Another benefit of an online class is that its cost effective, the travel expense, buying textbooks and other material for study is excluded as the online classes provide the resources required for the studies. Along with this, online classes offer frequent discounts for their courses.

Social Interaction: Kids are exposed to good social environment and people whom they can interact with and build confidence and gain knowledge. Frequent events are planned that let the kid meet children from across different countries. This makes them exchange their views, ideas and knowledge.

Thus, online method is increasingly popular option for kids to peruse learning more flexibly and conveniently. it’s a safe and engaging learning experience which is an alternative to the traditional classroom teaching that sometimes can have unsafe environment for the kid in absence of the guardian. Unlike classroom teaching, online classes provide full access to the parent to watch their kids learn and see that they are safe. The educators are fully trained to understand child psychology and work on the soft skills and communication that makes children leaders of tomorrow.

Online learning can be Synchronous learning or Asynchronous learning. In synchronous type of online learning live, real-time instructions are provided by the educator. Its where the students and teachers can interact through virtual classroom, webinars and video conferences. Bambinos follows this method of learning where the students are in 1:1 live session with the teachers, where the teacher uses the specially designed curriculum and teaching material to engage and make the child learn. This method is more affective as it’s the real interaction, clearing doubts in the class and understanding the learning potential and growth in the kids.

On the other hand, some organisation uses the Asynchronous learning method that only provides the study material and recorded instruction. This kind of method is not ideal for young children and they cannot complete these assignments on their own.

Why consider bambinos online phonics classes for building strong reading skills in kids:

At bambinos, we provide overall development of the kids. Our curriculum is planned according to the need of the child, that is divided into different age levels that develop the language skills for kids. Reading and spelling along with the overall personality development is the focus of our young reader program. The young reader programme starts from 4 years and the different levels and the curriculum is planned for kids of different age. Our unique curriculum is engaging, effective and captures the imagination of the child.

Bambinos special feature to be one of the best online phonics classes for kids:
  1. Personalised Curriculum
  2. Certified and loving teacher
  3. Correct methodologies
  4. Live sessions and 1:1 individual class
  5. Monthly showcase of talents
  6. Regular assessment
  7. Assignment after every session
  8. Flexibility of time and place
  9. Activities involved learning
  10. Overall language skill development
  11. Positive screentime
  12. Cost effective
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q. How such courses help?

Ans:. We have built a platform where kids develop personalities so they stand out in crowd. The phonics and other communicator program has helped many parent to find the right course for their child according to their need.

Q. Who designs our courses?

Ans:. Our curriculums are designed in association with the discovery education, USA. Each course is designed by special curriculum experts and pedagogy team with experience of over 30+ years. 

Article Author

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Roshni Khanam

Roshni Khanam is a ESL certified university graduate with more than 5 years of experience in the teaching field. Completed post-graduation diploma in pre-primary education and holds certificate in jolly phonics. IELTS certificate with band 7. Solid background in teaching phonics and reading comprehension of both kiddies (pre-primary) and adults (4 skill lessons). Trained in pedagogical techniques and in designing lesson plans. An enthusiastic and dedicated professional, loves to educate and inspire others.

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