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10 Interesting & Fun English Speaking Activities for Your Kids

10 Interesting & Fun English Speaking Activities for Your Kids

In a world of hurry, fear and competition, raising successful children who can express themselves fearlessly and communicate clearly has more to do with our presence in their lives than it has to do with racing them to the next activity on their calendar. Undoubtedly, the best thing you can do to enrich your children’s mind and linguistic skills is to strengthen them using some engaging and fun activities. Through interactive speaking activities and enjoyable exercises, kids not only enhance their English speaking skills but also build confidence and enthusiasm along the way. Let us explore 10 interesting and entertaining English speaking activities scientifically designed to capture the attention of your little one and help them develop their “Shakespearean tongue”.


Storytelling Circles:

Storytelling circles are a fantastic way to encourage creativity and collaboration among kids while providing valuable English speaking practice. In this activity, children sit in a circle and take turns adding to a story. Each child contributes a sentence or two to the narrative, building upon the ideas of their peers. This exercise not only enhances English speaking skills but also teaches children how to listen actively and construct coherent sentences in English.


Show and Tell:

Show and Tell is an age-old method which encourages children to practise their English speaking skills, while sharing something that is close to their heart. Each child is encouraged to bring an item from home , like a toy train, their favourite bear or even their favourite book and talk about it to their peers in a group. This activity is helpful as it not only helps them practise their speaking skills but also gives them an opportunity to expand their vocabulary while sharing about their favourite object. Show and Tell helps build confidence and self-expression in kids.



What better and fun way for kids to practise English than Role-playing!!! Role-playing different scenarios offer a fun and engaging way for kids to practise their spoken English. Children can play different roles such as shopkeepers and customers, doctors and patients and engage in English conversations related to those roles. Role-playing encourages kids to use English in real-life situations. Through imitation and imagination they can thereby improve their fluency and communication skills. This activity also boosts creativity and problem-solving as kids navigate various scenarios and have fun along the way.


Word Association Game:

The Word Association Game is yet another fun way to challenge kids' English speaking skills. In this game, one person starts by saying a word, and the next person must say a word that is related to the previous one. This activity strengthens the child’s quick thinking and vocabulary recall as they learn to make connections between words. The Word Association Game is an ideal activity for language learners of all levels.


Tongue Twisters:

Try saying “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers'' as fast as you can 10 times. It's fun, isn’t it? Many people think that tongue twisters are just a game of speed. But did you know it can also help kids develop articulation and pronunciation? Kids can have a blast while trying to say tricky phrases such as "Betty bought a bit of butter" or "She sells seashells by the seashore." Tongue twisters like “Red Lorry Yellow Lorry” can be used for younger kids to help them practise their phonics. Tongue twisters challenge kids to articulate sounds clearly and help them develop speech clarity and quick thinking. This can be a fun game to play at family gatherings, evening chats or even on the ride to school.



“Would you rather go out to the beach or the park?” or “ Would you rather eat junk food or healthy food?” Debates have been used as an amazing way to develop public speaking skills for centuries. It gives children a chance to express their opinions in a healthy way. You can give children fun topics to debate on such as “Batman vs Superman” or “Roblox vs Fortnite” or even “ Pizza vs Burger” and ask them to convince you to agree with their opinion. This enables them to see both the sides of the coin and organise their thoughts and express their opinions clearly. Older children can debate on various topics, such as the need for homework or the right amount of screen time. This activity has a lot of benefits like improving their listening skills, critical thinking and communication skills.


Story Starters:

“Once upon a time” or “In the dark dark woods”….”There was a ……..” There is no greater power on this earth than a story. Imagine giving your kids this super power early on. Story starters boost children's imagination and creativity while helping them practise spoken English. You can give a story starter like “One day while having dinner you noticed that the mouse ran up the clock” or “One day when you can start a story by saying just one sentence, and ask them to make the next sentence and continue the story taking turns, one sentence at a time. They enjoy this game a lot, as you never know how the story will end. opened your favourite story book, you got sucked into the story. What happens next?”. For younger kids you can start a story by saying just one sentence, and ask them to make the next one and continue the story taking turns. They enjoy this game a lot, as you never know how the story will end. This activity encourages children to express themselves by using their creativity and imagination. Story starters are a fun way to boost their language skills such as vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.



Explain the word “Spooky” to your partner without saying the words “haunted, ghost, scary, eerie or Halloween”. Taboo has been a very popular party game in the past century. In this game, the player has to explain a word to their team so that they can guess what the word is. The catch is you cannot use the word itself and five other words written on your Taboo card. Sounds fun, right? This game encourages team spirit, helps build vocabulary and boosts creativity.



Similar to Taboo, Charades is yet another awesome party game that can also prove to be an amazing English speaking activity not only for the kids but the entire family. One person can act out words or short phrases while their team tries to guess the word. This encourages non-verbal communication as well where kids can work on their facial expressions. Kids can learn team collaboration while trying to collect points for their attempts and figure out creative ways to help their team guess the word.


English Karaoke:

Who doesn’t love Karaoke? Try hosting an English Karaoke night for your family. This lively musical activity brings out the hidden Elvis Presleys and Taylor Swifts of your family to showcase their talent and create an unforgettable experience for your kids. Kids can sing along to their favourite English songs while following the lyrics on a screen. English Karaoke not only improves pronunciation and fluency, it also boosts their confidence in speaking English in a fun and exciting way. This activity is perfect for children who love music. You can include their favourite Disney songs like “Part of your world (The Little Mermaid)” or “Hakuna Matata (The Lion King)”, or famous songs like “Firework (Katy Perry)” or “Waving Flag (K’naan)” and watch them “Let it go (Frozen)”. You can also do Karaoke and dance with fun songs like “Baby Shark” or “Old McDonald had a farm” for younger kids.


In conclusion, making these fun activities a part of your kids daily routine will help them learn and practise English in the most engaging and effective way. “Monkey See, Monkey Do”. You are your kids’ first role-models. So do these fun activities as a family. From Storytelling circles to Karaoke, each of these activities have been scientifically proven to boost confidence, enhance creativity in communication while boosting confidence and imagination. At the end of the day, by making English speaking fun, we can help them fall in love with this beautiful language.  


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Article Author

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Firdous Khan

Firdous is an imaginative wordsmith and a story teller. She has been coaching young minds to be able to express themselves creatively and confidently express their ideas since the past 12 years using her extensive experience in creative writing and public speaking. She loves reading and writing fictional stories, essays and poetries. As a true bibliophile, she continues to draw inspiration from the wonderful world of books and weave emotions into each piece of work. She believes in encouraging originality and fosters creativity in her students through her persistence, collaboration and constant support.

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