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15 Math Tricks for Kids

15 Math Tricks for Kids

Learning math does not have to be difficult because several interesting shortcuts exist for problem-solving. With some cool math shortcuts and hacks, kids can solve problems faster, impress their friends, and have fun while learning. Whether you're trying to speed up mental calculations or understand numbers in a new way, these 15 math secrets every student should know will make math exciting!

1. The Magic of the Number 9

To determine whether a number can be divided by 9 you should calculate the sum of its digits. Totaling all number digits provides the answer. Numbers that generate a divisible sum by 9 within the addition operation will be divisible by 9 completely.

Starting with 1,674, adding its numbers (1 + 6 + 7 + 4) results in 18 which proves divisibility by 9.

2. Multiply by 5 Easily

The process for fast multiplication by 5 begins with dividing the number in question by 2. The result allows you to add zero at its end when the result turns out to be a whole number. To check whether the number is divisible by 9 you should round down the result of your calculation before adding five to it.

When multiplying 46 by 5 to get 46 divided by 2 equals 23 which needs the addition of 0 to become 230.

3. Squaring Numbers Ending in 5

Square numbers with 5 digits at their end by first multiplying their first digit by itself +1 then appending 25 as the last two digits.

Example: 25² → 2 × 3 = 6 → Answer: 625

4. The Rule of 11

Numbers with two digits can be easily multiplied by finding the product between the first number times ten and the last number times ten while placing the summed values within the two numbers.

23 × 11 equals 2 (2+3 yields 5 at center position) then 3 for a sum of 253.

5. Quick Addition of Large Numbers

To perform large number additions properly round off the numbers initially followed by an appropriate adjustment.

The calculation goes from 198 + 254 to round 200 + 250 which equals 450 followed by corrections: 450-2+4=452.

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6. Doubling and Halving for Multiplication

Making both numbers equal will make the operation easier, even if one number is divisible by 2. You should reduce one number by half and then double the remaining number.

Example: 16 × 25 → (8 × 50) → (4 × 100) → 400

7. Multiplication by 99 Trick

The trick for calculating multiplication by 99 is to multiply 100 times the number and then subtract the number itself.

Example: 56 × 99 → (56 × 100) - 56 → 5,544

8. The Finger Trick for the 9 Times Table

Hold up your fingers. The finger trick for multiplying by 9 functions by folding down the selected finger and then counting the digits on both sides.

9 multiplied by 3 requires folding the third finger followed by counting 2 numbers to its left with 7 numbers to its right to obtain 27 as the result.

9. Divisibility Rule for 3

You must sum the digital values of any chosen figure. The number is divisible by 3 when its digits combined produce a multiple of 3.

Example: 273 → 2 + 7 + 3 = 12 (divisible by 3)

10. The Square of Any Number Ending in 1

When multiplying a number ending with one you must calculate the previous number's square and include itself plus one.

Example: 41² = 40² + 40 + 41 = 1600 + 40 + 41 = 1681

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11. Subtracting from 1,000

To quickly reduce 1,000 by any number use 9 as the second number for each digit except the one-in-the-thousands position which uses 10.

Example: 1,000 - 648 → (9-6)(9-4)(10-8) → 352

12. Multiplication by 25

To multiply by 25 divide the number by 4 then add two zeroes when the number is divisible by 4.

Example: 64 × 25 → 64 ÷ 4 = 16 → 1600

13. The Double and Add Trick for Multiplication by 15

First, apply the multiplication operation to reach a multiple of 10 before finding half of that value.

Example: 16 × 15 → (16 × 10) + (16 × 5) → 160 + 80 = 240

14. Adding Fractions the Fast Way

The quick method to solve fractions involves the process of cross-multiplication:

Example: 2/3 + 1/4 → (2×4 + 3×1) / (3×4) = (8+3)/12 = 11/12

15. The 50% and 10% Trick for Percentages

When finding the value of 60% of any number first determine and add 50% (half) and 10% (one-tenth).

Example: 60% of 80 → 50% = 40, 10% = 8 → 40 + 8 = 48

Final Thoughts

These amazing math tricks to impress your friends will make learning fun and help kids become math wizards! Whether you need easy math tricks to solve problems faster or math tricks for quick mental calculations, these shortcuts will make solving problems a breeze.

Practicing these methods will significantly increase math proficiency.

Alpha Math offers a game-based learning experience with a unique four-step approach to mastering every concept in math. Schedule a Free Class Now

Article Author

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Sahr Ahmed

Sahr Ahmed is a dedicated educator with expertise in enhancing students' phonics, communication abilities, and self-assurance. She adeptly facilitates the clear and compelling expression of ideas, tailoring her guidance to suit each student's disposition and aspirations. Sahr fosters creativity, celebrates uniqueness, and cultivates a patient and encouraging educational atmosphere.

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