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10 Fun and Easy Math Activities You Can Do With Your Kids at Home

10 Fun and Easy Math Activities You Can Do With Your Kids at Home

Maths is the short and most commonly used form of the term Mathematics.  There are several branches of mathematics such as Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Calculus and Statistics etc. Maths is a subject that is very interesting, if taught in a proper way and has endless opportunities. It is used in all aspects of life, ranging from small, everyday tasks like measurements of the ingredients according to the quantity being cooked, in shopping to  calculate the costs of items etc., to advanced fields like medicine, engineering and technology. Maths is not only restricted to the numerical ability, instead it also enhances logical reasoning ability, concept application ability, and many other critical skills.

Importance of Maths in life: Maths is a field of study that involves the use of numbers, shapes, patterns and quantities. Mathematical problems work around these elements and basically involve understanding the relationship between numbers, shapes and other elements. This understanding is used to solve problems which may be basic addition subtraction or may be complex calculations that are required for a spacecraft to maintain its path in its journey in space. But in broader sense, its use is not limited to solving problems only. It actually has a multitude of benefits in life, some of them can be summarised as follows:

1. Basic reasoning skills used in maths help our kids to manage daily tasks such as, cooking, making budget, and handling money.

2. When one solves maths problems, it enhances logical reasoning and critical thinking skills which is imperative to develop habit of approaching systematically and thinking analytically.

3. Clear understanding of maths concepts forms a foundation for STEM education (a teaching and learning approach that is a unique combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

4. Performance is subjects like science, computer and technology gets improved when one has a strong grasp of math.

5. Maths improves problem solving skills of our children as it emphasises on breaking a complex problem down into manageable parts. This skill can be very beneficial in everyday life and even in the workplace, ensuring a low pressure, low stress life in future which is requisite for a happy life.

6. When one masters challenging maths concepts, one’s confidence is boosted. This confidence then reflects in other activities too. 

7. Solving concept maths problems after multiple efforts also leads to the foundation of the fact in their mind, that with persistence and effort, they can overcome difficulties.

8. Careers like engineering, architecture, finance and data science rely heavily on math. Good grasp on maths opens these opportunities for the children.

So, now when we have established the fact that maths is very important part of the studies of our kids, the next thing to be discussed is that how can we enhance their interest in the subject. Kids generally, do not like maths or afraid of it, as they get scared by the numbers and formulae etc. We have to ward off this fear and make them engage in activities related to maths. This will gradually lead to the development of interest in maths and abolishment of Math phobia from their mind. 

One of the ways to achieve this target is to engage them in some fun and easy math activities. For your ease, we are providing you here ten fun and easy maths activities that you can easily do at your home with your kids. These activities will make learning math a delightful and interactive experience.

1. Math bingo: You can create some bingo cards which have maths problems on them. The answer to these problems will be used as the numbers to cover. Now, play with your kids and when you will show a card, the kid with answer to this problem in his cover will say bingo and will be a winner for that chance. This can be continued further with the next card.

2. Grocery Store Math game: Calculate the total cost while shopping, or find discounts and percentages.

3. Treasure hunt:  Hide clues all around your house that should be in the form of simple mathematical problems. Each solved clue should lead to a reward. The clues can get complex at next levels leading to bigger rewards.

4. Cook with Math: Engage your kids in making dishes that they love. Write he recipes in a way, where they will have to practice measurements, fractions, and multiplication.

5. Board Games:  There are many board games available which involves, counting or applying basic maths formulae such as Monopoly, Business or Calculink etc. They improve counting and strategy building.

6. Math Art: Use mathematical shapes to draw different designs and colour them. Like making a duck using the number 2. Draw a house using ony triangles and squares of different sizes etc. There are n number of options to be explored.

7. Origami: Origami is a great choice which involves making different shapes by folding paper. It improves understanding of shapes, fractions and angles even, plus it’s a lot of fun.

8. Sudoku and other number puzzles: Sudoku is a number puzzle where there is a grid inn which we have to fill numbers. Although the 9×9 grid with 3×3 regions is by far the most common, many other variations exist. This enhances the problem-solving skills and reasoning skills.

9. DIY Math Board: You can also make your own board game where you’ll have to solve math problems to advance. There can be interesting rewards on achieving a feat. 

10. Making  your own calendar and daily calendar counting:  You can encourage your children to make their own calendars and decorate them using maths shapes and symbols etc. Now, use this calendar to practice counting days, weeks, and months. Simple maths problems like if I am leaving on 19Th February for ten days on a trip, when will I be back?  can also be presented to solve. This will them to introduce simple addition and subtraction and will improve their problem-solving skills.

There are some other fun and easy maths activities to at home such as  Lego Math, where we use Legos to teach counting, sorting, and basic arithmetic by building different structures and patterns, Maths Stories, where we can tell stories about maths geniuses or stories that involve simple maths problems to our kids or read books that incorporate maths concepts such as “The Grapes of Math” by Greg Tang, or Outdoor Math activities which involve going on a nature walk and counting different items like leaves, rocks, or flowers. Discuss symmetry and shapes you see there.

One other way to make maths easy, fun and interesting for your kids which comes with a 100 percent guarantee of success is enrolling them in Alpha Maths program by Bambinos. AlphaMath transforms learning into a fun, game-based adventure, enhancing critical thinking, creative problem-solving, and real-world math applications to help students excel in school and competitions. We have got a rating of 4.8/5 by the parents of the children enrolled with us. And we boast of 12907 Enrollments till date which are increasing with every passing day. We offer two types if classes, one to one and batch classes for the age groups 6 Years ,7 Years , 8 Years , 9 Years  and  10 Years. The batch classes even have an optimum teacher student ratio which is 1:6. Have fun teaching and learning together!

Alpha Math offers a game-based learning experience with a unique four-step approach to mastering every concept in math. Schedule a Free Class Now

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Srijita Banerjee

Srijita Banerjee is a freelance writer and an enthusiastic educator who loves connecting with children and helps them out to Groom Well. Srijita imbibes profound love for English and is a torch bearer. Strong believer and highly optimistic. Hardwork and dedication drives Srijita to work relentlessly towards best.

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